<br /> � �
<br /> ,
<br /> __ �._ __78— ��.��.�----_._.___.._..__-_.----____ ,,
<br /> — -- ---___.,.._____._._...___�______.._..__.�_.__...__.._ __.:-- -.:.:=- ---: ,__ _______.__._ �
<br /> , _._.._ _ _ _ ____..._ _
<br /> �i tO6-B—Corporatlon Survivonhip Warronty Deed (Revtaed 1961) '1'he Hutfm�n 6enerQ Bn�rD4$ouae,Lineoln,Yl�br. � �
<br /> F Y:
<br /> � ��
<br />� .. a corporation organized and eaisting nnder�nd by virtne of the lawa of the State o£ �
<br /> i �
<br />� ineonsi�lerstionof Eight Thqusand Tcro Hundred and No/104 ($8,200�00) Dollars �
<br /> f
<br /> �{
<br /> received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, eonvey and confirm unto �
<br /> �
<br /> Melvin W. Williams and Patricia D. Willfams tE
<br /> �:
<br /> as joint tenanta with right of survivorship,and not as tenants in common,the follotivin�ciescribed real propertp in �j
<br /> � 8a2I Couatp, Nebraaka : =f
<br /> � �{
<br /> � Lot Sixty-four (64) in Ze Heights Fourth Subdiviaion, part of the East Half �
<br /> ,� the Northareat Quarter (E�NW}) of Section Eleven (11), Townehip Eleven (li) North, ��
<br /> R e Ten (10) West oE the 6th P.M., Hall County, Plebraska. i(
<br /> STAMP TAX 'j
<br /> MAR 2 8 i978 �f
<br /> ���' a� >
<br /> �� $�BY-�sG�-c-= �i '.
<br /> To have and to hold the above described premises togetl�er�vith all tenementa, hereditumenta and appnr- ��
<br /> � cenances thereto belonging unto tLe grrsntees and to their asaigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of
<br /> them forever_ �
<br /> And grantor for itelf und its successors does hereby eovenaut�vith the grantees and with their assign.g and -
<br /> tvith the heirs and assi6ns of the survivor of them that grantor ia lawfully seised of said premises, that thep are ��
<br /> free from enenmbranee except easements and restrictions of record, ��
<br /> !�
<br /> that grantor Las good right and la�vful suthority to co�ivey the same;and that grantor warFanta and will defend j
<br /> the title to said premises againat the lativful claims of all persons�vhomsoever. �F
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees, the entire �
<br /> 1
<br /> fee simple title to the real estate shall vest in the surviving�-antee. �#
<br /> It witness whereof, �rantor has hereunto caused its corporate sexl to be affiaed and theae presents sigaed ��
<br /> by ita President. �
<br /> Dated -�yj�j a '� 19 ?� '�
<br /> jj
<br /> .,G D N V �. .s..� .... I�
<br /> � „ ; ( ............. r!
<br /> By �.�.�.,.'/ .��.�.. . ......Preaident y
<br /> N� . �John Bailey � ��
<br /> $TATE OF......RASKA..........., County of..... Hall..._....... .; :j
<br /> .... '
<br /> Before me,a notary public qualified in said county,personally came �S
<br /> � �j
<br /> M. John Bailey President of �s
<br /> rf
<br /> GOLDEN VIKING, INC. ,a corporation I
<br /> known to me to be the Preaident �jex�ie��� who sigiied the foregoing instrument,and ackno�vledged the �'
<br /> eaecution thereof to be his voln S
<br /> pAfl such officer and the �•oluntary act and deed of said corpo- ��
<br /> �' ration and that its corporate se w €hereto a � d its suthority. �
<br /> ; �. .� . . . N07ARY � 7� --) I� � . ��.,
<br /> , Witness mp hand and s a¢Q����Or+. .. . . ..r.�G�t./...v.Z...�. ......,19.....��.. ��
<br /> � ���T OF fEl�. leomm ion ea.i�.. / `�:.....:.�'otarp Public. ;;
<br /> W� "
<br /> , ' S p res. .. ...,1.............. 19.�.�_ �i � i;
<br /> $TATE OF .......... .. �
<br /> ..� : ... .... �
<br /> ' - ��• �� �TM 3'_.
<br /> ♦ �
<br /> �o�� . ...... ;--............... . ' J ;
<br /> . .Entered on numerical indes and filed for recurd in the R•egister of Deeds Office of said Countp the I� � ,1Y
<br /> dsy.of ._.._ ........,�9......,at...........o'cloek and...........minntes ...M., .� �``
<br /> ' ........ .^ ;.
<br /> and recorded in Book............ .. ......•--...at page.. {1 d ,,:; ..
<br /> ........of...... ............... ;; „9'y
<br /> � ..... ................ .......Reg.•of Deeds........
<br /> By .. ..Deput9
<br /> __ _..___ ____ ^_..__ _, �
<br />