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<br /> �62�/�--S.ECOND�REAL. ESTATE MORT6AGE—With T7uc Clawm�� � TW Anitmw Oeneral 8nyp1�Hooas,Llneo2a, Nubr. . ��
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<br /> � �. � � � - � . .. . . . .� :
<br /> e AH�w AI+L MFiN BY TL�SEi PIi,ES}��NTS: �I '
<br /> { ��d
<br /> � THfIT I or W�, ��rt J. McWhirter and Darlene M. McWhirter (Husband and Wi£e) j; � � t �?�`�s Y��',�
<br /> �� � � � � � � � � � � a� ' �`�
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<br /> of _ �11 County and State of D7ebraska ,in co�sidrration of the sYem of ;� x � ` � '�
<br /> ______�_�____--______-__-_ _-_-_ if " y :'�r y
<br /> ,
<br /> F^ifty 34wusand'=and No/o0-----^=----- ----- - DOLLARS `�
<br /> ;� r`
<br /> �� - : ,..� � � � .� � �.. . . .. . . . . . , . . �f{fi.
<br /> in haxd paid,do heseby SELL and CONT/EY untu �� y
<br /> f �,.
<br /> Hastings Production C;edit Association , (mortgages), �! F �
<br /> of Adams County, and State af Nebraska t ..��4l�� 'bed prernises �� � 4r
<br /> ;� t
<br /> � siluated sn' Hall Coarnty, and State of Nebrask h,3�,�H.� �t: �i
<br /> t&22.QS.S+d�.4��t� i;
<br /> ; � - ��...�� :
<br /> North 60 A. of the West Half (W�)of the Northeast Quarter (NE�) of Section �i +.5
<br /> { Thirty three (33), Township Nine (9}; Range Nine (9); West Ha3f iW�) o£ the ;� F FR
<br /> 4 Southeast Quazter (SE�x) o£ Section 7Wenty-eight (28), Township Nine (9), i� � �"�`�.
<br /> - � Range Nine (9), Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> 1 '� ���
<br /> +; d it ��
<br /> , � The mortgage debt as shown stands as collateral security £or certain note or notes ��
<br /> ' ; � described in a collateral agreement oP even date siqned by the mortgagor. The tj �a w''j �
<br /> � � mortgage debt may be accelerated at the option oP the mortgagee upon the de£ault or lj �° , ' C���
<br /> � non-payment o£ notes, renewals, or extensions provided for in said collateral aqreement �� rfi' ���
<br /> � :and the mortgagee may in such event proceed to exercise any rights it may have here- �� �r..`. ;F ���
<br /> under the same as a de£ault in any other obligation or covenant contained in this if d' ' ; wy,'�,��ti
<br /> � mortgage. j �. rr ���.�-
<br /> � !`f � : , t i����
<br /> � . ;+ �' Y ���:
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<br /> � f� �; �r '�
<br /> � t{ � ..�;�cr�
<br /> . q � � � �t � s aGyr�,��"�t,d
<br /> :� .� . _ � �.h . � �
<br /> � The i�tenttion being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simQle incl:�dixg all tha rights of homestead and dvzuer. Ef � ' t ��T�„��
<br /> TO HAT�E AND TO HOLD the ¢remises above deseribed, zvith all the t�Qpurtenances thereunto belonging unto � �; t; r.+'�°�
<br /> '•.�� � ehe said mostgagee or morigaqees and to his, her ar their heirs and assigns,forever, prvvided always, and these pres- ,' �' i 4� `
<br /> � ents a�a so¢on the expsess condstion that if the sa9d mortgagor or mortgagors,hu,her or their heirs, executors, admin- �� �; �,,�yn�
<br /> utrators or assigns shall pay or carise ta be paid to the said mortgagee or mortgagees and to his, her or their heirs, ex- i � •' z�.C,,
<br /> scrstors,administrato�s or ass4gsu, the sum of ; > '` �
<br /> � Fi£ty Thousand and no/100------------------------------ Dollars, payable as foAows, to-wit: �� � '
<br /> � „ c �'
<br /> � ,�
<br /> $50,000.00 Dated 3-10-78 Due: 2-10-81 �� ��
<br /> n
<br /> �i
<br /> '� � � i• t:
<br /> � �1
<br /> ' i A S�
<br /> � wsik intsrest theseox at 8•5 per cen! per annum, payable annually,according to the tenor axd effect of }
<br /> tke` promissosy,s+ote witk interesE coupons a{tached of said Mortgagors, bearing e^✓en date with these pres 1
<br /> .f ents and shall pay all taxes and any iriterest on,or matioring i�stallments of principal, due on any prias snortgage and "
<br /> assessmesats levied upox said rea!estate and all other taxes, levies and assessn:ents Zevied srpon this n:ortgage or !he ` �
<br /> nole :vhieh thu morigage is given to secuse, before the same becomes delinquent a�d keep the buildings on said ii
<br /> premues i�sured for the sum$ ,loss, ;f any,payable to ssach first »wrtgagees or tJais mortgagee, or boU�, ;;
<br /> - ihtn thase presents be void, otherwise to be and remain in fx/l fosce. _?
<br /> IT IS FURTHER e4GREED (r) That if ihe said mortgagos shall fai! to ¢ay such tases and such intertst o» '' �
<br /> or+�wlursng ixseallm�nts of principal,due on any prior mortgage and procure suds i»sura�ce, then this snortgagee anay � ; z.
<br /> pay suck taxer and such interest ox,or maturing installments of prs�cipal, due o� such prior mostgage and procuse j� ,{
<br /> � sr�tk-s�suraftle;and the.s+em so advanced urith interest at xi�e pes cent sha!!be�aid by said+rao�tg¢gor,and t{sis�nort
<br /> gags shall staxd as senority fos the same. (z) That a failure to pay any of said money, eithes prineipal or interest on
<br /> ths's or aasy¢rio�mortgage, when the same becvmer dHe or a failure to cou�ply with any uf the foregoing agreerneuts
<br /> � shql! caute the whole sunc of money herein secured to 6ecome due and rollectable at once at the opeion of the mart -
<br /> ;" gages. ;�4
<br /> rr� . . . . . . . ..
<br /> IT IS FURTHER �lGREED That said mortgagee, pendixg foreclosure of this mortgage and after decrae and '�
<br /> penilirig atay thsreon w nQ¢sal therefro�t and pending sale of ¢remises mortgaged, nray �ay such taxes and maturing �� .,�.�-
<br /> i�er&st or maturing;i�atallments of'pririeipal, oe� prios:mortgages, procure sucA i„surance and such, sums shall ba
<br /> ad�ed;to tha.amox�nt due on decree and upon coxfirmation vf sqle by the court ordered taken out of proceeds of sdle ' `'�
<br /> or yf redeamed during stay,,apQeal or`sale, sueh amo�nts shall'be callected the sarree as though it were a part of.n�ch ; *+��� �
<br /> da�►tes . ' : ; 2 f;'
<br /> � ., "Ssgfred this lOth ��, of March . �9 78 `j x�i°
<br /> ' ' ' Isq Psesexce of �
<br /> �� �� , Av� �.
<br /> 7 1.../.1 !!�n 1 ����_.. X �i�c:4�lh���/'.-...-._. ...`.. ... ............ � ��b° .. _ ti;,s.
<br /> n ` p �:"M r�jryte�r �,
<br /> j ' X .._I7'(..�f:... . _ ...... ............
<br /> c ' ( �, .
<br /> _.__.. _............ .... ........ ........... ... ............ .. �e M McWhirter
<br /> ,� . _ .-.: i _.___::._: �
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