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<br /> 7s_. U01581 ' �_� �`_`���
<br /> ORDIDTANCE NO. 6277
<br /> Ai► ordinance creating Water Main District No. 338 in the City of Grand Island, >. .
<br /> Nebraska; defininq the bouadaries of the district; providing for the laying o£ a water main
<br /> in said district; providing Por plans and speeifications and sacuring bids; providing for � '
<br /> ,,'�
<br /> the assessment of special taxes for constructing such water main; and providing the �
<br /> ... . � � .. . . .r s� '�
<br /> effective date hereof. �� �,�k
<br /> •SECTION 1_ Water Main District No. 338 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is ��,hr.,��
<br /> hereby created for the laying o£ a six-inch, or 15.2k centimeters, water main in ,����� h
<br /> Y
<br /> Oklahoma Avenue from the existing water main in Oak Street to the existing water main in �ib�"�'' •`
<br /> � ��
<br /> Claussen Avenue. �S'��'
<br /> ' � � ."
<br /> SECTION 2_ The boundaries o£ such water main district shall be as £ollows: R���`�
<br /> �� �� ..
<br /> Beginninq on the east line o£ Claussen Avenue at its junction with the �'�, � .?
<br /> east prolongation of the north line of Oklahoma Avenue- thence running south �� ��
<br /> on the east line oE Claussen Avenue £or a distance of 60 feet, or 18.288 meters, +'�
<br /> y:.,y, .�tp,.t�he east prolongation of the south line of Oklahoma Avenue; thence rvnning , �
<br /> �, west on the east prolongation of the south line and on the south line of ��
<br /> Oklahoma Avenue for a distance of 154.1 feet, or 46.97 meters, to the west ��1��
<br /> ' line oE Bloc}c 3 in Claussen's Country View Addition; thence running south on -w�.�
<br /> the west line o£ Blocic 3 in Claussen�s Country View Addition for a distance oE ?;r:.,L
<br /> 22d feet, or 36.576 meters, to the southeast corner o£ Lot 17 in Jamson `�'
<br /> a" Subdivision; thence running westerly on the southerly 2ine oE Lots 17, 18, and ;��
<br /> i9 irn Jamson Subdivision for. a distance of 220.69 feet, or 64.218 meters, to the
<br /> west line of Jamson Subdivision; thence running north on �*ie wrest line of Lot 19 �,
<br /> in Jamson Subdivision £or a distance o£ 114.15 feet, or 34.793 meters, to the ry�.
<br /> south line of Oklahoma Avenue; thence running west on the south 13ne of Olclahoma ���,
<br /> Avenue for a distance of 80 feet, or 24.384 meters, to the south prolongation • :�yV,
<br /> o£ the west line o£ Oak Street running north o£ Oklahoma Avenue; thence running t�"`� `
<br /> .-.north on the south prolongation o£ the west line of Oalc Street running north of ��„ # �.
<br /> • 01Ciahoma Avenue £or a distance of 60 feet, or 24.384 meters, to the southeast �
<br /> --�. 'coiner of Block 2 in the Addition called South Grand island; thence runnin
<br /> � east on a line parallel to and 80 feet, or 24.384 meters, north of the south line w��+^;���'
<br /> of 0lclahoma Avenue for a distance of 80 feet, or 24.384 meters, to the east line :ib °�+�'��t�'s'
<br /> . t..� �'M,p•u-
<br /> of.0ak Street or the west 2ine oP United Church Addition; thence running south t, ���k ,k.; �
<br /> on the west line o£ United Church Addition £or a distance o£ 20 feet, or �'"� �� �' : �
<br /> 6,096 meters, to the north line of Oklahoma Avenue in United Church Addition; s�„es K �', a`
<br /> ,�rv�.^ ��a„`�;
<br /> thence running east on the north line of Oklahoma Avenue and its east prolongation x � ,.�x�v��
<br /> Por a distance of 364.475 feet, or 111.092 meters, to the east line of Claussen '�'j'��13 ����
<br /> Avenue, being the point of beginning, as shown on the plat dated 3/15/78, marked �h��t"���Fy
<br /> Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by raference. - r <
<br /> � ' �, �?a�
<br /> ' rr '!'�r
<br /> SECTION 3. Said improvements shall be made in accordance with plans and speci£ications ' '1�, �� �"�'�','
<br /> �. . . � . b �`r gn`�
<br /> ���"4�,
<br /> prepared by the Engineer £ar the City who shall estimate the cost thereoP, and submit the �� �"!
<br /> . . . � . '� � cwi �M.�4ti
<br /> same to the City Council, and upon approval o£ the same, bids for the construction of such �,
<br /> � ��i ,
<br /> vater main shall be ta7cen and contracts entered into in the manner provided by law. ' ��"`` U'
<br /> r x�'„�sa
<br /> �m;E
<br /> SECTION 4. The cost of construction of such improvements shall be assessed against " �::���
<br /> � ':�1�*�
<br /> the property within such distriet abutting upon the street wherein such water main has been �.�;�
<br /> eo laced to the extent of benefits to such ro ert not to exceed the la in of a six-inch, &H� M �"'
<br /> P P P Y. Y� 4 �� ° �{
<br /> or 15.24 centimeters, water main by reason o£ such i.mprovement, and a special tax shall be k k ��
<br /> 'levied at one time to pay for such cost o£ construction as soon as can be ascertained; and �'� , '''�r�
<br /> � ; r w�`� 3.,`��'
<br /> aucH special tax and assessments shall constitute a sinlcing fund for the payment o£ any � �`�'".'
<br /> w�r ��� ,f�
<br /> ,
<br /> ;�rarrants or bonds £or the purpo§e of paying the cost o£ such water main in such district; � ,"'
<br /> : . . �. . . •� , .r
<br /> . .. , . . . . ti • ��
<br /> rapd,such',special assessmeats shall-be paid and collected either in a fund to be designated "5�� � '�
<br /> .. v:. :� . . ..� . . � t'�'S� :' 3..
<br /> ;. .,;. ., : . . . �. . �� . . . . � . -
<br /> ,raAd 7cnown as?the Sewer and Waier Extension Fnnd for Water Main District 1Qo. 338, or the G V `
<br /> k h
<br /> r ,t':` �. . . � � . � . � . y,�
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