<br />�
<br /> � �
<br /> STATE OF NE$&ASKA, County of ....................................................:
<br /> Filed for record on ................................. 19........ at............................ o'clock ........................ b1.
<br /> • and recorded in the Deed Record ................................. Page
<br /> � ..............................................................'..................... By ................ ........................................................................
<br /> Itegister of Decds Deputy Register oE Daeda �
<br /> Robert $. Deitmeyer and Jaaet S. Deitemeyer, Hueibaad and Wife, each in hie and
<br /> he'r ova right and as spouse of each othei berein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in cansideration of Fiva ThouaaAd Fivs Huadred and no/100 DOLLARS
<br /> received from grantees, doea grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br /> Robert John Baker and Judy L. Baker, Huaband and Wife ,
<br /> as joint tenants with right o£ survivorshi�, and not as tenauts in common, the following deacribed real
<br /> '' pro erty i ..........�u. �. ... _ ....... . Cougtp Nebrasica•
<br /> `, A part o�BToc�c lrro (2) oi�" �'oeTsier Su�ivieion Iocated upon a part of the Sontheast Quarter of
<br /> the SoutMreat Qusrter (SF3t5W'�) of Section 15, in Township 11, North, Rang� 9 West of t3he 6th P.lt.,
<br /> f aad a part of Lot Eourteea (14) of the Couaty Subdivisioa of t6e West Half of the Souttntnst
<br /> ; Qwrter (i1�SFl�t) of Section 15, ia Towt�ahip il, Nozth, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., �ore particn—
<br /> ': larly described as follwa, to—vit: Co�reneing at a point on [he North boundary line of aaid -
<br /> i Block 1\w (2), ninety—five (95) feet iieat of the Northesat corner of aaid Blaek, ruffiiag thence
<br /> j south parallel aith the Wnet boundary line of said Bloek, for a diataace of one huadred thirty—
<br /> ' five (135) feet to a point oa thn northeriq boundary line of the Belt Lin� of the Chicago
<br /> : 8arliagton b Quincy Reilroad Coapany, running tbence in a southwesterlq direction along and upoa
<br /> ; sa3d aortherly Dovadarq Ziae of said Eelt Line for a diataace of 54.9 faet, runaing thence north
<br /> i garallel vith tbe Weet bouadary liae of aaid Bloak for a diataace of one huadred aevmtp—El,ve
<br /> i C175) feet to tbe north boundary line of naid Block, running thence east slong aad upoa the
<br /> � aorth bouadary line of asid Hlock for a diatance of 56.d fnet to the plac� of beginning. Hall
<br /> s Couat�, Nebsaska.
<br /> �w., To have and to hold the nbove deacribed premises together with all tenements, hereditameate
<br /> t" ' and appurtenances Lhereto belonging unto tl�e grantees and to their asaigns, or to the heirs and assigns �;
<br /> � o£ the anrvivor of them forecer.
<br /> ' � And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their aseigns and with the heirs -
<br /> ' i, and assigas of the survioor of them that grantor is lawfully seised of said premises;that they are free from
<br /> + eacnmbrance ' �capt Easeaents and Reatrictiona of Record.
<br /> ;
<br /> � that grantor hsa good right and lswful suthority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will
<br /> ' f defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons ccLomsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of tne grantees,
<br /> the entire�,3'ee title to this real property sha11 vest in the aurvicing grantee.
<br /> Dated �rch /S 19 78 '1 �
<br /> ...............•-•........_........................................_................ ...:.jl�..�C�K..............�..1'_.....'"`�..-•`••..................................
<br /> i ..........:G�t.2C:�......:5........0_ei!Em�.4�s��._......_..
<br /> I .................................................................................._.
<br /> .f z.�...
<br /> ;�r 8TATE OF ......Nebraska..................._..............., County of .........�1..............................._.......:
<br /> 'j ; Before me, a notary public qnalified for said eounty, person�y came
<br /> { Hobert 8. Deitemayer and Janet S. Deitmeper, Husband and Rif�
<br /> -..,,
<br /> ; t
<br /> 3� � � � � � � � � � ��
<br /> � known to me to bo the identical person or persons who signed the foregoing instrument and aeknowledged _ ^
<br /> the eaecution there is;'��ei��r their voluntary act nnd deed. J 'r ' �'"'
<br /> �i Wi � �R�Q;rfi_n ri'al seal on lCh..... ... �..-�..�.. .•••-• ..� 19.....78...... �"�.
<br /> + : O .•'ty � �� i ..���..�.... . .. . ....... Notary Pnblic ,.a t, `��
<br /> , . � � �J-. ,� C C. �� ,�, /.,� .rYa
<br /> ; : e` • ,: commission eapires � ... .. . .... ........ . 19...�.G�.....
<br /> . ....... .... �`a 7 ...
<br /> .. . � ,�7� ..- ��
<br /> Form �}.'L To �ci{froved•tiy\¢lirnska Stnte Bar.�ssoeiation g��^�Wd!Oo..IJneota Nebr.
<br /> � �e�`OF ,.,' �
<br /> .,�.,,�� ,..,-✓''
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