_ . _ . � �
<br />�.-�,ZB�- U�+� 16 3 4 �
<br /> _ _____...�...__.__ --:J...r_�. _ ..�_:_ _ .��._.___ ,�
<br />^�� 53-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—With Tax Cfause (Reviud+1962)� - T6e HuBmau Ganerel bti+ppty Hw�ae,L7nooln,Nebr.^ t�
<br /> { �
<br /> � KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEN'T3: THAT RObErt L. Sorgenfrei arid Luella IC. �
<br /> 5orgenfrei, husband and wife, each in his and her own right and as spouse EI ;
<br /> of the other, (tvtortgaRor s ) t
<br /> � Hall ��tr.�s�+�of Nebrasl�a ,in consideration of the evm of �{ �;,
<br /> . . ,.
<br /> Twenty thousand and no/100 ($20,000.00)-•------------------------- �LLARS �t ;.
<br /> in hand paid,do heteby SELL and CONVEY unto � 5.`
<br /> Commercial National Bank & Trust Company �f
<br /> � � (Mortgagee ) ii
<br /> of Hdl�. County,and State of Nebraska the following described premieea '�
<br /> i situacea ;n Hall county, a,ia scece o[ Nebraska to-w;e: �
<br /> ;� ! Lot Twenty-Four (24) , Ifentish Hills Suladivision, located E�
<br /> iF in the South Hal£ of the Northwest Quarter o£ the Southwest ;i
<br /> E) � Quarter (S�I3W'�SW'�) of Section Twenty-Five (25) , Township �, }'
<br /> � Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. , ��
<br /> �� in Hall County, Nebraslca. 'i
<br /> �? '
<br /> t• �
<br /> �1 In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted f
<br /> j� to be tran5ferred, from the undersigned £or any reason or by any method °
<br /> j; whatsoever, the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once i;
<br /> i� beoome due ancl payable at the election of the holder hereof. Failure (
<br /> �� to exercise this option because of transfer of title as above stated in � '
<br /> x; one instance shall not constitute a waiwer of the right to exercise the '; �,;
<br /> j� same in the event of any subsequent transfer. ;
<br /> !� ��
<br /> t4i � i
<br /> }� The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple including all the righta of homestead and dawer_ <<
<br /> ,� ,� �_�`
<br /> �
<br /> � TO FIAVE AND TO HOLD the premises ahove described, with nll t6e appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the - "�
<br /> �! asid mortgagee and to 1'kS heirs and aesigne, forever, provided always, and these presenta are upon the ezprena � `� �I��
<br /> ;� oondition that if the aforeseid mortgagorS , th27.Z'heirs, ezecutory, administrstora or asaigna ahaII pay or cause to be� �3 ��
<br /> i� �prid to the said mort,agee 1'tS heirs,executors, adminiatrators or assigns,the aum of Twenty thousand z�� -
<br /> jl drid IIO/100 ($20�000.00)--------------------------- Dollars,payable as followe,to-wit: �f
<br /> f! Twenty Thousand & riO�lOO--Dollarnon ct,e 14th aay or September , is78 ��
<br />. �� � 1Jollara on the day of , 19 + '��'
<br /> -�� . Dollars on the day of , 19 n���;
<br />� �a Dollars on the day of , 19 �t
<br />� �.� Dollare on the dqy of , 19 ii
<br /> with interent thereon at per cent per annum, payable 9/14/78-e�nuelty a11 according to the tenor aad e8ect of s+
<br />. a certain promiaeory note ot said Robert L. Sorgenfrei and Luella K. Sorgenfrei, husban +;
<br />. and wife, each in his and her own right and as spouse of the other, }
<br /> . � bearing even date with these presenta, and ahalt pay all taxea and assesaments levied upon said real eetete,and all other tazes, � .
