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_ � � <br /> �8-' !3C�1672 MORTGAGE <br /> '' 24th ' � <br /> ; THIs INDENTtJRE. mads chts " day of March' '' , �g 7_�. br ana becween ` <br /> ; JAA�& L: GADE AND'MARY'C.'GADE; Husband and Wife, 'each in his and her o�an ristht' " � <br /> t" c.�ss.r�.�F:.e � <br /> .� `t-,r•, �. ., . , ... ... , ..,, , •, . . . - <br /> . � . . •i:,r�,.. , ... ,- . . r -� . . ._ . . �.-�� .�. <br /> . . :.' ... ,. .. ..�...�� J:;,: ' , r, <br /> '. and as aponae o h oth � <br /> fof ��� �11 ,_County,Neb;aelra,.ea mortgegor S,and Crrand Ielmd'huet Compsqy of(3read Ielpnd, �cospoeation � <br /> �"� orgsdzed mid'.e�cieting�un,der t6e'�lawn of Neliiaeka with�ite prindpel offlce ead place of bueineas et Grand Taland.Nebfaeka,an�mortgagee: � � . <br /> ,i� .WITNES3ETH:. 17�ac eaid martgagor 8,for aad ia coneideeation of the aum of . . . .. . . . . <br /> **Five Thousand Nine Hundred Ninetv and 14/lOOths#"+ �._,-,��------�-� "'+ <br /> � Sc+e�nt�nrvr�'�xlh13�:- 1� <br /> the recetpt of which ie 17areby acicnowledged,do_by these preaents mortgage end warrpnC unto wi�iuor�e} �te au eore and ese' � <br /> . , . ,w,� �gns, . .`� , : <br /> forever,all the foLowing deecribed xeal eetate,eituated in the Couaty of_ <br /> Hall "„ r- ti.e,_..a .+r _ <br /> and State of � • . . . .. <br /> Lot Seven (7), Block "C", in Parkviev Subdivision, located in the <br /> Northeaat Quarter (NE-1/4) of Section ltventy-Nine (29), and the <br /> Nortt�west Quarter (NW-1/4) of Section ltaenty-Eight, Township Elevea 3' <br /> (11) North, Ftange 9, West of the 6th P.M., flall County, Nebraska. <br /> , <br /> t .�: <br /> ,i j <br /> _ ,a;� <br /> r� <br /> Iq <br /> F;;'F <br /> � . <br /> � Toget6er with all hesting,sir conditioniag,lighting,and plumbing equipmeot and f�turee,including acreene,awninge,atorm windowa and �` Y�' <br /> � doon,and wiadnw ehadee or blinde,ueed oa or in connection with aaid property,whether Lhe eame are aow loeated oa eaid property or heroafter � <br /> .. ple�ued�t6ereoa: <br /> ,.�.��TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,Wgether with all end ainguler tha t�emente',h�editameats and appurtemncee thereunW be- � <br /> r, <br /> � . longing,�or ia anywiee appertaining, forever,and warrent the title W the name,,Said morgagor s hereby covenant_with seid �'Pe <br /> �# 'tnertgagee thet_�hay a'�Q ,at the delivery hereof,the lawful owner�of the premisan above conveyed and deecribed, �� � . - <br /> � � :and �Te aeized of a,good and indefeeeible eetate of inheritance therein,free and elear of ell encumbrances,and that_.L,6e�wiL �� � <br /> } �;werrent aad de[end Lhe title thereto forever againnt the claima end demanda of ell peroona,whomsoever. , � �� . <br /> . PROVIDED ALWAYS,aad thie inetrument ie�ecuted md delivered to eecum the paymeni of the avm of � � <br /> ; ** Five Thousand Nine Hundred Ninetv and 14/�OOth **����s 5 990_14 �, <br /> j with inteeeet thereoa.togethar with euch chargm end edvmcee es may be due and payable to eaid mortgagce under t6e terms and madStions . � � � <br /> t � oE the promieaory note of evea dete herewith and eecured hereby,ezeeuted by said mortgagor�._to said mortgagee,peyable an espresaed � . �� <br /> :� . in eaid�note.aad to eecure the performance of ell the terme md conditiom contained the:ein.1'he terma of said aote