� �
<br /> � -�€�--�--_,_��i�-:�7� _ _ ,-:_ _ _ �
<br /> __ -- -- -- --
<br /> 1_._: . .:_r�_:...._. . ._.:__ :._�.._.:-- - ._ . _ ... .__.. ... . _. . - ._... � .._ .
<br /> 53-A—REAI.ESTATE MORTGAGE—Wlth Tax Clauce (Revised 1962) The Huftmaa Ga.ernl supply r[w�m,Lixo�n,Nebr. � � � �
<br /> KNOW AL7. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Roger W. I.ltft & Donna R. Lli�t� Husband �c
<br /> ?! Wife, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, each in his own rights
<br /> I ij and as spouse of the other (Mortgagor � ' "
<br /> i of �11 County,end SWte of �ebraska .im m�siderstion of the sum of ` � �'
<br /> 1E Seven thou3and and no/10�-----------------------------------------�oi.LARS
<br /> � u,b�a pe�a,ao hereby SELL and CONVF.Y unto Co�nercial National Bank & Trust Company, '
<br />' �; Grand Island, Nebraska
<br /> �j (Mortgagee ) . .
<br /> � of $a.11 Caunty, and State of Nebraska the following dcecribed premiaes � � -
<br /> ir
<br />. � situated ;,� Ha11 County, and State uf Nebraska �-�'�'��� � � � �
<br /> ii
<br /> i.
<br /> ': Lot Nine (9) and the North Sixty-five Feet (N65') of Lot Ten (10), in
<br /> i; Block Three (3), Ingalls-Turner Subdivision, of the Village of Cairo,
<br /> ;; Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> ii In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracte� ;
<br /> to be transferred, from the undersaid for any reason or by any method
<br /> !` whatsoever, the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once
<br /> � become due and payable at the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this
<br /> option because of transfer of title as above stated on one instance sha l;
<br /> not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event
<br /> ;� of aay subsequent transfer.
<br /> �i
<br /> �;
<br /> �� The intention being to convey hereby an nbsolute Litle in tee simple including all the rightv of homestead and dower.
<br /> '( TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the �remises above described, with aIl the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the �
<br /> �` aaid mortgagee and to 1tS heire and asaigns, forever, provided always, and these presenta are upon the ezpreae �
<br /> co+difion that if the aforesaid mortgagor S , their heirs, executors, administratory or assigns shall pay or cause to be � . �.
<br /> li paid to the aeid mort,agee , �tS heirs, executors, administrntors or assigns,the sum of Seven thousand �.'' � � .
<br /> „ ;,:, . .�.:�
<br /> 'i 8Ild IIO�10�----••--�•--------••�•••-�-----'-------------,•Doltars.PaYable as totlows.to-wit: : ; . � -,.
<br /> �1 Principal and SCCY'11EC3 Dollars on the day of , 19 - � . �
<br /> Dollars on the da of , 19
<br /> �! iaterest due aad gay- '' �; `�:
<br /> Dollars on the day of , 19
<br /> �i able Dollars on the 11.t11 day of September is 7g 3; ,
<br /> '� Dollars on the day of , 19 . � -
<br /> '� with intereat thereon at 9.7,rj per cent per annum, payable annually all acrnzding to the tenor aad effect oi . .� -
<br /> �j a certain D�omiaeory note of said Roger W. Luft & Donna R_ Luft, Husband & Wife '
<br /> I� �
<br /> Ij
<br /> bearing even date with these presents,and shall pay all taxes and assessments tevied upon said real estate,and all other ta:es, ..
<br /> '�' leviea and asseesments levied upon this mortgage or the nute which this mortgage ia given to eecure,beFore the eame becomea � �
<br /> ii delinquent,and keep the buildings on said premises insured for the sum of$ N/�, losa, if any, payable to . . ��
<br /> ii the said mortgagee, then theae presenta to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force. . , �
<br /> i� IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That i[ the said mortgagor ahall fail to pay auch taxea or procure such insurance, the . � - �� �
<br /> eaid mortgagee may pay auch taxes and procure auch inaurance;and the aum ao advanced, with interest at 9.75 per cent �� � �
<br /> ;� shall be paid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as aecurity for the saroe. (2) That a failure to pay any of eaid ' �. �
<br /> �! money,either principal or intereat when the same becomes due,or a failure to rnmply with any of the foregoing agreements,
<br /> !' ehall caune the whole sum o[money herein secured tu become due and collectible at once at the option of the mortgagee. � � � .
<br /> �i s�e�ea rh�e 14th aer or March , i 78.
<br />. �� In Prnsence of t... . _..... � 7 � � . . .
<br /> . ..."'(�L[-_.. ... ........................."---'................."'- � .
<br /> �i ,n R . Lu t �
<br /> ,.._. . . . ...... .... . .. . ..._-----�-•�-------.......
<br /> �j nna . u !
<br /> • ---: . ...................... ..._.. ......... ............................_....................._........_...-----�---......-----........_......._
<br /> �i - --_..._.
<br /> I .
<br /> �i - �
<br /> I ..........._............. ... .........._...................----........--�---�---..........._-----............._.....-----...._. ,.',
<br /> � ..._--- ---• �---. .....-----......-----�--.....---
<br /> '
<br /> ,,
<br /> � sra-rE oF.....Nebraska............................... co�n�r or ..__..Hall ; ;
<br /> : . .......... . ..................... :
<br /> ii Betore me, a notary public quali6ed tor eaid county, peraonatly came ROger W. Luft & Donna R.
<br /> '� Lu£t, Husband & Wi£e
<br /> �
<br /> ?% Irnoam to me�to be the identical on or ps�e �be,`��ed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution �� �
<br /> '� thereof to be.hie,her or their vol act . N07 ' �
<br /> i� • ./ Q�
<br /> ....Witaeae m hand and no � �on...._. a�`" ..---•------..... _. 19...�Q..
<br /> �� . � y .. ._. e........y ... ;
<br /> � ` � � �1Y.Con�ff�' bcpir�z '
<br /> �� :MY commissioa esptree:_..--... --.... ..s�s--.-�Dr�2$.d961 - ----�............ ... . ..... .. . . .. ......_---�------.._....Notary Public. �� --
<br /> STATE OF____................._.__ "y k
<br /> >`t .;
<br /> ( ••••---••^-••^--- Entered on numerical indez and 51ed for record ' '
<br /> . �.:..
<br /> �1 .County� . � }�. in the Ftegister o[Deeda O�ce of seid County the ,
<br />' ___.�...._..�..._.___ ...._..........__..........__ ' � '.
<br /> . :,��� . ��_:..:.�._... of___»..�.__.._........_...._.�........ 19.....---.... at......_...._....-----._..._o'clock an�..................---.......minutes..................•--.M., : ; a�
<br /> �� and zecorded in Book.........................•--••_•--..._.of.....•-•-__. �
<br /> ......_..-----••-.......at peBe.----....-----•-.......................... -.. . vE .
<br /> { . . . . ..�. ...:� ..� ., .
<br /> '+I � .Reg. of Deeda .
<br /> , �. . . ...---•------.......-------....__...__........------................._ .�
<br /> I� {
<br /> BY..................._-----�----........._...-.--.-.........._-----�--......._.......DePuty
<br /> �i 1
<br /> __-_------ --- --_.-, --_..._. _.._ _._ _ _. : _ �
<br /> -- _...._---___..._ __ . - ---. -- --...____. _ _ _ . ___ _ �-
<br /> ,� _ I
<br />