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<br /> 53-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—Wlth Fax C�auae (Revlsed'f962) The Huamm Gener.i Su�ply Houea, Linoom,Ne6r. �� �
<br /> � �( �
<br /> ' , .� __. +1 . . .
<br /> �� KNow aLL MEN BY TF3ESE PRESENTs: THaT Oscar G. Mueller and Grace E. Mueller, �:
<br /> � husband and wife, each in his and her own right and as spouse of the othe
<br /> � (Mort�agor S ) ��
<br />� ot. �H811 � � County,aad State of NEb7C33Jca--��---_--�in conside-ati-n of the eum of �t
<br /> Four hundred thousand and no/100---------- noLLaRs +
<br /> ;a hana paid,do hereby SELL and CONVEY uneo Commercial National Bank & Trust Company �i
<br />' j,
<br />' ;i
<br /> a - � . (Murtgagee ) ( '� -
<br /> � of H811 County, end State of Nebraslca the followiag desczibed premieea � t
<br />' !i - eitusted in Hall Co,u,cy, ana stace ot NebraslCa ru-wit:' ( �(
<br /> j �� The Nortlneast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE�SWa) and the Northwest� 1`'
<br /> y Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW4SE�) of Section Five (5) , Township iE
<br /> �
<br /> Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10) West oP the Sixth Principal Meridian, Exce ti,
<br /> �I Those Portions Known as Saturn Street and Apollo Street, or any Part of �
<br /> �I Argo Subdivision or Argo Fifth Sub�division, According to the Plats of sai "
<br /> �1 Subdivisions on File in the Office of Register of Deeds of Hall County, �
<br />� �l Nebraska_ } �
<br /> i, ,
<br /> The South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S%�SW<) ; the South Half of the
<br /> ii Southeast Quarter (S'�SE�) , and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast f!
<br /> �z Quarter (NE'�SE.) of 5ection Five (5) , and the West Half of the Northwest f''
<br /> ii Quarter (W'�NW:) of Section Eight (8) , all in Township Ten (10) North, Ran et�
<br /> �� Ten (10) West of the Sixth P.M. , excepting also certain tracts of ground I
<br /> i more particularly described in Warranty Deeds 165, page 627; 165, page 62 ��
<br /> t� 165, page 76; 156, page 268; 158, page 695; and Warranty Deed Document No
<br /> ,d
<br /> 76-002733. Al1 a.s recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Hall (;
<br /> �j County, Nebraska. ��
<br /> i� The intention beina to convey hereby an absolute titic in fee eimple including all the righta of homeatead end dower. °
<br /> ;� TO HAVE ANI7 TO HOLD the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto beIonging unto the �F
<br /> o +
<br /> �� eaid mortgagee and to 1't5 heira and assigns, forever, pmvided always, and these presenta are upoa the ezpreee E�
<br />� E! oondition that if the atoresaid mortgagor �, 'thelT heirs, executora, administrators or assigns ahalt pay or cavse to be � �€ s _
<br /> .1� paid to the said mort,egee 1t.S heire, executors, administraWts or asaigna,the eum uf Four Hundred T�'1012 d�ld
<br /> j' a�1d No/1Q0 ($400�000.00)------- ------- -- Dollare,Wayable as follo�ve,to-wit: _ ` "
<br /> ;( our Hundred Thousand &No/Omou$rs on the 13th aay oe September , is 78 is t
<br /> � Dollara on the day o[ , 19 �
<br />� � �� � � � Dollata on the day of , 19 �
<br />� {i Dollars on the day of , 19 #
<br /> �E Dollars on the day of , 19 ,
<br /> � with intereet thereon at per cent per annum, payable 9/13/78 �+�kY all according to the teaor and eSect ot �? '
<br /> j aceztainpromiaeorynoteo[said Oscar G. Mueller and Grace E. Mueller, husband and wi e,j �;
<br /> � each in his and her own right and as spouse of the other ,I x
<br /> r
<br /> �� ��bearing even date with these presents, and shall pay all taxea and assessments levied upon said real eetate,and all ott�er tazee, �t i��.
