_ r- - � ;
<br />�
<br />, STATE OF NEBRA3KA, County of ....................................................: r `,
<br /> ,il::;
<br />' Filed for record on ......................_........., 19........at.............................dclock ........................ M. ;^
<br />: � � � ` � � � � '
<br /> , a�F�:
<br />; and recorded in the Deed R�cord .:............................., Page ............... ........... �' � F'�'��'
<br /> �
<br /> r .. . . . . ..� ^ � r � �e.,�
<br /> i. . . . : �. . . �
<br />� ........... ... .«�.....................�...... .....� By .............�.. ... �............. . .....................w. �. f
<br /> .... . . ........ .. ............... . .............. :- .�X 3l'�1 d:
<br /> Regieter of Deeda Deputy Register of Deeds �, �.4��;:
<br /> � �.:
<br />" 783 0 015 9 6 SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED t s `�'
<br />?
<br />,
<br />�
<br />? LbLEN L. INGBEiLE and EDNA M. INGERLE, Hnaband and Wife, eac'6 in his aai l�er
<br /> r�na ri67�t sai as spovss sf sach •tlter, hereia called the grsntor whether ona or more, �:i.
<br />'t
<br />� in consideration of SIXTY THREE TIiOUSAND FIYE FiUNDRED AND NO/100THS DOLL/lRS
<br />� (t63.5o0.00)
<br />! received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto DAVID G. iJILDE aad °< '_
<br />! MTLDRED iTILDE, Huabsad and W3fe �
<br />� .
<br /> as joint tenanta with right of survivorehip, and not as tenants in common, the following deecribed real
<br /> j � �;
<br />; ,
<br />� ro ert in �l1.�..... ... ......... County,Nebraska: � .
<br /> P P Y ....................... .......... ...... ! <
<br />� ;�
<br /> i � ` ��'_
<br /> ���
<br /> i L�t Qae (1), I=pesial Villags Saooad i ;
<br />� Snbdivision to tt�e City •f Grand Is1And, p. . ,r ,�;�.
<br /> Hall Covnty, Nebra�ka. �f
<br /> � �P.
<br /> �; ,.
<br /> STAMP TAX `�°�
<br />' � s .
<br />' ,� P-RP�N� PA4R 22 i9��6 '�*;
<br />, ��� ��a��
<br />� �EM�� �p p� ��� �� ����
<br />, S�P $�gY--�--=L� � �
<br /> �` a�
<br />; To have and to hold the above descrihed premises together with all tenements, hereditsments � _ ��;;
<br /> F and appurtenances Lhereto belonging �to the grantees and to their sesigns, or to the heira and easigna � �.
<br /> t o4 the snrvivor of them forever. '
<br />� And grantor does hereby covenaat with the grantees aad with their asaigns and with the heire {-�
<br />� ��
<br /> and aesigns of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfully seiaed of said premises;that they are free from �
<br /> enanmbranee ssoept saasments aad restrieti0ns oF record
<br /> F
<br />:
<br />� that grantor has good right and lawful suthority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will _
<br />� , defend the title to said premises ngainst the lawful elaims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />� It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the granteee,
<br /> 7 the entire fee title to this real propertv Ahall vest in the aurviving grantee.
<br /> y �,�,� s�� rJ�/
<br /> Dated i�%��"`-z'� �� 19/a
<br />,
<br /> .................................................................................... ����.�'n" e"r' ................................_....
<br />,
<br /> 7 .�.c�r�.�?...
<br /> .................................................................................. .1�!.:.... .....�. 1l,,QQ....................._.... �:
<br /> Edna M. Iaaerlle? �
<br /> i NEBEtASgAA Count oF ....._......$�1�:�:............ .. .
<br />: STATE OF ....__.. ........ ...................�.............., y .... ........._.......: -'
<br /> j . .� :.�.. . -
<br />'j Before me, a notary pnblic qualified for said county, pereonally came AI+LEN L. INGERL$
<br />� aad �SDNA M. INGERLE� Hnsband aad 7dif�, saob in lais and ber �ra
<br /> -riaLt- and as eponsa of saola otber
<br />�� � �
<br />,}
<br /> �_
<br />�` kaown to me to be the identical person or persona who signed the foregoing instrumeat and aoknowledged
<br />� .: ' ';the ezecntion thereof to be his, her or their volnatary act and deed. r/ ��� ,'?
<br />� /J � t"
<br />� • �tnese my band and,notarisl eeat.on � 1 ....... � T'
<br /> ......«.....�........... .... ... ...ry .�— •.. . '.
<br />}� . . , � . . �. . .. .. � . . e
<br />� �L�IY►,1t�f� .... .�.... �..� otai9 Pnblic � �
<br /> ........ . ..... ......... ....... ..»...
<br /> FOARESr J.POL{,�p0 � p ..
<br /> ��
<br /> ,...- -
<br />� " �bf.aww.fa�:.l��rl,`7!!0
<br /> Mqcommiaeioa eapirea . ... . ............�.........._...., 190....�._...
<br />,r Fnrni�;4 2�fio��be�eri�uroved�bv���ebraska State�Bar�ssoointion r.�co��wdt°'..L°°d°,x.e�.
<br />„
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