. . . . . � y �
<br /> �$- U 01 fi 59 `��' �' . �
<br /> . ,
<br /> 12. The Mortgagor further agrees that should this mortgage and �he note secured hereby not be eligible for in-
<br /> � sutance under the National Housing Act within 30 Days from the date hereot (written statert�ent of any officer
<br /> � of Yhd Department of Housing and Urban Development or author{zed agent of the Secretary of Housing and Urban
<br /> y Development dated subseyuent to the statad time from the date of this mortgage. declining to insure said � r.
<br /> j note and this mortgage, being decmcd conclusive proof of such ineligibility), the Mortgagee or holder of [he note � '
<br /> may. at its option, declare all sumssecurred hereby immediately due and payable.
<br /> 13. TF�at if the Mortgagor fails to make any payments of money when the same become due, or fails to conform to and < �:
<br />� comply with any of the conditiona or agreements cont:�ined in this mon�age, or the note which it secures, then the enrire princi- � '
<br />,�; pal sum and accrued in[erest shall at 'once becomt due and payable. at the election of the Mortgagee: and this mortgage ma
<br /> thereupon be foreclosed immediately for the whote o( said money, interes[, monfhly payments, costs. ground ren[s, taxes and
<br /> the cost ot extending the abstract of title from the date of this loan to the time of commencing such foreclosure suit, and a rea- �,;�
<br /> ,� sonable attorney's fee, all of whieh shall be included in the decree of fforeclosure : and thr cantract embodied in this mvrtgage F �;
<br /> and the note seeured hereby, shall in all respects be �averned, construed and adjudged by the laws- of Nebraska, where the �_.
<br /> + same is made. a
<br /> ; The covenants herein containe�1 shall bind, and the benefits and advanta�es shall insure to. the respective heirs, executors, � y
<br /> ; administrators. saccessors and assigns of the parties hereto. Whenevzr used, the singular number shall include the plural, the � '
<br /> � plura! the singular, and the use of any gender shall be appliceble to all genders. � ; .
<br />� The foregoing conditions, all and singular, being performed according to their natur�I and legal import , this conveyance � ,
<br /> shall be void and said premises released at the expense of the Mortgagor; otherwise to be and remain in full force and efiect.
<br /> a `
<br />� IN WITNESS WNEREOF, the Mortgagor(s) ha $ 6ereunto set his hand(sl the day and year first �
<br />� above wrirten. —
<br />� Neil E . Williams '� (�
<br />� In presence of: GEN S�AT� IAL ( .. r '��u�
<br /> r < ,
<br /> 7/// $TATE OF NEBRKSKA �.,
<br /> i � c COMMI9SION E%PIRES g'
<br /> t — 9. 1979 �;
<br /> iLarry D. 2ton
<br />� [ SEALj -
<br />� ( SEAL ] r
<br /> [ SEAL )
<br /> �
<br /> [ SEAL1 ;
<br /> � � �+�.�:
<br /> t- .`r
<br /> � ' . GPO 947 -138 x „��e�y
<br /> STATE OF NEBKASKA. '" :.
<br /> ss: ` "
<br /> COUNTY OF HaZZ � �.
<br /> .;
<br /> On this '� day of �d/'�� . A.D. 19 7�. �� �'
<br /> �• .,
<br /> before me. � j�
<br /> a Notary Pt�bZic in and for said County, personally came �_ ;�;
<br /> r�:;
<br /> i
<br /> Larry D. Wilton , a single person , >
<br /> . personally to me known `
<br /> to be the identical person whose name is aftixed ro the above aad fore- � , ':
<br /> goi�g instrument as Mortgagor, and he has acknowledged the said instrument and the ;
<br /> execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed, for the purposes therein expressed. � � ,^
<br /> � �;
<br /> . . � � In testimony whereof, I have rtBtl4dYe ���� ms Offici � �
<br /> �R
<br /> on the day and date last above writt . 64NER�►�Y����� ed by eal at Grand Ssland , Nebraska '
<br /> c
<br /> �EAL �. � .
<br /> �Jwv "
<br /> � � CpYM15510N EXP� el� No[aryPub/iC -��
<br /> 1 SeP�ber 9, 1979 •
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA . ss '
<br /> Filed for record this day of A. D. 19
<br /> a[ o'clock M . , and entered in Numerical Index , and
<br /> recorded in Book o( Mortgages. on
<br /> Page of
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br /> . . . . � . evo oo�-ees � - �
<br /> � . . . . . . �. � .�. �. h .
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