<br /> � �
<br /> 7s.' �1G1573 MORTGAd'aE
<br /> � .: ' - � `
<br /> ..- 21st ", March ; ,;.: �g
<br /> 4
<br /> � r4
<br /> TFIIB�INDEN i'URE. m�de tLls day of . 19_� by and between
<br /> � ='lEfckard..A�. '$enzel"aild'Marjorie A:' Beitze2, hnsband aetid �vife each'in hie and 1�er own`_'
<br /> k1 '
<br /> i right aad�as��spouse of the other:',. ar�.;,,-- r:.... ,-. ,, , - ._ , , ._ ,_
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<br /> ,3 0�, $811 � County.Neb,raeka..ee�.mortBeSar. g .and Grand Islend'hvat Compeny of Gread Ialand. a co�poration _ � � ;' ,,
<br /> i orgariized�d eziating under the laws of 2Vebraake with ita priadpal office aad place of bueineee at Grend Ialand.Nebreake,ae mo�tgagee:
<br /> WIINESSETI3._� That naid mortgagor.S- ,for and in eomideration of the eum of
<br /> � **�Twentv Thousas►d and No/200ths*** Dolla.s li 20�Qn0.00 _�,
<br /> i .. -
<br /> a;. the ieeeipt of which is hereby aelmowledged.do�-by theae preeents mortgage and werraat uato eaid mortgagee;s`1ta soecmaors and aseigna, � :'. ;:.
<br /> �� forever,all the following deeceibed ieal estate.aitueted in the County of HA�� � � � '
<br /> � and 3tate of Nebraska,to-wit: .
<br /> Lot Five (5) in Block One Hundred and Thirty-eight (138) of
<br /> ' Union Pacific Railway Company`s Seaond Addition to the Citq ' ':'
<br /> =� s ;
<br /> j of Grand Island, Ha21 County, Nebraska.
<br /> ;.,
<br /> � �,�
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<br /> � 1'
<br /> 3
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<br /> } .�� .. T�� ther with dl heaC' air coaditio h' `
<br /> �. �ge mg, ning,lig Wng,and plumbiag equipment aitd£ixturea,ineluding sczcens,awnings,acorm windowe and
<br /> �'do6ra,snd�window shadee or bliads,ueed on or in connection with eaid property,whetlaer the same are now located on said pro�ty or bereefter , F'
<br /> �.plsoed_thereon. �.
<br /> �;
<br /> '`TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with e11 md aingulac the tenetnents,hereditemeats end appurtenaaoea thereunto be- �
<br /> � '�' louging,or in.�anywiea ap� h•�*+:��, torever, nnd warrent the title to the same. Said mosgagorB___6ereby covenant-with said --
<br /> '-�S�.-� �mortgegee that�_be�1 ATp ,at the delivery hereof,the lewful owner�of the premism abwe conveyed and deacribed. .. '.'t
<br /> ��� and are seized of a goal and indefeaeible estate of inheritance thetein,free and cleer of all eacumbrances,and that_the�will � �
<br /> a
<br /> � � •:�:wsrraat aad defend the tiUe thereW forever againet the claims aad demaadn of all peraons whomsoever. .
<br /> PHAV IDED ALWAYS,and thin inetrument is�ecuted and delivered W eecure the peymeat of the sum of �
<br /> **�Yw.entv Thousand and No/100ths*** nousrs�s �� 000.00 �,
<br /> �with iatereet thereon,together with euch chargee nnd advancea ae may be due and-payable W aeid moKgagee under the tenns and conditioas � �
<br /> �� of the pmmiseory note of even date herewith and secured hereby,executed by said mortgegor s to said mortgagee.peyable as expresaed . �
<br /> 4 in esid note,and W aecure the nerformance of all t6e termn and conditioas conteined therein.The terms of said note are hereby incorporeted
<br /> S �. �� herein by thin refinence. �
<br /> � � It ie the iatention and egreement of the partiee he=eto that thia mortgage ahell slso aecuee any tuture advmces mnde W said mortgagor_s � �
<br /> by eaid mortgagee.and any end all iadebtedneea in addition to the amount above steted whic},said mortgegors,or any of them,may owe to � � -
<br /> f�� Y� said mortgagee.Lowever evidenced.whether by aote,book account or otherwise.This mortgege shell remain in full force aad ettect 6etween �� �
<br /> � � `� Lhe partiee hereto and their hei:s,peraonel repcesentativea,successors and aeaigns, until all emounts secueed hereunder, including future .