<br /> . �� � leviee and aneese=nents levied vpon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to aecure,before the same becumes �I `
<br /> deliaquent,and keep the buildinga on said premiaes insured for the sum of$ N/A losa, if any,payabl¢W �
<br /> � �i, �the eaid mortgagee, then these presents to be void, otherwiae to be and remain in full force. � t
<br /> . �� IT IS FURTHER AGAEED (1) That i[the said mortgagor shall fail to pay euch taxes ot procure euch ix�nurance, the t-
<br /> eaid mortgagee mey pay such taxes and procure such insursnce; and the sum so advanced,with interea[at per cent }
<br /> , . �hall be peid by seid mortgagor,and this mortgage ahail atand as aecurity for the same. (2) That a[ailure to pay aay of said + ' �
<br /> � (f money,either principal or intereat when the same becomea due, or a failuze to comply with any of the foregoiag egzeemeate, � .
<br /> �� ahell cauae the whole sum of money herein sewred to become due and collectible at once at the option ot the mortgagee. '
<br /> Signed this 17th day of March , 19� '7$. „
<br /> j ..� , Jp��--�..-.-7 •� . ; .
<br /> �! In presence ot '� "G:"':S�EE'I!�! - -:,,�/ -- ...? .._..__..... , �:,
<br /> �a �,L�Y
<br /> f ..... ....h..:t�,'L-,(..�.......(.f.---�•- --.. -.- -..t.t�. . . . .. ......... �� ' .
<br /> �` Gr e E. Nlueller �
<br /> ................. ...........�----................--........... ...... .. .--------.......---......_........-------��---...............------.._....-------............ �:
<br /> ..._._•-�--� �'��
<br /> ..._.......................................................................................................--
<br /> ..............................�-----------.._.......--�-��-----�-
<br /> ......................................._... ;�
<br /> - i
<br /> � 3TATE OF Nebraska Hall �
<br /> ._.._........_...........................................„ County of..............'---"........"'-"'_""-_-...".'--"' .
<br /> �".., Betore me, a nors:y public qualified for�a rnunty, peraonally carne Oscar G. Mueller and Grace .is
<br /> � , ''M��ller, husband and wife, each in his and her own right and as spouse of t�ie
<br /> �1 nnwn�o� e..to be the identicet peison or peraons who ai ed the fore ;I � �
<br /> '� , { . gn going instrumenL and aclmowledged�the ezecution . .
<br /> thereof to , hia,her of�����ol�ry sct and deed.
<br /> I -s i t AL PJ TA Y q`
<br /> ' Wi �ay-3iand�n� e ra�on�,/......---�---MdXC�.._a.7.............. ...•--•/--..... . 19-•--- � �j � � .
<br /> .�. " �., '����p��''..�omm��ssinn Exovm 'J''�?�., 19G��... . ��7�rx�^-.�.::srr�— ..,�� • .ra_,.r'�...'_-'No PubliC.� i�
<br /> ;'.
<br /> �.,:»,. �' ha�T�:'YS�81.. ..... .... ....... ....... ..... tary
<br /> i: _ �..-:
<br /> ,:-��' . , i . .. . .. ._ .. . . . .�
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<br /> . . ... ._.: . '' J �
<br /> .. ._.... . .. . :_ ..�.. . _. ... _ _:_� .� . ,�.!
<br /> . . . ... . .. . .. � � � � � ��{ . . � 9.
<br /> ., . , , . . � . . . . � � . �� ��.
<br /> In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or ��`'F�°= ��--
<br /> contracted to be transferred, from the undersigned for any
<br /> reason or by any method whatsoever, the entire principal sum
<br /> and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable at
<br /> the election of the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this �
<br /> option because of transfer of title as above stated in one
<br /> instance sha31 not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise
<br /> the same in the event of any subsequent transfer.
<br />