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<br /> € T,HIS INDENTURE,Made this lst day of April , r978 , between "
<br /> i� il
<br /> ij Timothy J. Casey aad Ramona K. Casey � �
<br /> �� , past ies of tfne first part hercin¢fter re/erred to as lessor,and ;
<br /> Jamea L. Bryant and David E. Swift, dba Interstate Underground Sprinkler Company ��
<br /> , part ies of the seroxd¢art hereinafter rafersed to as le.rsee. �I
<br /> WITNESSETH, That the said lessor, in cmnsideratson of the coz�esuznts of the saad lessee, hereina(ter set forth, #;
<br /> � do o� does by these presertts lease to the said lessee, Ohe follozmng descrihed prope�ty, to-wit c li
<br /> �� Lot 8, Block 38, Packer and Barr`s Second Addition, City oF Grand Island, Ha11 ,�
<br /> County, Nebraslta and more coffionly known as 125 Ncrth Grace Street '�
<br />� i� � � `
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<br /> �( TO HAYE AND TO HOGD !he sa»te unto the said lessce fro�rz the lst daY�f April ��
<br /> 1� , rg q$ , to the 30th �ay of November , r9 78 • j;
<br /> � llnd the soid le.rsee, iri consideratson of !he leasing of the psemises as above set farth, tovenanls ard agrees :ctith 't
<br /> �� the.lessor, ta pay fhe said lessor iu rent fos tl:e same the suvn of Two Thousand and 00/100 �r
<br /> ---------------- ----------------DOLL.4RS ,
<br /> I� --------- ---- .°
<br /> ��2,000.00)---------- ----- --- -- I
<br /> f� payablr as follows,to-xvit: �
<br /> {�
<br /> Ir
<br /> �250.00 on the first day of April, i978 and $250.00 on the £irst day of each month ��
<br /> thereafter uatil the last monthly payment on November l, 1978. f!
<br /> ,� ���A deposit of One Hundred Dollass ($100.00) shall be paid to the Lessor to cover any j� `,t
<br /> �� ° damti.ges made to the building and/or grounds by lessee during the term of this lease. � �
<br /> !� };
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<br /> � The said lessee furlher covenants avith the sasd lessor, that a! the ezpiraeiox of the rime mentiorted in this_lease, �4
<br /> E �t
<br />, peaceable possesaion of sasd premises shal!be given to ehe said'lessor, ix as good condition as they now are, the usual 1I
<br /> �� ueas, iaevitaLle accidents and loss by �'ire ezcept¢d; and Jhat npooa the no�-pay»�enE of the tohole or any portion of
<br /> ( the said rent at the tia�:e when the same is abnve ¢somued to be paid, the said lessor may at his, her, their os its ��
<br /> � elect£on either disirain for said sent d:�e, or declase this leare at ax exd and recover possersion as if tke same was ��
<br /> held by forcible d¢tainer;the said lessee hereby wafving a�iy notice of such election or any demand for the possession ?j
<br /> of the said premues !'
<br /> AND IT IS FURTHER COYENANTED AND e4GREED between the parties aforesaid that the ��
<br /> � lessor will pay the water charges, general repair of the building, painting of the �'
<br /> building, maintenancea of the fences and grounds, taxes and a11 special assessments; � -
<br /> and that the lessee will pay all other utilities except water charges, maintain the
<br /> building and grounds in safe condition, and keep in force all necessary insureace tha.t :`
<br /> � will protect the lessor's property.
<br /> ��'
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<br /> The cove„arits herein shall extend to and be bi„ding upon the heiss, executors aad administsators of she parties f� - �"
<br /> �� � � � ,�j�
<br /> to this lease. �,
<br /> Witnsss the hands and seals of the�arties afosesaid. j? � � J �,�,
<br />, i I
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