<br /> r �
<br /> ?g-' !x�2 63�7
<br /> , MORTGAGE
<br /> Thia 1Mortgage!s enternd lnw 6etween FIAR�LD G. �.RT �1I�ID �ARII3ART, H1lsband and
<br /> ' THE WERLAL�,I.NATIOd�lA.L B�lNK dF QtAND , :
<br /> ( . , (hereln"Mortgagor")nnd '
<br /> 1 _.,, - ISS,AND. GYarscl Islarxi, Nebraslca roerefn"Mortgagee").
<br /> ; ,_ . ,
<br /> :., , Mortgagor is indebted to MortQaQee In the principal sum of$ 7��RS�-fa ,.evidenced by Moxtgagor's note
<br /> ( )providing tar paymeats of principal and inteaest,with the balance ot the
<br /> dated MaY'ch 17: 1978' hereia"Note"
<br /> .-` indebtedneas;if riot sooner paid,due and payabte on �T� .
<br /> • � . � :' To seeure the payment oP the 1Vote,wit6 interest as provided therein,the payment of all other sums,with interest,
<br /> __..,
<br /> ; . advaaced by Mortgagee to protect the securiLy o[this Mortgage,and the performaace of the covenants and agreements of
<br /> �,. • ' Che.Mortgag�or contained herein, Martgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the following desc�lbed
<br /> propert'y located ia ��-1 County,Nebraska:
<br /> Lats n�ant�ered One (1) . ZWo (2), Six (6), Seven (7) . Seventeen (Z7), ZWenty—
<br /> ZSao (22): ZWenty=Three (23). Rtaenty—Four (24). Tw�nty Five (25). Rt�.nty—
<br /> ziine (29). Thirty-RWo (32). 'Ituz't]'—Three (33). Zt�irtY Four (34)_� �i.rtY
<br /> Six (36)i Thirty-Seven (37). 2hirtl'—Eight (38). Tl'iirtY—Nine (39J. F'orty—
<br /> s .. Five .(45). Fox't1'-Six (46). P'ox't1'-Seven (47). Forty—Nine (49), Fifty-0ne _
<br /> (51). Fi�ty�itao C52), aIrl Fifty—Three (53) . in Ravern,�ood Subdivision.
<br /> " " E3aI.1 Countyi Ne]�saska. :
<br /> Together with all buildin�;improvements,Fixtuses,streets,alleys,passageways, easemenfs,rights,privileges and
<br /> appuetenances located thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto,and tfie:ents,issues and pro6Cs,ievexsions and remaindezs .
<br /> :.:_:' ' ; thereof;induding,:but not llmited to,heating and cooling equipment snd such pe:sonal property that is attached to,tlae
<br /> :' improvementa so,as to constitute a Sxture;all of which,including replacements and additions thezeto,is hereby declared
<br /> to:be a part of t6e reai estafe secured by the lien of this Moctgage and all ot the toregoing being rePerred to herein as the
<br /> "property"
<br /> '� Mortgegor[uztfier comenanb and agrees,with Mortgagee,as tollows:
<br /> L Payment To pay the Indebtedness end tde interest thereon as provided in this Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> 2 �tle. Mortgagor is the owner of the Property,has the right and authority to mortgage the Prope;ty,and
<br /> "' -wactants that the llen created.hereby is a Cust and prior lien on the Property,except as may oWerwise be set forth henia.
<br /> ' ' ❑T6e Pro is sub'ect to a Mort :
<br /> perty' J gage whernin
<br /> �' is the Mortgagee,rncorded at Book ,Page ot the Mortgage Records of Coun
<br /> t3'.
<br /> - -'Nebraska,:whlch Mortgage is a lien pdor to the lien crnated hernby.
<br /> � Otl�er prlor liens or encumbrances:
<br /> ir :;. � _:: . . �.:. .. ..�. .. . . . . . . . . . . �. .
<br /> � 3. Taxea,Asaesments. To pay,when due all taaea,special assessments and all other charges against tLe Property
<br /> and,upon.wcitten demdnd by Mortgagee,to add to the payments requtmd under the Note secured hereby,such amount as
<br /> _ may be'suffident to enable the Mortgagee to pay such taxes,assessments or other charges as they becomr due.
<br /> 4. Insurance. To;keep the improvements now or hereafter located on the rnal estate described herein insured
<br /> againat damage tiy flre and euch other hazards as Mortgagee may require,in amounts and with companies acceptable to tJ�e
<br /> Mort�gee, and with`loss payable to the Mortgagee. In case of loss under such policies the Mortgagee is authoriud to
<br /> , ^hdjusl,:collect" and coriipromise,in!ta discretion;all clatmb thereunder at its sole option, authorized to either apply the
<br /> -:.`- �`�'piocee,ds to'tde iestoiadon'oL the Property or upon the indebtedness aecured hereby,but payments hernunder shatl con-
<br /> ' 'tinue until the_aumssecuted 6ereby are paSd in fu1L
<br /> .. . ...;,,:
<br /> _: � . . . ,
<br /> . . , .. S. O t�xow For.Ta�cea and Insurance. Notwithstanding,anything conLained in peragiaphs 3,and 4 hereof to the
<br /> " ' ' -camtraty,�:MoitQagor shall;pay to the.Mortgagee.at the time of paying the monthly installments of principel and interest,
<br /> ; _.
<br /> oae-tweltth.oL:khe-yeady,taxes,assessments,:hazard insurance:premfums;and ground rentg:(if any)which may attain a •
<br /> , pliorlty;over,Wis pdor,tgage,.all,as reasonably estlmated from Ume`to time by the Mortgegee.The amounts so paid s6a11 be . � ,,,
<br /> � held by=fhe Motfgagee with:out interest and apptied to the payment of tt�e items 1n respect to which such amounts were . �' �
<br /> w i _�:depoaited.�7►e.sums;paid�to:Mortgagee hereunderare pledged as addltional secur5ty Por the indebtedness sec�ued by this f� W
<br /> -' ; Mortga�e:�gagocshall,pey to Mortgegee the"amount of any defideneq between,the ackual tazes,aseessments,insurance
<br /> 7W
<br /> � � j� pre.ym�lamt and gtonKd.Yents and.the deposits fiereunder_within 10 deys after demand is made upon,Mortgagor requesting � %
<br /> �"7j L_? j;�i..fik0�'L11CI'20L � f'., . .�j�'„'�.
<br /> � 8 Repa1rP11�ainten'ance and Uae To�prompUy;repaii,restore or rebuild'any buIIdinga or improvements now or
<br /> � herei[�ei on�he�Piopesty;`to keep`{tie Propeiky in good aoadition and repa"v,without waste,and frne from mechanic's or
<br /> '': .._ .,'okherliep`s abL eii.. . _:.
<br /> g ' sUtiord(na"ied to t5e lien hereot�rio!'tb malce,siiffei or "'
<br /> P�Y� permit sny nukance to eacist,nor to dimin-
<br /> ia6 oc iwpair;the�alueof the Ptoperty by any act or omisaion to act;and`to compiy with all requirnments of law with
<br /> '�respect'.�o the,Piopetty_ �� � '
<br /> _. • � � -. .
<br /> �
<br />�
<br />