1 �
<br /> �s-� U01`7�5� MORTGAGE
<br /> � . < THIs'INDEDcl'IJItE. made Ctils 27th '' day ot._March _. ia_�$. by end between �
<br /> ..,.,. , . ...
<br /> ; DiSANE D�.��T:ARRIN end'RUTH E:� Lk�t1CIN, h'usbat�d:.and �,rife, each in his and her awn right ' '
<br /> ; „ .� , .., . ,,, .: ,. . ,, . • r , . - �.. .
<br /> � . ,, , , ,-.., . . . . ., . .,
<br /> and as soouae . , ., _
<br /> .y_ . . . . . . . . .. .
<br /> a of the other
<br /> ;��; . pf �u � County.Nebreeke.an mortgagor 8 .,and Grand Ielaad Truet Compariy of Grand Islaad.a..corporatioa � � `�
<br /> �oryganized�aad azletiag under the Iswe of Nebiaeka with ite principel o�ce and place of bueinesa et Graad Ieland,Nebraska,ea mortgegee: � -
<br /> �� WITNES3ETH:� That eald mortgagor_S_.for and in comideratlon of the eum of . � �.. '��.
<br /> ; ***Six Thousand Nine Hundred Fifteen aad No/100ths*** :;���� 6;915:.00 �
<br /> t6e ieceipt of which in hereby acknowledged,do—_by thase preaente mortgege and warrent unto eaid mortgagee,ita aucomaors end essigns. . � �
<br /> � forever,ell t6e following deecribed real esiate.aitvated in the County of Aal l � __ � -
<br /> and State of Nebraeka,W-wit: � .
<br /> Lot Three {3) Ed Ross Subdivision No. Three (3) Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> }
<br /> i
<br /> 1:'..
<br /> '�� .� Together�with all heatisag,eir conditioning,lighting,and plumbing equipment si5d fixturea,IIICIU(Iltlg HCT00[18�awaings.etortn windows an�
<br /> �,� �. doora,and window:ahedes or blinde,ueed on or in connection with said property,whether the eame are now loceted on eaid property oz hereefter -
<br /> �� t .:.piaoed thereon- � ..
<br /> � ���-�7'O HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,wget6er with all•and aingular the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunw be-
<br /> ��f � longing,or in saywtne appertaiaing, torever, and warrant the Citie W the same.�3eid morgegor�_hereby coveaant_with seid � �
<br /> ".mo"rtgagee that_L he� a.L� .at the delivery hereof,tha lawful owner�_of the pxemiaee above conveyed end deacribed, - �
<br /> end��$re eeized of e good end indefeas�le eatate of inheritance thexein,free aad elear o[all encumbrancm,and that_L.he}Lwill � � �
<br /> L. a
<br /> .'� ' werrant e�defend the title thereW forever agninet the claime and demande of all pereons whomeoever. ' �. � � . � �:�
<br /> �� � PROV IDED ALW AYS,and thin inaVumeat ia ezeeuted and delivered to eecuze the paymeat o[tde aum of � � .
<br /> ` ***Six Thousand Niae Hundred Fifteen and No/100tha*** Dou,rs�s6.915.00 �,
<br /> � � with intereet thereon,toget6er with auch chargee and advmces es may be due and payable W said mortgagee under the terms end conditions �
<br /> ��� '; � of the promieaory note of even dete herewith end aecured hereby,e:ecuted by seid mortgegor s to said mortgegee,payable as expressed � �
<br /> �,.� � in ssid note,and to eeeure t6e performance of all the termn and conditiona conteined therein.The terms of said note are hereby incorporated � .
<br /> � heeeia by thie refereace. � � .
<br /> It ie the tatention end agreement of the pertiee hereto thnt thie mortgege ehall aleo eecure any future advances made to eaid mortgagor6— .
<br /> by said mortgagee.and aay aad all indebtedn�a in addition to Che amount above etated whict,seid mortgagora,or eny of them,may owe to � � �. �
<br /> said mortgagee,however evidenoed,whet6er by note,book account or otherwiae.Thia mortgage shaL zemain in full[orce end efEecL batween � . -��
<br /> �;;, the parties hereW and their heire,pereonal repreeenLatives,aucceesore and asaigns,until all amounta aecu�d hereunder, including future �
<br /> advancee.are paid in fuL'with intereet. ' . ..
<br /> ,�i
<br /> �� � The mortgagor�_heieby esaign_to said mortgagee all rente end income arising at aay and all timea from eaid property and
<br /> "�f � hereby authorize aaid mortgagee or ite agent,at its option,upon default, W take charge of said property end colleet all rents aad income � � � �
<br /> :�. '�''the[eftOm and��'aPP1Y'�the�same'�W Ehe payment of iateteat. PnnciPnl.ineuraace Piemiuma. tenee. aeeeaements. repaira or�improvemmite � .. ..
<br /> aeceemry to keep said psoperty in temnteble conditioa,or to other c6argee or paymente provided tor hernin or in the note hereby secured.This .
<br /> zeat aaeignment ehall coatiaue in force unt11 the unpaid balmce of said note is fully paid.The taking of posseaeion hereunder shall in no menner �
<br /> , 'f�, �:� �.:.�preym6�.oe..xet�ed..ssid�.mort8a6ee.in.thecollect'wnof�eaidaumsbyfoeecloe�ueor.otherwiee. .. � , .. . . �:..:. ... _ . � '_
<br /> � � . �.�. .: . � . ..
<br /> � �� The failure�of�the mortgegee W aesert sny of its righte hereunder at any time ehell not be conatrued aa a wai�er of ita right W aeaer[the � .
<br /> t �F � �.aame at any later time.�and W ineiet upon and entorce atriet compliaace wIth all the terms ead provisiona'of eeid.note end of this mortgage- . , � . .
<br /> ' :.�j�. }��. �� If eaid�mortgsgor g . ehall cauee to be paid W naid mortgagee We enCire emount due it hereunder,and under the terms and provisions .
<br /> : �f. � ..of eaid.�note.heaeby aecured.includtng future advenem.aad any e:tenelone or zanewale Lhexeof ia aceordence with the terme and proviaions �.
<br /> '� �thereof,ufd it'weid morEgagor�_ehali oomply with all We provieiona of eeld aote and of thia mortgage;��then these preaents ehalt be void: . �
<br /> ,:j .. �� : . otherwtee to x�e�aia in fdll foroe.aud dfecE.md esid mortgagee ehall be entiUed to tha poBem,eion of all of eaid property.snd may:nt ita option. . �*�...�. ,,.;:.
<br /> , � • . .�declaee cha whole of said mte and�aII indebtednese raPxeeented.CherebY w be lmmedletely due aad'.PeYable:and may fox�close thia mortgage ,.,;c..,,--�.' :
<br /> ";+,3 � � �� ar�teke aqy otber,legd acttoa tio proteet iG'.iight.�AppraieemenC wuved.� � ,�, .. . � .. . . � � t'
<br /> �This mortgage ahall be bmding upon and ehall eauxe to t6e beneSt of the l�eire.ezeeutoia.edminietraton,e�icceeaors and eseigns oi the � � '�" �
<br /> F - 2l�OCLIVB j7�if.{9!21@BCO., ... �!, . y , . �. : ' . '., : ' . -•. . _ . . . M; ^
<br /> .. IN WITNF.33 WHEREOF.eeld Ddortgegor�_ha1t�--heeeunto aet � . �_ y y �': �
<br /> sa theii^ hand��_the.de and ear��£uat above � r�-� z��<
<br /> K ' MilLCli�. � . �; . :_ .. . J'�:
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<br /> _ Rut E.:ILaF �
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