<br /> '�.��� � '� advanoee,ere paid in fuL'wit6 inteceet. � �
<br /> .�,� Tbe mortgagor�_hereby asef�_to eaid morcgegee all reata end income ariaing at any and all timea from said property and
<br /> � , hereby authorize said mortgagee or its agent,at iCs option,upon default,W take charge of said property and collect al1 renCs and income
<br /> .�:+� � ''"<. .'},��(rom'end"apply`L6e eame�to�the payment of intereet. Petncipal. ineurenee pxemiumn� tazee. eneeesmemte. repeira or improvementa � .�.
<br /> neceaeary W keap eaid ploperty in tenentable oondition,or to other ck�ezgen or peyments provided for herein or in Che note hereby secured.This
<br /> `�j� � � �.renC mei�ment sbell.conEinue in force until t�uapeid balance of eaid note ie tully paid•The taking of poseeseioa 6ereunder shall in no manner �
<br /> , i . ..p:evmL;�:rderd esid��moetgegee:in-�t6e eolleetion�of said�eame�.by�foeecLosure.or otherwiee. .... .�� �. ,.. ..-. . . ... ... ���. " ..
<br /> , t �� . . . � . _ . . . -... . -_,. . . .
<br /> ' ��The failure�of the mortgagae to aneert anY of Ite righte heceuader at any time ehall aot be conatrued ae a waiv�of ite right w assert the .
<br /> �.�� �esme at eny latertime,��end W imiet upoa and enforce atriet complieaee with all the termn ead proviaions of aa3d note and of this mortgnge.
<br /> •:� � If�eaid.moztgegor.�'��s ehall eauee to be paid W eaid mortgegee the entire emount due it hexsunder.and.mder the terms and provisione � . ..
<br /> ai
<br /> �,� � of eatd�te hmeby se�vred.including future advancen.and say extenaione or renewale thereof in accordaxe.with the terms and provisions
<br /> �thereo�end if�said moitgagor�_ehall comply with nll the provieione of eaid note and of thie mortgage,then ttiese present9�ahatl be�void: . .. �
<br /> a i .. otherwiee�W.zemein in fuli fozce and eHec�:�md aaid mortgagee:shell be�entitled w the poseesaion of all of eaid P�P�Y.and mny,et.ite option. . ...
<br /> declere the wtiols of said�te and�all ladebtodnese repreeeated.theceby to.be immediatety due and payable.,and may foreclose this mortga8e . „�..-;;�.
<br /> a � or take aqy other tegel action W Protect ita right.Apprsiaement waived., � , «
<br /> � This moetigega ehall be binding;upon aed�shall eaare to Ehe benefit of the heire.eaecuWrs.administraWea.aucceeeore and eseigna of the . .'��
<br /> � reepecCive partiee hereto.�: ; � . . . � - �.c ..� . ...'� J �d?:
<br /> �' " I N W I T 1�E 9 3 W H E A E O F.e e i d D 3o r L g a g or e � V e'b e�a�� t ! ' h a n d�r:t 6 e a y and yeer Sret above �".
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<br /> i �' � wsltten. �: � ��, : �. , . . ,. ... ., s; - � .
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<br /> .., , ;,, . - _ j'o e A. Beazel
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<br /> apw. ,�-,�r... . , .,.., . r.. ., r �r,�;. �..��, .�� . . . . .. ..... ... . . . .. �
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