I �
<br /> �$-� 001779
<br /> For the purpose of clearing title and for the_ purposc� of l
<br /> severing Lot Three (3) of Jac}: Voss Horse Countr_ycluh Subdivisic�n,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska, from the o:aners�i.p and obli9ations of
<br /> the aommon areas, including barn, in tYie. Jack. Voss Iiorse Countryclub
<br /> Subdivision and the Jack Voss Fiorsc Countryclub Seconcl Suhdivi�ion,
<br /> ERICK SCH[d�1RTZ and DON*IA SCH:JA12T2, husband and �•�ife, bein9 the
<br /> present o�mess of Lot Three (3) of JacY. Voss Horse Countryclub
<br /> Subdivision, F�all County, Ne2-�ras}:a, for themselves and for all
<br /> others hereafter claiminy throug?z them or their gra±tte�s as
<br /> a subsequent o�mer of th� said Lot Thres (3} do hereby quitclaim,
<br /> grant, bargain, sell and convey unto JACY. VOSS all of their
<br /> right, title, clairn and interest in and to all of the JacY. Voss
<br /> Fior.se Countr_yclub Subdivision and the Jack_ �Joss fiorse Countryclub
<br /> Second Subdivision, except that part thereoF known as I.ot Thz^e
<br /> (3) of the Jack Voss Horse Countryclub Subdivision, Grand Tsland,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraslca.
<br /> =t is the intention of this Deed that grantors her�by sever
<br /> the aforesaid Lo-t Three (3) from the cor.unon areas of the JacY.
<br /> Voss Horse Countryclub Subdivision and the JacY. Voss FIorse Country-
<br /> club Second Subdivision, it being specifically understood and
<br /> agreed that the grantors and aZl persons claiining through them
<br /> and all af their grantees of Lot Three (3) slzall not as grantee
<br /> of Lot Three (3) acquire any interest of any kind in or to the
<br /> common area or barn originally estzhlished in those two subdivisions.
<br /> �� ' �. � � �
<br /> =t is further understood and agreed that as consi3eration
<br /> for this Deed, Jac3s Voss agrees that the subsequent owners of
<br /> Lot Three (3) Jack Voss FIorse Countryclub Su}xlivision, shall
<br /> . have no ownership in the said common areas and shall have none =
<br /> of the benefits from and none of the obligations imposed by
<br /> the Jack Voss IIorse Countryclub Subdivision Rules & Protectiv�
<br /> Covenants for Condominium recorded in Boo}k 23, Page 613 in the ;
<br /> offic� of the Register of Deeds o£ Hall County, Nebraska or
<br /> in Jack Voss Florse Countryclub Subdivision Rules & Covenants
<br /> to run with the 2and recorded in DooY. 24, Page 593 in the o£fice
<br /> of the Register of Deeds of FIall Countv, Nebraska or in Jac}:
<br /> Voss Horse Countryclub Secpnd Subdivision Rules & Covenants
<br /> to run with the land recorded in AooY. 24, Page 595 in the office
<br /> of the Register af Deeds o� Hall County, i7ebraska.
<br /> �ZN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Deed has been executed on this
<br /> �� day o£ ?�lay, 1977.
<br /> STAMP TAX �P�, L•'ricY. chwartz - �
<br /> r�ar� s o �s�s ,�P .�!;
<br /> �,,��[�.c�_� ty`�`' �••�'�� .`r- - . ,_.;..c-`=Z�--_
<br /> $£.G�sf�-BY_�� ,�Q.'��' onna Schwartz �_
<br /> 5
<br /> _ (ss: ;
<br /> Sefore me, a Notary Public quali£ied for said count,y, person-
<br /> • ally came EricY. Schwartz and Donna Schwaztz, husband and wife,
<br /> known to me to be the identical persons who signed the foregoing
<br /> instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their "
<br /> voluntary aC�t and deed. _ _ -�
<br /> i�Titness my hand a • ' ea1 on May, 1977. � y ,
<br /> . � . . BILLY D.CRAPSON � �
<br /> .. .. GENERAL NOTARY, . t.�>� '',.".
<br /> .. . .. . . . S�E�A.L�. �
<br /> � � � � STATE OF � �,
<br /> Comrruss n 6�j p publi .,� `
<br /> � � � � OetoDer.5.1980 � � *�'
<br /> . .. . . . � .' !�� ,_ .
<br /> Y•Sy commission expires: /p-,j'-gd
<br /> �
<br />