I �
<br /> a8, :.�i 0157 6 . � _ T , �
<br /> T�fE . :MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS :AND . AGREFrg: ' � .:-- .� r _
<br /> .. . . , ; i ;. .�. � , . . _ . . .
<br /> -� . Thatr:t6e MQrtgagor- will�•pay- the � indebtednee�s as- hereinbefo{e prwided, , . .� � . . . � . � . �' . . .. ' . �: . . ' � �
<br /> .,: + r . ...:;, '..,, ,w �,- ,, . _ �-. �. . �_ , ; .. , � �� . . . = .
<br /> � . P .. . } , , . , r ., , s :. , . � . � .. . . .. . � ' . .. . . . � . '
<br /> . � � That the MortgaguY �'s �the �,�ier of tia�d property in [ee simple and fins Rood rSght and lawtul authority to se11 and ' ' ��
<br /> � � convey the same and tk�St f�q� sptr� adtt�c andaclear� of any lien or eneumbranee; and that A4ortgagor wi11 warrant iand "defend � tbe _'. E,� �
<br /> r �-
<br /> � � t�e�e eo sa�a ; rem�sea'�-:. a ar c �
<br /> � P . B M rtT��cYau1}�:.ru.C� sU� Peruam whmm�sOever.:�-. - . .
<br /> � �
<br /> . ;. . . .� � �:. '�A':.� r`� . . .,. , , _ . , . .�; .�' . . , : y
<br /> To pay Imme,dteSe)y£when. dtra eitdvpayable' all geneFal taxes, ���speeial taxes,.special � as9essments. watcr chargea, �sewer serv• '
<br /> �. � ice � charges, and other�-tszon� an�l �har�s against"eraid praperty, and all ��taxe� levied on She debt securei3 hereby, and to fuuiish '.the � =� -
<br /> � -. . �. : Mort a ee. , �.., . . . � . . .` . � �
<br /> g g VPon request, � wilh t6e original or duplicate rnr,eipts ,there(pr. �The Mortgagor agrees that there shall he added to ' ,�
<br /> r.
<br /> � � eech monthl,y payment reqwred herKu�qder or under the evidence e�f debk secured hereby an amount estimeted by the Mqrtgagee �
<br /> � � to be �� st�aent, �O�na6Ye the ' IvI"oi�'egee„ Lo pay, a.a they become rlue: al1 taxes; aectessmenZs, and similar �� charges u�on the; �rem ,�;
<br /> � � � lselr` §utiject' thereto, at(y` defir.ieiicy [wca�xse of the� insu}f"iciency of such udditional �paymenLs ,hall he Forthwitk ileposited' Gy- � the '" ' � �� , �.� � ' . - :,
<br /> � 1M2o{r' tr¢�a,�fot with the Mcrtgagee upon demand by the Morlga� .. e. Any <lefault under this paragraph ahall F�e deemed a default in � � �
<br /> . 'T-� ynyM�fl[���ofn�tJieil. �S�Seealments.� nc simif�r charges required h< rvunE)er:'-f�'�' � ' b .. � . � . . . . A .
<br /> �. i'?�C��. Y . : �y ir, � ' L � ;T�it� '�''. 'f ti�)Tt� T€'' _ r ^ � T" . . "1 _ . , ' " : L .: �i? � r.. � . �� ti . f > � .
<br /> . , : . .. . .. ... . , a . . i . � ' 'n � � k 11.� t
<br /> � zi. ' ��?erh[p�.�gpc agrees �i.�at therr�sFa1L a�uo� be, �added tw each m�.rK#�ly payment of principal and interext �required ; here- . --_.,.. . �
<br /> u
<br /> under en amount estimated by �f�e Mortgagee to be suPflc�ent��t<. enalite � th� � IiMortgaqec t�i � pay, as it bPcomes due, the insurance . ; � .
<br /> Lprernium on any insurance policy delivered to thr Mc+rtgagee. Any deticiency I�vcause ot the insufficiency nf such a!ldilional . pay- � � � .
<br /> � n�erifs�'shell � he fortNwith depositrrd ' by the MortgaK�r with the ,b7ortgagee� u�n demand by thc biortY.•agce. � Any defautt �unde'r this '�
<br /> paragrsph shall be derrned a de[ault in t.he payment o( insurance premiums. If the policy or policies deposite�d are snch �s hdrne- � _ei;� � ' � . �
<br /> � z � owners or nSl risk y�licies, and th�e de�sitx are insufficient tn pny the• �ntirr premium , the Mortgager may apply the dcposiY to � � �
<br /> � pay premiums on risks required to }re insur�l by this mortgegc. .
