, . . . . . :� a,.:, . . . , :. __ . . ,: : r— `
<br /> . � . .
<br /> r $ `�` �'
<br /> ,� . .
<br /> ' not extend or postpone the due d3te of thc monthly instnilments referred to in paragraphs 1 xnd 2 hereof or
<br /> f ahange`the amount of auch installments; i- �x',
<br /> 1 1p. rBorrower Not Releasad. Extension of tl�e:time-for puvnlent or modification of amortization of the sums > � " '`
<br /> i ' seaured by tlus iV1ort�;age granted; Uy Lender to any successor in interest af Borrower shall not .operate to release, , : :u � r'''
<br /> ,� in any'manne�'„the� liability of the oiiginul Borrower and Borrower's 'successors in interest. Lender shsll not be �w � � °,n �«` ` �'��
<br /> , required to commeace Proceedings againstsuol� suceessoror refuse to extend tin�e for payment or otherwise modify � ; " Y �! � �'��n�:
<br /> amoitization of:the 'sums•secured by tl�is _\iortgage;'by reason of any demand made by the ori�inal Borrower and } ' �' �" "
<br /> 4 ' : � � ,' ti - �iv �'�„r'` ;
<br /> y� ` Borrower'esaeceasorsini�ereet. , ° , '�'��K�.�
<br /> . . . � . . �«�. �, i >>� � .a.
<br /> r} U-j ,Il:' Farbe�mice by Lendez Not..¢ Wmvea Any forbearaace by Lender in exerciaing any right or remedy � ;; ' � � �� � '� 'a.rr�
<br /> =-+ �j ' hereunder, or otherwisc afforded by applicable ta�v; shail not be s waiver of or preclude the exercise of sn ri ht �" � : " ,°` '
<br /> z �', �
<br /> °'� � or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender M� '; ' r Y ��
<br /> T'.� p ahall riot be a wuiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this ' Mortgage_ �. ,: � ��
<br /> ' , �, 22:` Remadies Cumulaiive. Al2 remedies provided in this �Iorf,gage ace distinct and ciimulative to any other °'r <` � '� '
<br /> ` ,` right-or' remed'g ;hnder this Wlortgsge or afforded i�y lu«• or e�uity, and may bc exercised concurrently, independ- �`� :� , ' ' +` {� t �;1
<br /> r � entlq oYsuccessively. � �� , � ' 1 .
<br /> ap I3; Suceassors imd 'Assigae Bouad; Joiat �d Several Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreements � ' �,�� 2;
<br /> h herein contained shnll bind ; and the rights I�ereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and ussigns af Lender ^p, . ' 7 � T ' s ` :
<br /> snd Borrower, subjeet to the provisions of paragrnph 17 liereof. All covenanta and agreemeate of Borrower ahall "�' ` " � . �s;
<br /> be joint and seveisl. The csptions and I�eudings of the paragrnphs of this �lortgage are for conveuicnce only and �� ' �v " �-;
<br /> sre not to be useci to interpret. or define tl�e provisions hereof. �' . ' ,, �
<br /> 14. Notice. Any notice to Bonower provided for in tl�is \Iortgage sLall be given by mAiling such notice by �k a; } ; � 'f
<br /> certified msil addressed to Borrower at tlie Property rlddress ataCed helor�•, except for any notice required under ` ' ; �� 7;
<br /> paragrsph 18 hereof to be given to Borrawer in the manner pr¢scribed by applicaF�le law. Any notice provided � ' ' * r � ' ,;f �w
<br /> for in this VlorGgsge shall bc deemed to havc been given to Borrower �rhen given in the manner designated herein. � ; " y4 �"
<br /> 15. Uaiform Mortgage; Govez�mg Law; Severability. Thie form of mortgage combines uniform covensnts +' '`" i� a
<br /> fornational use snd non-uniform covenants �vith limited variations Uy jurisdiction to constitute a uniforrn aecu- � , Yr � , � r ;��,�a
<br /> nty inatrument covering real property. This \Iortgage shall be �overned by the law of the jurisdiction in which �+ , ' , '� ` n ;"y 6 S
<br /> 'the Property is located. In the event that �ny provision or clause of t[�is Mortgage or the Note con8icts with a � ,� � „ ,`�,�
<br /> applicable Iaw, such conflict shalf not affect otlter provisions of this 1lortgage or the Note which aan be given ; y r., tn"
<br /> - effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the vlortgage and the Note are declared � ,,�
