Vl;.., _ ,�, . �
<br /> 21. Future �Advences. Upon requeat of Borrower, L�nder, at Lender's option, prior to releare of this
<br /> Mortgage, may make Future Advancea to Bonower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon, shall
<br /> be'secured by this Mortgage when evidenced by promiesojey notea etating that said notes are secured hereby `
<br /> except that the interest rate on the entire unpaid balan�e and the term of the original loan, to the extent
<br /> peraiitted by law, may be adjusted as the parties hereto may agree. At no time sball the, principal amount "
<br /> of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage, not includ�i�►g suma advanced in accordance herewith ta pro- = - ` ` ' "'
<br /> � .
<br /> teat the security of this Mortgage, exceed the original amount of the Note plus US $ 3�200.,00 : .. _.__.. a : ; •: , :
<br /> PROVIDED HOVQEVER that re a ents of rutci al as rovided for in ara a h 22 that follows are ` "
<br /> . , P PY� P � F j ,: P P � P l . . � �
<br /> rettimed to°Borrower or are made 'absoiute non-ivithdraw�}ble 'prineipal prepayments prior to advancing � ' <;
<br /> aums 'as 'permitted within this paragi�aph.' " '
<br /> 22. Savings Fvad. Borrower ' may make prepayment's of principal on any installment due date or
<br /> itntnediately preceding said date to be e$ective on the due date following and prepayment shall be applied �
<br /> to instaIlmenis last to become due under this mortgage. Upon request of the undersigned or either of �.
<br /> them, pruvided a default does not exist and they are the owners of the mortgaged property, the lender �' ,°
<br /> agi�ees to furnish to the vndersigned 100 �0 of such principal pzepayments, unless advancement is prohibited j,;
<br /> by the regulations of chartering and sup�rvisory authorities then in effect_ All such advancements shail be � -
<br /> secured by this mortgage in the same manner and effect as if no prepayments had been made. �
<br /> , _ ;
<br /> �. :,;
<br /> 23. Release. Upon payment of a31 sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall dischsrge this
<br /> Mortgage, without charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay all costs of recordation, if any. s
<br /> % .
<br /> � vy;
<br /> . �
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<br /> � IN WITNESS WFIEREOF� the Bonower has executed this Mortgage. � a' �; .� } ix�;
<br /> ��z�7d{' ���7l�CC/Li -- ¢_ . .r.s
<br /> k ' ��t:
<br /> ---•---...:_.. .-•-•--- -------- '-- -........... . ..'----- --- --•-----"- ---"--- -------- -.._. .- - --- •- --• --•- -... __... .__... ..--'...... ..._ ....._._...-'--•-- - -- t"' � x°�:
<br /> GT �n 73: �e Za Cfieur � (���/$orrower ` F ,�.kri;;;
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<br /> �
<br /> .
<br /> , �S:y
<br /> neva a � e �.a eur ��'h'
<br /> —Borrower � � ; z<
<br /> Property Address 523 West Avenue , Grand Island, Nebraska 68801
<br /> � ;
<br /> , :
<br /> � _._.... .. .. . .. . . ... ..�... ..... .. � � � �K
<br /> .. . . ..�...... . . . . . ......� . .. . _._.. . . �
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<br /> � . STATE �OF NEBHASKA """. ....."' H21I. ._...." '.................... . S ` ��. � :.�.
<br /> pub 'c in and for �-- -=a �3�, person�� ___.."ieri--D'.---Le _.� Cheur an$ 6eneva Gail_ 'Le La_ Cheur , s , ' �;
<br /> lius�and and w�e Y °f ..... ... ............. _19_7��� before me the undersi ed a Nota _ !
<br /> .._..--..... ........ ....�� ----._._...-•---•-�- ----•-- -•------ -•-------•-••---�•-•---.._..._.••-•-----••--�----•-•--••••---.........._ ..._. __..._..__......_..._........--••--•--•--•-- �
<br /> personally known to me to be the identicai persons whose names are affixed to the above and foregoing `- � ,
<br /> instrument, as mortgagors, d said instnunen be hia or her voluntary act and deed. } . � �
<br /> Witness my hand and t@fEih�sei4l �t Gran Island , _ r _ sk� the d ast above written. � ;�
<br /> •--
<br /> . ...-•- --- - - -
<br />� , � GENGP.:t � T ^ � Ili. � , ��
<br /> My Commission espires: � ` .�t=-+C�r��tr4p--•-•--••---•-•-- - --
<br /> 9 95��'o f � =-- �--�-- -- - ---------- ---- - --- --- --- :`
<br /> 00 : , . :> . , . ., - Notary Public
<br /> September 9, 1879
<br /> STATEOF ---------------------•-•-----•------•---•---•---•�--•- �
<br /> ��.
<br /> County .................. ....... ....................._....---. ...._ ; ,
<br /> Entered on numerical index and filed for record in the Regiater of Deeds Oflice of said County the
<br /> ••-•---:...•-•--..:. day of .....---•---•-- ---•••-•.---------------•, 19-••----•, at .. .._..---- -•--•---- o'clock and ... ........... minutes ..........._M.,
<br /> and recorded in Book •-_•••----•- •••••-•....__ of Mortgages at page .............••-- --.., as Instrument No. - ---.- _--...--.--- ---- ' ;.;;i
<br /> ...._...----•--•................................. . .... . ...• -•---•--� - • ::-.
<br /> . . ................•- -•
<br /> Reg. of Deeds
<br /> � �k�
<br /> � .,.
<br /> By ...................•----•••---••---•••----.....-�----•••--•-•-•........Deputy ,.,_
<br /> `=�i
<br /> When recorded to be returned to the "' ``�'� Y ��'
<br /> '�'
<br /> ,,
<br /> , � _ .
<br /> � bt
<br /> � Stroat Addr�ss � � Meiting�Address . � Phone . . . ;4
<br /> ' ,, � . . ; . , . , . . - . . . . . . .
<br /> Q �35 No; Cotnar Blvd., Lincoln PA. �Boz 5204, Lincoln, Ne. 68505 � � 475•0521 . � ��;} ,,.
<br /> , ,, � 2301 $o. 42nd St, Omaha �� �„� P.O. Box 6273, Omaha, Ne. 68106 �� � 554-8000 - � � � �
<br /> . �:.��� . �.
<br /> . �. .�p , I811 West 2r:d St, Grarnf ��lsiand 183I West 2nd SL, Grand . lslend, Ne. 65801 384-4433�� .
<br /> O _
<br /> . __: . ., _ . _ . _,:._. , ,.. __ . _r . . �
<br />