<br />�
<br />� :
<br /> �
<br /> 7. Condemnrtion. In the eyent the Property; or any part thereot, shall be takxn by eminent domein, the Mortgagee
<br /> , ie empowered to'collect and receive all compensatlon which may be paid lar any property taken or Por damages to property
<br /> not -taken, and "Mortgagee s6a11 apply such coinpensatfoQ, at-its option, either to a rndnctton of the indebtedness secured
<br /> hereby or ta;repair and ;estore the property sn daroaged.
<br /> ,' ' - ..� . , _ . t
<br /> 8 . Pertormance .by Moztgagee. Moitgsgee may, but shall have no obligalion, to do any act. which the Mortgagor
<br /> ,� ' ,, ,.� has. agreed 6ut fails, to do; and Moitgagee may also do any acbit deems necessary to protect the lien hereoP. Mortgegor I
<br /> � agi�ee�_;Lir xepay, updri deinand, any surns so expended._6y ihe Mortgsgee.for the above purposes, �,a �y �� � ��naea
<br /> ' ; by thc MorKgagee shatl, be 'added' to' the in8ebtedriess secured hernby and become subject to the lien hereot. Mortgagee
<br /> �. ' sball not tmcUr-any personat liability'.beresuse'of anyth3ng It rnqy, do or om'it to do hereunder.
<br /> . ,, , . .
<br /> � 9: D'etanit; AasignnaeaC of'Rents. T'ime is of tFre essence hereof, and upon Mortgagar's de[ault in any covenant "
<br /> ° oxagreement of this Mortgage, including, covenants to pay when due the sums secured by this. Mortgage, the Mortgagee shatl
<br /> :., ` . : be enGtled, at iks so[e option and-wit6out: notice, to dedaze all sur.�s secured by this Mortgage Ea be immediately due and
<br /> payabte: aaid,mey commence - forectbaure o[ tdis Mortgage by judicial praceedings; and, provfded turther, that:upon such
<br /> �: _ detalflt the Mortgagee, a� a receiver sppointed by a court, may aE its option and without re�ard to the adequacy of the
<br /> eeeurity, eater upon and takepossescion of the Property and collect the rents, issues and profits therefrom and apply them
<br /> " tirst-to the cost of collecLlon and operation oC the Property and then upon the i�debtednes�s secured by thia Mo:tgagtee;
<br /> said rents, issues and protts' being asslgned to the Mortgegee as further security tor the paymeret of the indebtedaeas
<br /> ; : secured: hereby:
<br /> � 10. 1Yans[er o[ Property. IC all or any part of the Prope;ty is sold or transferred witltout the exprnss written con-
<br /> ' sent o[ the Moitgagee, 1Wloetgagee may at its sole option, declsre alI sums secured by this Mortgage Eo be lmmediately due' ' '
<br /> and payable. > . .
<br /> ` - 1L Future Advancea Upon request of Mortgagor, Mortgagee may make addiGonal and tnture advances to '
<br /> Mortgagee. Such advanees, with interest thernon, shail be secured by t6is Mortgage when evidenced by promissory notes
<br /> staNng that eeid notes are securcd hereby. At no time shall the principal amount of the tndebtedness secured by this
<br /> : � Martgage; not iacluding sums advanced to protecC the security of this Modgage, exeeed the oziginal Note.
<br /> 12. Miscellaneous Provisions _ .
<br /> (a) Any fornbearance in exercising any right or remedy shall not be s waiver thereot
<br /> -. ' (b) -Al1 rnmedies provided herein are dietinet and cumu[ative to anp other right atforded by lawbr equity,
<br /> ' . . - ` and may be exercised eoacurrently, independently or successively. ' .
<br /> _ (c) ' . The covenancs ana a�reements contained herein sbail bind, and the rights inure to, the respective
<br /> . , ,
<br /> • :, . .. , - '. . : successo[s and avsigns of the MorCgagor and the Mortgagee.
<br /> (d) AI! covenants sad agreements of the Martgagor are joint and several.
<br /> �� : � - . ' (e) The headin¢ of the pangraphs of this, Mortgage are tor coovenience only and sha!! not be used to inter-
<br /> _ ` . .
<br /> : , , , , ; , pre! or deiine the provigions hereoL
<br /> 13. Retease. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Mortgagee shall discherge this Mortgage and
<br /> T � shall esecute aad delIver a satisfactory release thern[or.
<br /> . _ ,
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Mortgagor has executed this Mortgage on the 17 �day o[ Mar� 19 �$ .
<br /> .. . ; .� •. . ' , : . . . .
<br /> r �
<br /> , � ��- ��=
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<br /> , ,` . . . '. . . . . �t�� , . . . . . .. . . . . , , ,
<br /> = k ; .' � � ', � - . �. ' . . . . . . . . i//j/./!,� !�// / G-� - . . , . : .. � . .�,
<br /> , ��' '. �. : , � . � . . . �.. �. � - � - � - � � � � OIIE?t3. ArP�7dYt. � � �. � . soaow�r � �. . . ". . . :
<br /> t ! 3tate oC.Nebraske, Hall County ss:
<br /> ., . , .
<br /> � . ._ .. _ . '
<br /> � , '; ; . , , On ttils 17th �y ap MarnFi 19��, before me the undersi ed, a No
<br /> � . 6� tarY Pablic
<br /> �; < � -duly commissioned and qualiGed Cor said county. personally came ��� G . A�ehart afld Oneta
<br /> . P,�eh1=t , to me known to be the
<br /> � . . identica! peison(s) . whose name(s) arn subscribed to the Po�egoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof
<br /> ":' . . � � kLis and' heL' voluntary act and deed. _
<br /> ' ` Witness my hand and notaeial seal at Gralrl Tslatycl , !n seid county, the
<br /> � daEe"atornBaid . y �� �
<br /> , �, .._ �
<br /> - My'Commiasion ezplres: . %o?. - /_? - 7 /. ! '
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