<br /> � �'h�yn.��,
<br /> to be severable. ,
<br /> 16. Borsower'a Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of this b4ortgage at the time of execu- � ' ` ,� r � �^�:
<br /> tion or sfter recordation hereof. * `r ` F� � �,�'*gh
<br /> , � �`'�
<br /> 19. Tzaasfer of the Property; Aasumption. If all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold ,u` � �
<br /> or transfened by Borrower �vithout Lender s prior written con 'sent , excluding (a ) the creatio� of a lien or encum- s j ` j , .f ,s,F'„'�'���
<br /> brance subordinate to this Mortgage, (b) tl�e creatian ot a purchase money security interest for household appli- � ' ' < ' ,: _,':;�
<br /> sncea, (c) s transfer by devise, descent or by operation of lz���,npon the death of n joint tenant or (d) the, grant of t ,. «' �� '°�
<br /> any leasehold intereat of three years or less not contsining an option to �urchase, Lender may, at Lender's option, ' ' „ ,,;; �
<br /> declare all the sums secured by this �iortgage to be im�nediately due and payable. Lender shsll have waived such � :* , '� ' ;�'�"
<br /> o tion to accelerate if `
<br /> p , priar to tl�e sale or transfer, Lender sud tlie person to �vhari� the Property is to be sold or � - , ° ,, % 5 �R
<br /> tranaferred reach ageeement in �vriting that the credit uf suci� ��erson is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest �, �°> '"�;t `�
<br /> payable on the sums secured by this vIortgage sHal! be at sucl� rate as Leiider shall request. If Lender has w»ived x +����'�
<br /> t h e o p t i o n t o a c c e l e r a t e p r o v i d e d i n t h i e p aragrap h 1 7 an d i f I 3orrower s successor in interest has executed a writ- � � � �xx����
<br /> + k��
<br /> ten assumption sgreement accepted in writing by 7,ender, Lender shall release Borro�ver from atl obligstions under � ' ' � "
<br /> this MorEgage and the NutE. � �.�; � �`'
<br /> If Lender exercises sucl� option to accelerate, Lender shali rnail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance �� '� '
<br /> ° with paragraph I4 hereof. Such notice shull providc a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is � ` M y'
<br /> mailed within which Borrower may pay tl�e su:us declared due. If Bonower fails to pay such sums prior to the , 7 „'
<br /> expiration of such period; Lender may, without furtiier noticc or demand on Bbrrower, invoke any remediea per- r� , ': �
<br /> mitted byparagraph 18 hereof.
<br /> �iY
<br /> + j' V
<br /> ivTON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BOl'1'OWgI' RIIC� L@Il(3C3' tUCtl]CP COVC'I1RT1t and agree as follo�vs : a „sh,, :
<br /> � 18:'' Aeeeleratioa; Remedies. Except as pro�•ided in ��aragrapli 17 hereof, . unon Borrower's breach of sny
<br /> covenant or agreement of Borrower in this �fortgagc, including tlic covenants to :(�aX «•hen dnc any sums secured r
<br /> by this 1Zortgage, Lender prior to acceleration �6a11 inuil potice to Borro�ver , as proti•idcd in paragraph 14 hereof : �, 3 ,
<br /> ,. .' xpecifyingc (1 ) the breach ; (2) the nction reryuired to cure such breacL ; (3 ) u daic, not less than thirty days �
<br /> fromthe date the notice is mailecl to Borro��•er, by �ei�ich such brencl> >uust be cured ; and ( 4 ) that failure to cure
<br /> such breach on or before the date specified in the noticc �nay result in acceleration oC tLe suma secured by this
<br /> Mortgage and sale of the Property_ If the breach is not cured on or beforc tlie date specificd in the notice, Lender
<br /> at Lender's option may declarc a11 of the swns secured by this vlortgagc to be immediutcly due and payable
<br /> �- without further demand and may foreclose tliis J4ortgugc by judicial proceeding. Lender shall be entitled to collect ' '` `
<br /> ,, in such proceeding all expenses of foreclosurc, including, but not li�nited to, costs of documentsry evidence, '
<br /> abstracts and title reports.
