, _ , _ � � -
<br />� •
<br />� STATE OF NEBRASgA, County of ....................................................: i
<br /> Filed fos record on ................................. 19........at............................ o'clock ........................ M. .: , ;;;
<br /> and recarded ia the Deed $ecord .............................Page ............................. ;
<br />;.. .
<br />, ......... ......... .... .:. :..... .................... By ...�.........,..._...................�................................................... f
<br /> Register o# Deeds De ut Re �'
<br />� p y giater of Deede ;
<br /> F 7�—Odl�g6 � :
<br />�
<br />� RUDOLF F. PLATE and JEANNICE R., FLATE, Hnsband and Yife, eaol� in his
<br />�' and bor owa rigbt and as spouse oS saob stbar J
<br /> , hereia ealled the grantor whether ane or more,
<br /> J
<br />; in consideration of FIYE T80US.AND EIGHT HUT�TDRED AND NO/�pOTHS DOLLARS (�S r 800.QO� i
<br /> reaeived from grantees, does grant, bargain, aell convey and confirm unto JOHN E. PF'EZFER qnd '
<br />� LO=S �. PFEIFER, Susband and Wife � ; ; �
<br /> ��.
<br /> -�.
<br /> i . r �:
<br /> as joint tenants with right of aurvivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following desaribed real �
<br /> property in .............$all....................................... County, Nebraska: ` ,: ,';
<br /> h �r
<br /> t- t
<br /> . . . �y ..,. F't .:
<br /> k
<br /> � h � � .:� ,� ��.
<br /> Lot Sis (6)� Weatern Iieighta Svbdiviaios�,
<br /> Hall Couaty, Nebraalca. ' '�:
<br /> F ' 9
<br /> NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY � ` � �,,��
<br /> � � STAMF'TAX �
<br /> A5 f,'',
<br /> �,.c��° r,g�� 2 u 1s�a �Lt�'�
<br /> P��ME�`1� P ��Q r�s i
<br /> '� �/y[-+-t�-a_
<br /> 5 $��BY �1;
<br /> ,�,�
<br /> To have and to hold the above deacrihed premises together with all tenements, hereditameata 3;
<br /> and appurtenances Lhereto belonging nato the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigne ! �'{
<br /> of the snrvivor oP them forever.
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their seaigas aad with the heirs ` 's;,
<br /> and aseigns of the eurvivor of them that grantor ia lawfully seised of eaid premiaea;that they are free from ' '
<br /> enoambrance ezcept Qaseoeata snd reatriotiona oP record
<br /> ' that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and tfiat grantor warrants and will
<br /> defand the title to said premises againat the lawful claims of all persons �cLomsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all purties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the granteee, �"
<br /> the entire fee title to this real property shall rest in the surviving grantee. �'
<br /> Dated MarcY� 20th ..............19.78
<br /> ...._....................................................... ••�• ---.............
<br /> .._........ _. ,
<br /> Rndo1S�� . ��1��t�� /1�y�
<br /> .......................•--..................................................... '�- ��„�C.G�:�.�s+•••••-••........... ;
<br /> �� annice� �t.Flate �
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASSA � County of gfl.11.............._. '.(
<br /> Before,me,a notary pnblic qnalified for said county, peraonslly came RiJDOLF F. PLATE
<br /> aad `.7EADTIQICE R. PLATE� Husband and iiifa, e�oYi ia l�is aad lser
<br /> �na ri6bt `and as apen�e of eacl� otl�er "' ' "!
<br /> �c -�
<br /> F:,
<br /> . �ow.a to me to';be the identieal person or persons who signed the foregoing instntment and aclmowledged
<br />� -;:�h�e eaecution theieof•to+be hie;herror their volnntary act and deed. J
<br /> ,;. ,
<br /> � �; p
<br /> ., ,*� •: �tnesg my hatid aad notarial seal on ....��!!��....�0,! .................., 19...�j..l....... �':
<br /> �
<br /> . , . : I �,�".:�`
<br /> . ". ,�� : ..... a'C' ��'�G[�. o lic ^ysfi�+;;
<br /> 9
<br /> v
<br /> tr'.
<br /> . �t•�M� ....... �.. ................_......_..........�...............__.. N tary Pub' ,
<br /> •. ;����1� M comm�ssion e ,�j,,���,'�/
<br /> Y zP� ._. ............._....:!��;!!........, 19��...... .
<br /> Form'4,2 To be nnnroved by �ebrnska$tate Rar Asaoeiation •Woi!Oa.Laedn,N�4n
<br /> �
<br />