<br /> � levies and aeeeeements levied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage ia given to secure,before the same becomen �
<br /> a e
<br /> � delinquent,end keep the buildings on soid premiaes inaured for the aum of$ L.7�A lose, it any, payable to
<br /> ��{� the eeid mortgagee, then these presente to be void, otherwiae to be and remain in full torce.
<br /> � IT IS FL1RTFiER AGREED (1) That if the eaid mortgagor ahall fail to pay auch taxea or procure auch insuranee, the z
<br /> � eaid mortgagee may pay auch ta�ces and procure auch insurance; and the sum ao advanced, with interest at per cent I
<br />� �j �.ehall be paid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage ehall atand as aecurity for the same. (2) Tl�at a failure to pay any of said '; �
<br />� �! money, either principal or intereat when the same becomee due,or a failure to comply with aay of the foregoing egreements, - �
<br />� � ahall cause the whole aum of money herein aecured to become due and collectible at once at the option of the mortgagee. .� .
<br /> � signea this 18th aay or March , i 78 . °�
<br /> �} In P nce of .. ............. .�G � ; � .
<br /> ....-U p ............... . �',
<br /> Ro�.....�..rt�. j�y. ,�r�.e...- rei� i
<br /> <�>����te.�C.��e.,.__7J-f-----�....
<br /> � Luella K. Sorgenfr i �+
<br /> � �� �
<br /> � ... .----. ..........................._... ........................-�----�--�--...............__........-�----�--...---.......-------••-----.......... '
<br /> , �...
<br /> �� - •-....._......................................................................................... .............................._........_.-----�-------.................._...................._._............ �
<br /> 3TATE OF .._..�--.-_.I.`I4b.LdS.$8..................... County of...........Ei,311---..................----...: : '•
<br /> setore me,a notary publIc qualisea tor ea:a county, pereonaUycame Robert L. Sorgen£rei and
<br /> }i LSuDella IC. S�.o}�rgen�}f�r�e�.i�, husband and wife, each in his and her own right and si -
<br /> . ���lh�o��o�rge to'6�eth�3ff8Hti��' n or p9BdEfsBfI9BE1u'�6ed the foregoing inetrument and acimowledged the ezecution - � � �� �
<br /> �-tbereot to be hie.Ler or-their wl act�[�IJ� n{OTARY 3' - .
<br /> ,x,�r .. . . . •� A . � .
<br /> .";;. Wifnees my hand and n ' a ��4.. ���--......... . 18.7.�----- j
<br /> ------R-
<br /> . .My commisrion;ezPiree:_...��.. _£., ,_ . ... _._A���...�./ro� _.._�._.�....��.�.1`f.��� ---Notary Public. a .
<br /> .a�--��-� � �::
<br /> . . � .., . .. . ---•----••".................'--'- . . � ;'
<br /> STATE�OF Nl Entered on aumerical inde: and Sled.for record i? I � ws��
<br /> ;yCcu�itY . -•_-- � - ....-•.._. _.._...__. j� in the Register of Deede OSoe of eeid County the �
<br /> � ��._._.._..___.:.....day�oL..�...-�•_...•-•......�.� -•••-•••, I9__...._._. at.._...».�...__._._�...o'clock and.. . ,` � � �a°' a
<br /> ...--'----^---•----•-....minutee.............__.....M., �:��.
<br /> . �
<br /> md recardad 'm.Book...._.........__._�...._._..._.oE.._._..._...._..�..�. `: +-;�. � �'
<br /> ...._..at page...__••�-•••-----__....._._._._ .: .,.
<br /> � .. . . . . . ._...•--'_......_.._....._..._.._...._...._-'_'-_.__...................Reg. of Deede � - � �. .
<br /> �� By___.........__.....•---...._••--•-•-• ••- -- ..Deputy �
<br /> .`
<br /> _._ _._._____._.__ .-_�_�_ __--
<br /> , _ _____ __�._...___----�-- - -`-- -_ -.-�:-.__,.
<br /> �F ._ . .- - -. ._.
<br /> s� .
<br />