<br /> : . _ - . ._ : .. . _ , � _ �
<br />� �� � , '
<br /> ` 21. Fuhae Advaaces. Upon request of Borrower, I.ender, at Lender's option, prior to release of this
<br /> ; Mortgage, may make Future Advances to Borrower. Sucfi Future Advances, with interest thereon, shalI �
<br /> ' be secured by this Mortgage whea evidenced, by promissory notes stating that said notes are aecured hezeby
<br />� exeept that the interest rate on the entire unpaid balance and the term of the original loan, to the extent ' ,
<br /> permitted by law, may be adjusted as the partiea hereto may agree. Atno tiwe shall the pnncipai amount :, } f�,. "`
<br />� o£; the .indebtedness secured by this Mortgage, not including sums advanced in accordanc he th to pro- '' , � `.�„ _�
<br /> r tect: the .security ,of:tT:is Mortgage,- ezceed :the original amount of the Note plus US $ �0 , � (Sl� 00 _ �4 l t � f�x ` ;�' '
<br /> � x r e
<br /> E PROVZDED, HOWEVER, that prepayments of principal, as provided for in paragraph 22 that followa,are
<br /> i returned` to Borrower or are made absolute non-withdraweble principal prepayments prior to advancu�g �.
<br />� sums as pera�itted within this paragraph. E, `� `" „�
<br /> � r �
<br /> a2. Saviaga Fund_ Borrower may make prepayments of principal on any installment due date or � ,,
<br /> s immediately preceding said date to be effective on the due date foliowing and prepayment ahall be applied { " � �
<br />� to .installments last to become due under this martgage. Upon request of the undersigned or either of y � ±
<br /> them, provided a default does not exist and they are the owners of the mortgaged property, the lender '
<br /> G agreca to fumieh to the undersigned lA0°fo of such principel prepayments, unTess advancement is pmhibited ' r' � :�
<br />� by the regulations of chartering and supervisory authorities then in eHect. All such advancements shalY be ' �
<br /> secvred by this mortgage in the same ma:uier and effect as if no prepayments had been made. ` ` ` � ;s
<br /> 23. Relevae. Upon peyment of all suma secured by this Mortgage, Lender shalt discharge this E < < ;'
<br /> Mortgage, without charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay sii coats of recordation, if any. i: �
<br /> � . . . � � . . � . . . . . �:i
<br /> . . / - � � . . . T.. ' " '"«;
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<br /> . . . . � Uf � � �. ., �'�
<br /> Ix Wirxess WxEse�e, the Borrower has executec3 this Mortgage. � W N � � � � ;���
<br /> co �� �� Q -
<br /> --------- ---------------------.-- --.....---------..-- -.........-.-.---- ----.-.----- ---- .- .---- -.. --.----..--------- ----. --.�.7._��-.-.--....-�---....._. ' ����
<br /> �, E ,� a
<br /> ` �`}'� � '
<br /> Clar e E . Ritchi� � Borrower � ` ,M
<br /> /r �✓ - . - " 5 ��.
<br /> ..... ...........••-•-•--•..............__..........._._... _. _�• _ - h � .�;
<br /> ....... ............ •---�------ - - - ..... _ . ...•------• . , ''}
<br /> e en � S. ��8itchie r/S��Borrower
<br /> g � �a �
<br /> F , 't ;t-�h
<br /> Pmperty Address ._... 1028 South Cherry , Grand Island , Nebraska 68801 ......._•............ ..... . ... ... � i �
<br /> STATE OF NEBBA.SKA . •"'-'......"'-f-----�1..'�.^._L..•'.'--'----". ._.....COUIIty. SS: � . �. . t;, . . :�. ';' ��
<br /> ,
<br />.� � �. �. "n � �
<br /> On this . '23 . __.... day of .------��`-`•�-----•--•---..., 19_.:.7_�., before me, the undersigned, a Notary ' ,7 �;
<br /> Public in aad for said County, personally came ..._Clarence__E . __Ritchie _and;,Delgne,_ $.,__Ri��}��e.,.._... "' '
<br /> z v,
<br /> husband and wife—____�—�__�_—____�_M_r_ " "'
<br /> ----------------- ---
<br /> •--•---••••-------•--•..............•-----•-•----....__:...........-•----.....--•......---••-•--....._----- ---•---._....-•------•-•-•-•.._..------------...••-••••••••--•.....-••-•-•---
<br /> peraonally known to ine to be the identical persons whose names are a�aed to the above and foi+egoing � t,;`
<br /> instrument, as mortgagors, and each acknowle eds�id instrument to be his or her voluntary act and deed. � ` -:
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal at ._�„�(.'. ..�vL+�----�::.---•-••----•-- the date last above written. , �
<br /> � Q �Q � � , �
<br /> My Commission ezpires: //l S � � �� � � ;
<br /> ...--�--......./�.....................I .._._. . ......--•--... _.._.-•••-----
<br />� � � Notary�F�i��lb�'c� � � ;f
<br /> ---•---- •••-•-.._...-•••-•---...---�--.._..-••- -•••-••- _• -•........... . ........••--• --.._........_. ..._.._ _.....-- ---•------- ------.. . ......--• •---•-----...---- ,
<br /> . ............... , .
<br /> STATE OF ............................. . . , ;
<br /> County ...-•--. .:.. - •--• -------•............. ........•}� i, . .
<br /> Entered oa numerical index and filed for record in the Register of Deeds 08ice of said County the
<br /> ^, ;
<br /> --•----_..-•-•••- day of ................... ......., 19......._, at ._.......---•------ - o clock and .._._.._...... minutes .---_•._...M., � ^i
<br /> . ,,
<br /> aad ;ecorded in Book .............: _... of Mortgages at page _....._... .._....--- .., as Instrument No: .....--••---......_ ._ �` .;
<br /> r: :
<br /> , p
<br />� .. i �
<br /> y ,r, . .
<br /> ;
<br /> -•-- ----•--•....... ..... .. ......... . .............. . . _ . .........-----.......-•---- :
<br /> Reg. of Deeds , '
<br /> _ ' By _.••-••••--•--------------•••--••----......._............._.......... _..DeputY
<br /> * ' „�
<br /> y� „
<br /> _ -��-t. �z;
<br /> ' When zecorded to be returned to the t �;�x
<br /> ,
<br /> , . ::', � . ,. , � :�'��
<br /> :. �' �� Sinat Addraas ,:. � � � � MellinL Addross . . _ . . Phooa - � � � �?��
<br /> ,p 135'No.: Cotner Blvd., Uncoln . P.O. Boz 5204. Lincoln, Ne. �68505 - � � 475•0521 '`!�� s `
<br /> � ��,-Q '2I01 �So. 42nd St y Omaha�� - P.O. Box 6273, Omaha, Ne. 68106 . � � � 5548000 . . � . � ,,,M� �:: �
<br /> . . ,p 1811 Wast 2nd St... Qrand �Island . 1811 West.:2nd St,- Grand Island, Ne. 68801 � 384-4433 . � .
<br /> L7 _ .,: , -- _
<br /> , y: �
<br />