are hereby incorporeted � . � . <br /> j .beretn by this referenee. . <br /> ; It ie t6e intmtion acd agzeement of the � � - <br /> parttee hereto thet thie mortgege ehall aleo eecure any future advencee made to eaid mortgagor_4� � . . <br /> � by esid mortgagee,and awy and all indebtedneea in addition to the amount above stated whict,asid mortgagors,or any of them,mny owe to � � � <br /> �said mortgagee.however evidenoed.whethez by note,book account or otherwise.Thin mortgage ahall remain in full torce aad effeet between � � � . <br /> the partiee bereW and t6eir h�ea,pareonal repren�tativen,eucceseor�and aeaigan.until all amoanta secuied hereunder. induding future � � � � � . <br /> ,� �advenoae.are paid in fuL'with inte�eet. , . . . <br /> '� The mortgegor 8 hereby meign_W said mo uig at any and all timee from aaid property and � <br /> I rt8e8ee all rente and income arls' <br /> � hereby authoriu said mortgagea or ite ageat,et ita option,upon defavlt,to take charge of said property and colleet all rente e� income � <br /> ���-�theiehom�and��aPP�Y t6e eame Lo tha psyment of interest.PnnciPel. insureace pzemiuma. texee. aeeaeemeaEe. repaua or improvemenca. � .. . � <br /> neoeeeary to keep seid property ia tematabla coadition,or to other chargoa or paymente peovided for herein or in the note h�eby aeeurad.Thia �� �� � � <br /> rmt aeeSgnment ehsll coatinue m force until the unpaid balanoe o[se3d note ie fully paid.1`he taktag of poeaeasioa 6ereunder ehnli in no mmner - � � � <br /> ; .:::,��:preymt or.roteed said:mottgegee in tbe.coLLeetion of said aume by:foreelosura or otherwise. � � �:�.:. <br /> 3 The failure of.t}+e mo+tBa6ee to aeeeet eny of ite rlghts 6ereunder et any time shall not be construed ea�a waiver of its right to esaert the�.. � . . . � <br /> same at my Lpee time.�end to iaaiet upon and enforce etrid compliance with ell the tertoe aad provieiom of eaid note aad of thia mortgage. . . <br /> ,, . . If ssid moetgagor'�e ehall csuse W be . .. � � . <br /> � paid W esid mortgagee Ehe eatue amoimC dne it he�under,and uader the terms and provisiona � � <br /> f ; . of said mte h�eby seeured.iaeluding tuWre edvenees.a�eny exteasione or reaev�ale thereof m aoeoedaace.�vith the terme aod proviaiona . . <br /> -# x� .theieof.aod 3t s�ld mortgagor.O.__ehall�comply with all tLe pmvinione of said aote aud of thin mort6s8e.then theee presenta ehell be void: � . <br /> � ?,. otlmnviea Lo re�oaia la hill foree and eHect.and eeld moxtgegea ehall be�titled to t6e poeeeeeion oi ell of esid�P+nPertY.aad mey�'et ita option� . p,, . ;. <br /> , : dec�aae the whole of seid note and aII indebtednene e�ree�ted.t6ereby tq be immadieeely due and��paynble:end msy forecloee thin mortgege � "� � <br /> � � or laf�e aqy ot6er.Mga1 actlon to protect ita r3ghE.Appraisement wdvad... ..,: ' : ._ , . � . <br /> ��. �P�'e P�:heretoba�bindiogupon and;ahell mure to ehe beoeBC ot:tha heite.a=ecutore.admiaietraWrn,eu�emeore md asaigcu of the � �'.�. ` Me� <br /> R y INI.WITNE59 WHEREOF. edd Mo tt,e '. ' , .• : <br /> �':� wstttan.� � •. d �kBaBor�_ha�.heceunto eet iT hand 8the day and year fust above �`�� ,, <br /> .. . - . • . F�� ��� <br />�i „ - a e . <br /> ;. ` �' ,. , <br /> + r . , Mary C.:; de ,. <br />-r <br /> z�t< _,:,; -.,. ..�.,. ..: <br /> 3 . . .:, , . _. . ...:< . ;.::. , .. t <br /> . _ _. . _.. - J <br />