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<br /> �g� UQ1579
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<br /> ORDINANCS NO. 6274 ,
<br /> t
<br /> An ordiaance cseating Sanitary Sewer District �To. 380 in the City of Cran3 island,
<br /> Nebraska, Nebraska; defining the boundaries of the district; providing for Che laying of a
<br /> - sanitary sewez main in said district; providing for plans and specifications and securing bids;
<br /> providing for the assessment of special taxes for constructing such sewer and collection
<br /> Lhereof; and providin� for the e£fective date thereof.
<br />- , .
<br /> i •
<br /> SECTION 1. Sanitary Sewer District No. 380 of the City of Grand Zsland, �ebraska, is
<br /> hereby created for the laying of a ten inch, or 25.4 centimeters, vitrified clay pipe, or
<br /> polyvinalchloride plastic p£pe, and appurtenances thereto.
<br /> SECTION 2. The boundasies of such sanitary sewer district shall be as follows:
<br />? Beginning at the janction of the east line of Mil-Nic Addition with the so¢therly
<br />� line of Lot 31 in Matthews SuSdivision; thence runninR south on a line for a
<br /> distance 385 feet, or 117.348 meters, more or less, to a point 370 feet, or 112.776
<br /> meters, south of the east prolon�ation af the souch line of Mil-Nic Addition, and
<br /> 895.5 feet, or 272.948 neters, east of the section line in Lacust Street; chence
<br /> running west on a line parallel to and 370 feet, or 112.776 meters, south of che
<br /> east prolongation and the sou`.h li.ne of Mil-Nic Addition for a distance of 507.85
<br /> feet, or 154.793 meters, to a point 387.55 feet, or 118.156 meters, east of the
<br />= section line in Locusc Street; thence running south on a line parallel to end
<br />! 387.65 feet, or 118.156 meters, east of the section line in Locust Street for a
<br />� distance of 147.5 feet, or 44.958 meters, to a point 51�.5 feet, or 157.734 mecers,
<br /> r � south of the south line of Piil-Nic Addicion; thence runninR west on a line parallel
<br /> to and 517.5 feet, or 157.734 meters, souch of the south line of A+il-Kic Addition
<br /> for a distance of 387.65 feet, or 118.156 neters, cn the section line in Locust
<br /> Street: thence running norch on the section line in Locusc Screec for a discance oE
<br /> 317.5 feet, or 157.734 meters, to the wesc prolonGation oE the south Linc of Ati2-
<br /> Nic Addition; thence runninp, easc on the west prolony,ation and on �he south line
<br /> of Mil-Nic Addition for a distance of 855 feet, or 260.604 mecers, to a line of
<br />� Mil-Nie Addition runnin� south; chence running south on a line oi Mil-2Vic Addition
<br />' runninP south for a distance of 22 feet, or 6.706 meters; thence runnin¢ north-
<br /> j easterly on a southerly Line of Dtil-Nic dddition for a distance of 52.7 feet, or
<br /> 15.941 meters, to the point of beginning, all as shown on the plat narked Exhibit
<br /> "A" actached hereto and incorporaced herein by reference.
<br /> SECTION 3. Said improvements shall be made in accordance with plans and specifications
<br /> prepared by the Engineer for the City who shall estinate the cost thereof, and submit the ^
<br /> same to the City Council, and upon approval of the same, bids for the construccion of such
<br /> Sanitary Sewez shall be taken and concracts entered into in the manner provided by law.
<br /> SECTION 4. The cost of construction o£ such improvements shall be assessed against the
<br /> property within the distriet abutting upon the easements or other right-of-way within which
<br /> , such sanitary sewer main vill be constructed within such sewerage district to the extent of
<br /> ' benefits to such property by reason of such impravement, and a special tax shall be levied at
<br /> oae time to pay for such cost of construction as soon as can be ascertained, as provided by
<br /> . r
<br /> laa; and, .provided £urther, such special tax and assessments shall constitute a sinking fund
<br /> for the payment of any bonds with iaterest issued foz the purpose of paying the cost of such
<br /> sevez in such dtstrict; such special assessments shall be paid and collected in a fund to be
<br /> desigaated and Imow as the Sewer & Water Extension Ftu�d, and out of ahich all wasrants issued
<br /> for the purpose of payfng the eost of such sanitary sewer shall be paid.
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