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<br /> 7s-� o 01 s s o �EAL ESTATE MORTGAGE
<br /> .. .ROC+FF2 F,A(']F CnNCTRiI(`TIl1V haing a cnlr� �„p,nri + tni�.�_Bp.�pr A fa�io a ri K a r� � .�
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<br /> of#he Coun o� HALL NEBRASKA
<br /> U' aad State of Fereinaiter Called the P�'tY of the iirst part,in
<br /> i constderation � l'H I RTY FOUR THOUSAND FND NO/I 00------------------------------------ .
<br /> �OLLARS,
<br /> fa hand paid, do hereby grant,bargain, aell and coavey unto the Home Federal Savinga&Loaa Aaeociat(an of.Grand is]and,
<br /> Grand Ielaad,Nebraaka,and its wccessare and esadgm,ffie following real estate.situated in Ha I 1
<br /> CountY.State� Nebraska ,�, Wwit:
<br /> Together wlth a11 t6e appurtenances thereunto belonging,and all covenants in all the title deeds runntng with said real estste,
<br /> and all llte renfs,'issues aad prpfits arlsing therefrom after default in performance of any covenant or condition hereia coo-
<br /> taiaed; s¢d warranks the title thereto perfect and clear eacept for this mortgage.
<br /> ' Dur3ng the time this mortgage is ln force the mortgagors agree:
<br /> � FIrst. To pag all taaes and spedal asaesaments levied agatast,sald premises; iacluding all taxes and asseasments levied
<br /> upoa this muttgage,or the debt secured by this mortgage.
<br /> Second. To keep all buildings thereon insnred againaR loss by fire, lightning and tornado in aome company,to be ap
<br /> proved by the said Home Federsl Savings &Loan Asaoeiation of Grand Island in the sum of F ���surab l e va I u � tor
<br /> � t6e benefit of the said Associatioa,and its successois or assigns; and to depasit safd policies with said AssociaIIon,and s�al!nM
<br /> '! commit or suffer any waste on said premises, and ahali put aad keep said real estate buildings and improvements in good
<br /> order.
<br /> i Thlyd. To pay or cause to be paid tu the Hartne Federal Saviags & Loan AssocigHon of Grand Island, iYs auccessors or
<br /> ' aesigns,the sum o€s TH I RTY FOUR THOUSAND ANU NO/I 00---------------------------------DULLARS, ,{
<br /> i ' pqyable as fallows:
<br /> ; b34,000.U0 'vUE APRIL I , t979
<br /> ,
<br /> i
<br /> � ,
<br /> : ,
<br /> .,.f .�. � .. . .
<br /> �
<br /> wIth 9aterest thereon payable,accordIng to the tenor and effect af the one certaln first mortgage note of said mortgagors,
<br /> bearing even date with these presents_ After maturity said bond draws iaterest at the rate of nine per cent per annnm.
<br /> It said taxes and assesaments are not paid when due, or If the buildings on said premiaes are aot insured as above pro-
<br /> vided,or If aay of eaid interest is aot paid whea due,thea said whole debt shall become due immediately,at the optioa of the
<br /> said Association,and ahall thereafter draw interest at the rate of nine per ceat per annum.
<br /> The mortgagor hereby assign S to said moatgagee all reats and income adstng at aqy and all times from said
<br /> property aad hereby authorize aaid mortgagee or its agent, at its option, upon default, to take charge of said property and
<br /> .p , rnllect all'rents and income tlierefrom aad applq tLe same to the payment of interest, principal, insurance premiums,tazes, �
<br /> ? sseeesmenta. repairs or imprnvemeatv aecessary to keep said property 3n tenantable rnnditioa, or to other charges or paq-
<br /> meuts provided for herein or in the note hereby aecured. This rent assignment sLall continue in torce until the unpaid bal-
<br /> ance of said note is fully paid The taking of possess[on hereunder shall in no manner preveat or retard said mortgagee in
<br /> i the coIIectioa of said snms by forecloaure or otherwise.
<br /> � `Whether said debt becomes due by Iapae of time, or by reason of the Sailure of the party of the first part to comply
<br /> ,� with any condltion herein,the said Home Federal Savings 6e Loan Asaociation of Grand Island, the auccessors and assigns,
<br /> shall have the right to bepn the foreclosure of this moRgage at once on the whole debt hereby secured, and W include
<br /> � therein ell teaes, assessments,insuranee premiums and costs, paid by it or them; or aeid Asaociaqon, its successors or
<br /> amigna, may torecloae oaly as to t6e sum past due, wlthout injury to this mortgage, or the displacemeat or impairment
<br /> �� ' of:the lien thereof.
<br /> ` - And the said first party and the makere of said note, especially agree and declare that the separate estate of each and �
<br /> `every oae of ihem,including both,that now owned and that hereafter acqnired, is pledged and bound for the payment of
<br /> } �, t6e debt hereby secured.
<br /> After the commenro�++a++t of aay suit in foreelosure the plainUff therein shall be entitled to the immediate poesessioa of � !
<br /> � siid'premisra and the appointment of a receiver therefar, notwith�tanding they may be the homestead of the ocrupant and „�
<br /> aof9vItLstanding the parties llable for the debt may be aolvent,aad the first party hereby consents to the appointment of a "'"
<br /> � Recetver:iipoa the P�udioa of this iadenture, without other evideace. <
<br /> � a. :The foregoing conditions and agreemente, all and aiagular. being Pully Performed,this conveY�ce shall be void, othea y " �
<br /> � Wlee to,be and remaia fa iull fom and ef[eck
<br /> �v : Si�ed ti,i, � 23rd day o�_ P4arch e D., 19 �g � r r, :.
<br /> � ; �p�e � ROGER GA COVSTRUCTIOtJ ' :x�"` "�'�
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<br /> "`' . , BY: `
<br /> �A , yer . �de .ti,= ,
<br /> -- yc..
<br /> `� Karen A.'Gade
<br /> . .... .. , .. . . .__ ... ._... .. . _ _... . . . . .1� �
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