I �'
<br /> _ _ _ .�-�
<br /> . 7$-� (1 O 16$9 �artial 3�rlrasr
<br /> . ��, �l�rrras....---[fatte..,7....Ha,y.nes._ar.d..Yirginia.I,�..Ht�ynea.,...huenaad..arid..wif�.. ... ... ._. `
<br /> ..... ......................... ---... . ............----........ ...._.... ....... ......... .... . . ..... . . .. .... .._. ....
<br /> � hereniafter calleci the �Iortgagor'e�ecuted a certain mort�n�e-�0[,N7�7t tr� illsTreoero�.irn:v L�te. Irsvxnn;ce
<br /> Conf Pwtct',of New�'ock.\ew Y ork.dated-.-•---••.M�.T..Ch...��_�9Tz.................... ._.--to�rcure the payn�ent of
<br /> ..
<br /> :,�0.�000.00-_•--.....-•---............................Dollars, said mortgage-�ming of record in the affice of the
<br /> Reg3ater,_of DeFsds.............of...........Hall.......---.......... ....._ ..........County.....Nebzaska.....---._ ........._.
<br /> in I3ook..�,�.3.--•-•...... ..........of \lortgagrs-x�un !'age. T�J� --.__.. .. ....:and
<br /> ��rress sasd �iortgagor has requested `IETRUYOLITA\ LirF I1Sl'KANCE Co++��n:.v to release a
<br /> tract of.......................2..........._acres of the premises describec(in saicl moztRage-tru�t deed from the lien thereof:
<br /> Ainm.�herrfnrr.3innm All�rn 6g�hrse�rrsrnls. tha ,ideration of the nun of-.-_...................
<br /> _(pO-�- - - - - - - - - - - - - -.—..n n..-..'J)ollars, lawful money of,the LTniteJ States
<br /> ..........................'•-�'-'--.�.... ...... .......... t .
<br /> of rimerica, unto it paid a[ the esecettion ane! deliverr hrrec�f. [hc receipt of..•hich i� hereby acknpwledged.
<br /> S'IFTROi'OLITA\ LtFe I15L'RAKCE Co�trnvv has remised, released and yuit-claiened.and by�thcse presents does . �
<br /> remise, release and quit-claim unto the said \lort�;a�or, his hrir, and as+ign�. the folluwing drscribed real
<br /> estate.si[uace in the Counh�of.......... H311..........._... ..... ......:md State ot......-.�Teb�eslcs-----.....to wit: �;
<br /> � _ . , f
<br /> Plat of a traet of land comprising a part of tha Southwest Quarter �
<br /> � of the Southeast Quarter (SW'�SEk) of Section 7Wenty Four (24), Township r
<br /> 1Mrelve (12) North, Range 7belva (12) West of the 6th P.M. in Hall County. '
<br /> Nabraska, awre particularly described as follows: �
<br /> Beginning at a point on the sauth line of said Southeast Quarter �
<br /> ' (SL-'�), said point being Five Ilimdred 7Wenty Five (525.0) feet east of �' '
<br /> the southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter (SE�t); thence easterly
<br /> . i along the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SE�i), a distar�ce of
<br /> 'Ihree fiundred Ninety 7Wa $nd Forty Three Hundredths (392.43) feet;
<br /> { thence deflecting left 88 40• end zvnning norther2y, a distance of
<br /> � 'IWo Ftimdred 7banty TMro (222.0) feet; thence westerly parallel to the
<br /> � south line of said Southeast Quarter (SEh), a distanee of 'lhree tlund- �
<br /> red Ninety 'IWo agd Forty 7liree Hundredths (392.43) feet; thence de- _
<br /> - � £lecting left 88 40' and running seutherly, a diatazrce of 7Mo Iiimdred '
<br /> 41+enty 7\+0 (222.0) �ee�. :o the place of begi�ing and containing
<br /> � 2.000 aeres more or less. i
<br />�.. ....__. ' .___.r__. _._____._�- _ _i
<br /> � � 1: __L._l��.l.���� 1-- - � � . . .
<br /> t�ca��n�.l+:nC!!'j€7G'h._.........e.��.,,�13�.,,r1_ � � � .
<br /> �'iu 3Yanr ana iT,u 31n1d the Bamr�iih thr i�sapurirnnntrn, vi�to ihe saicl \I c�rt};ag��r. his hrir, an�l a.-
<br /> sibn�s. forever freed. exoneratecl and discharged of and from the lien uf said mortgake-D�anil of erer}-
<br /> part thereof,pro��ided al�cacs.nevertheless, that nodiing herrin contamrd s}�all in any wi�e af�ect,:ilter ur dimin-
<br /> ish the lien ur encu�nLrance of the aforesaid mortgage-3�Kon the rrn�aining part uf said real estate
<br /> described in said mortg�e��r the remedies at law for recovering frnm the �aid Siortgaror,his hrir..
<br /> e�ecuto�s.administrators and assigns, the halancr of said indebtrdtir,���ith intcrr�t.
<br /> �n�iSnesH�hrrruf. �'IETR07'OLITAI LiFe I�scen�ce Co��rn�v has caused the,c preaents,r�o be -
<br /> executed by_. . D...�..__3lEIHHOI�D... ..............its ...VICE-PR:.$ID�NT.......... .... ��U rt4 g1���-
<br /> --�----•---�
<br /> and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this. ........._ ��. da�• of. .F.e�hi773� ....:. 19-�'-'�
<br /> ....._.. _� ��_ 1
<br /> \VIT�ESSES: \Y ETROI'OL17'�\ � I\SUT"y 4„'Ai��t�G`Qa��� i+-
<br /> . :
<br /> . •.. '° ` .;; ��
<br /> �
<br /> � / \ x�` ,�-. � _ _ �.
<br /> - F � �
<br /> ....�,...1!c�r.._. _�
<br /> .. . . p ��y���}y.F�aly ...+fX f,� �kS."
<br /> . . . . .. � ........ ... .........................."'""".....__.........._.......""'""....._.......�Y p . . . �.
<br /> . . • EY nmlWGRl ' )'���. ;•. . .a:�-^ �,'.:.
<br /> _ �D. w. IIEINHOLD "
<br /> .............. " ';..�sf f " h a"
<br /> ........ ..............................:.......................... �� .r.. � .
<br /> , �..���--�� a��.
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<br /> � � � � � � � .
<br /> . . . . . . .1�o�.".:.�..��
<br /> � � FOR ACi:NOWLEDG\fENT SF.E REVER51i SIUF. . � .
<br />'i..'..��. . . . . � . �
<br />. � .. .. . . . . . �
<br />