<br /> 1 PaymenLs made by the Mortgagor under the ab.�vr• parnK�"APhs ` niap; 'at' 'tlre option ' of` ihe � 141ortgagee, be hcld ' by it and � � � .
<br /> commingled with othrr such funds m its own fundv fur the payment o( such itPms. and until .o ap,nlied, su�h payments are hereby '.����
<br /> pledgeci as security for the unpaid balance of the mortgagr indobtednexs. � . ��
<br /> To procure, deliver to , and maintain (o� thr benefit nf ! he bTorlgagee du �ing lhe lifr o( this mortgage original policies and .
<br /> � renewals thereof, delivemd at Icast ten days !�fore .he expiration of any such Po����es. insuring against fire and other insurable �� . � �
<br /> '� � � � � hnzatdb, casualties, and contingencies ae the Mortgagee mny reyuire, in an amcun! equaII to the indebtednese secured by this �
<br /> MortgaqP, and in eampanies aceeptt,ble to the Mortgage�, with ioss payable clause in favor pf and in forrn accepta6le to the Mortga- . " .
<br /> . � gee. In the event any policy is not renewMl on or bufore ten days of its expiration. the MortR�Eee may procure iaasurance on the .
<br /> imprrnements, pay the premium therefo��, and such ;um shall becnme immediately due and payable with intere�t at the r»te set . .
<br /> forbh in said nute uniil peid and shall hr wrcun•d by this mnrtgaR�'� Failurr c�n the part o.' the Mortgagor to (urnish such renewals + �. � �
<br /> a�a are herein requirnd ur failure ti� pay any cums advnnar+d beieunder shnll, nt the option of the P�forfgagee, cunstitute a drfault � � � {1
<br /> . � � . under the terms of this morigage. The delivery of such policiea shall , in the event o( default, ronsiitute �n aasignment of the un- �
<br /> earned premium. �. � �.:;
<br /> . -.� Any sums received by thc Mortgagee Ay reayon of loss or damn�e insurcd against may be retained by the Mortgaqee �
<br /> �{ and app�lieci toward the payment of lhe debt hrreby seaured , or, at the option of the Mortgagee, such sums either wholly or in , f �j
<br /> • . 1 part may be paid ovrr to the Mortgagor Ln be used to repnir such buildings oi to build ' new buildinss in their place or for any . � �
<br /> � i � � �lher purpose or object satisfactory to the Mortqagee without al7ecting the lien �>n the mortqage For the full amount secured here- - - � � �� �'
<br /> �y before such payment evr.r tcrok place. � � �
<br /> �;
<br /> . Tu promptty repair, restore or rrbuild any buildings or improvements nuw ur hrr-eafter on the premines which may l�e- � � -
<br /> � come dazaaged or destroyed ; to keep said prernises in good condition and repair and free (rom any mechanic's lien or uther lien or � � � .�
<br /> f . . � claim of lien not expresely subordinated to the lien hereof ; nnt to suRer or permit any unlawful use of or any nuisance to exist on i�: � !�s.
<br /> � i � said property nor to permit waste on said premi.wes, nor to do any other act whereby the property hereby conveyed shall betome �� � � .
<br /> � � . leas valuable, nor to diminish or impair its value by any act or omission to act ; to cnmply with all requirements of law with respect . � �i
<br /> to the morlqaged premises and the use thereof_ ' .
<br /> I . . That ahould the premiaes or any part thereof be taken or damaged by reaxon of any public improvement or wndemnation . � -
<br /> �..5� � - � proceediag, or under the right ot eminent domain, or in any other manner, the Mortgagee shall be entiHed to all compensations, . . �
<br /> j� . awazds, and any other payment or relie( therefur, and shall be�� entitted, at its option, to commence, appear in and ptasecute �in i�� � � . .
<br /> , own name any action or proceeding, or to make any compromise or settlement in connection with xuch lakinq or damage. All such '�~^'-� ... � . . �
<br /> � � � compeneation:'� awards. �� damages, � righYof � actionand �proceetls �are - hernby . �assignevl to� � the Mortgagee, � who. may; after � deducting "� -': � � . �
<br /> ; '; � thee+efrom all'ifs� expensee, mleaae any �moneys; so .received 6y �it � or apply the same on any indebtedness secuced here6y.�The Mort•.� •�: �d' � � . �
<br /> . gagor :agreea '..to. execute � such further axsignments o[ any compenxation, .swards, damages, and . rights . of action and . nrceee(In .as . the . .. �.