<br /> 5 19. Borrowoz's Right to Reinstate. Nota•itl�standing Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by thia y
<br /> ��: Mortgage, Borrower shali huve the right to have any proceedings begun b}• I.endcr to enforcc this �4ortgage dis- `
<br /> ; coatinued at sny timeprior to entry of a judgment enfoy�cing this \1ort�nge if : (a ) Borrower pays Lender all �
<br /> �, aums which would be then due under this \Iortgage, the Note nnd notes securing Future Advancee�, if any, had no �
<br /> ,�,, 8ccelerstion occurred ; (b) Borrower cures sll breaches of any other co�•enant= or agrcements of Bonower con-
<br /> tained in this Mortgage; (c) Borrower pays a!1 reasonable espenses incurred bt• I,ender in enforcing the covenants i
<br /> � aa�d 'sgseemente of Bortower aontained in this VlortFnge und in enfmring i.encier's remedies a.s provideci in para- 4
<br /> 4� ,graph 18 hexeof, including, but not limited to, reusonable attornev's fecs ; nnd !d ) Borrower tskes such $ction as
<br /> �;�. -I:ender msy reaeonably require 4o sesure ;that the lien of this \Iortgage, Lender's interest in the Property and =f :i
<br /> � Botrower's o6ligation to pay the sums secured by this �4ortgage chall continue unimpaired. Upon such payment �' . ��,.-' .7
<br /> sad cure,by Bortow,erx this:Mortgage and the obligations secured liereby shn❑ remain in full force and effeet as if ..«
<br /> . .. ' ..f � t r .. . : " . 44 JA
<br /> u , , � .fl0 8CCC18S$LIOII �lSd OOOUT2'E'(�. . � -. �_ :... . . � �. � � . . � : . � .- '
<br /> 20 Awlgnmeat of .R�als; Appoiatment oi Receiver, Lender ia Possessioa As additional security hem- ,�",
<br /> `uader,Bormwei�hereby e�serigiis to'I:eaderthe renta of the Property. provided that BorroRer shall, prior to acceler- � �%
<br /> �
<br /> s£�on under pars'graph 18.fiercwf or�abapdonment of the Property, ha��c the right to collect and retain such rents `r
<br /> �'s�hey°�ebomc.due and payable ! . .:
<br /> � ;�. IJpon,aoce]eratzoa under paragispl� 18ehereoE or abandonment of the Yroperty, Lender, in person, by agent s
<br /> orb�� ,�tciihselfy"appo�ntecl' ieeeiver ."shall be. entitIed .to .enter :.upon, take posse�sion of and �nanage the Property .k ,,;�#",c .
<br /> , �51 tqt,colle�c,t the;ients,of:the Pmpetty, .including,�thoae psst: due, All rents collecteci by I,ender or the receiver
<br /> � ah$!i be spphed &xat to payment of the coate',oE mansgement of tl�e Property and collection of renta, including, but
<br /> ��. not l�mited to, receiver's fees, premiums on mceiver's bondF and reasonable attorney's fees. nnd then to the sums
<br /> ,-:'a�� eecure� by this '1Wl�oetgsge.� Leader and the receiver sl�all bcliable: to account only for those rents actually received .
<br /> �
<br /> � . . . .. ,�._< . .., � M �.. �
<br />� , : . . _ �_ . _.�.T�. , �.�.� �.w _�.rt � ..�.M _ . _ _
<br />�� � � �
<br /> 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ' . � .
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<br />