<br /> . ModBSSee , msY � reQuite. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ .
<br /> . That in case o[ failure to perfurm any of thr covenants herein, the MoctgaRee may do on the Mortgagor's behalf �everything �" ' � � . � .
<br /> ' � ao covenanted; that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem neceasary tn protect the lien thereo(; that the Mortgaqor will �� �
<br /> } � � repey :upon demand any� `moneys� paid or � disbursed by the MoKqagee forany � of the above pvrpaves, and such moneys� togetHer with � � �
<br /> ; - intLrest lhereon� at the eete pravided � in eaid� note shall become so much � additional indebtednesa hereby -secured� and mey be in- :,i.�'. .
<br /> . cluded in any decree foreclosing Ehis mortgage and be paid uut of the rents or proceeds of aale � of said � premiaes`if� not otherwise ' � . � �
<br /> � � paid; th8t it shall not be obligatory u{wn the Mortqagee to inquire into the validity o[ any lien. encumbrances. or claim in ad- . � � .� � �
<br /> '- . varu3ng�moneys .aa � above �authotixed; but nothing herein .cantained shall be construed� as � requiring: . the 1Nortgagee. to advance any � � - �
<br /> � � moneya for:any�such ..purpose nor. to do� any- act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shall not incur any �personal. liability because of any- � �
<br /> � thieg:it;may; do�or omit to do hereunder.. . � �
<br /> � j , . . . . � - ;.
<br /> � i . � t ��� � In the �event o[ �� the defauLL by Muttgagor in , the payment oE any installment, as required. by . the Note secured � hrreby, or � � � '
<br /> " '(� � �� in the perlormence of the obligation in this mortgage or in the note secured thereby, the Mortgagee shall be entitled to declare the � � � � �
<br /> ' �i :� t'�ttiJ�r. to be '' pp � ' � ' . y �thout notice, ,and,.the Mortgagre shall be entiUed at iLs option, wiihout notice, either b iLvP � � � :�
<br /> debt .sCcured he�re4y, due and payable w
<br /> ' � ' �� � � or = � � 'a o�ntgd' b the `court thereof; and without regard . to -�the adequaey o[��...y � e � nesa ne• � , � �
<br /> � -�` � - CUY2d � hezeby, "to enter. upoa and� take pos$eeBiOn O( thB Rfortgeged premiaca, t+nd . to cuUcct and rec+�ive the rents, iwuea and pro6ta �.
<br /> t tlidieo[: mid�apply th��seme� .lesa conta of operetion and cvllection, upon the � indebtedness eecured " by this mortgage; said rents, .
<br /> . � � �. . " ✓- ' ' , i ., y . . . r,. .- r . . . . . , , .. . .. . .. . . _ . . . i . . d- f L .:. � , y . .. ys ' , �.
<br /> �ss�es�ai�d�prGBfs�being'hereby �aseigned` fo �tfie`Mortgagee�es (urtHer' seconty� (or the payment of all �indebtedn��§�securerl hE�e6y. . t --
<br /> '""�� � �� � �" The�� Mottgagee ahall have� the powerto appoint any agent oz agents it may �desir8 for the purpaee of repairing said� prem- � . - �yr. -
<br /> � iees: �.renting� the 4ame:,,�ollectinP9the . rgnts,, cevenues and � income, and it ,may pay out o[ said income alt expenses:incurred .in reat- , �- .•�-'.�" ?�j ;::
<br /> � ing and managing the � eeme and� � o[ collecEing the' rentsls �lherefrom: �� The balance remaining, � �if �any, shall be applied bward thr ,;. � ':
<br /> n �:. �.ga6 . . g . }, : ... ,. , .. '`::.; become null and void upoa release of thie mortSage. . . � . � ,. .{ '
<br /> �; discha� of the mo 3 . , e mdebtednese. This ase� , nment �e to term�nate and, , , , - �
<br /> L " rr . � . , . . . , . . � . . .
<br /> < t.'r^ � � � ?`_,
<br /> ' .. •. . . t : .. �,,, � . � � „�� ',
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