� �
<br /> , 78-• C�U�5'�1 MORTGAG E < '
<br /> � � �
<br /> � 21et . .,::.- ,:Masch �8 � `�
<br /> .. _.THI9':TNDENR47RE. m�de !hL day of .`19--� by md^between :
<br /> ."i SUSAN�,E';:,,.>8[3T�I$iDtJ'; as%single<'person.,:,. " ,,
<br /> d f
<br /> ;
<br /> -, ;
<br /> � :,
<br /> �"i �� . ,. . . . . . . . ..... . ... . .. . . . . . .. . .... — . ;. . . ....
<br /> '��. of :..� H811 ... ��y..Nebcaske,.as moetgagor_. and(3rand Ialend Truet Company of Grand Ielaad.a eorporatton .�:� �
<br /> . , . . ... , . ..:� .�� -�
<br /> .':� � o�gsaized and��e:ieting"under the�lawn of Nebraeke�with'its priacipel office and plaee of buninene at Gra:ad Ielaad.Nebraeka,�as�mortgegee; '„�
<br /> € . .WITNE33ETS:....That sefd mortgagor_.for end in wneideration of the eum of . .. � �. �. ... . . .:. �
<br /> , .,, . .....�. . ,..
<br /> � . ***Seven Thousaad Sevea Huudred Seventy-one and 45/lOfftHs*�*� �""�'`' ��`"'77�45:
<br /> l��Lt-' 1.
<br /> �Lbe receipt of which le hereby sckriowredged.do�e8 by Lheee presente mortgage an�d warrA�it u.nYa e�id�e�e'JC�u�.ea�sore nnd aseigne,
<br /> forever,all the following deecribed resl eetata,eituated in t6e County of lial l
<br /> ead StaEe of Nebreeka,Wwtt: — H
<br /> 1
<br /> ' t.
<br /> The Southerly Forty-four (44) Feet of Lots Nine And Ten (9 & 10) in
<br /> Blo�k'Twentq-one (21) in Schin�er's Addit3on to the Citp of Grand
<br /> Island, Hall County, Nebraska, being a rectangular tract of ground �"'
<br /> having an Easterlq frontage of Forty-four (44) Feet on Cleburn
<br /> Street, fn Said City and a depth of 105.6 Feet, and Bounded on
<br /> . ¢ the South by Z6th Street, in Sa3d City. �
<br /> � `
<br /> j
<br /> �,�5,.
<br /> �Vf
<br /> _ �..
<br /> .��.
<br /> � w 3.
<br /> � at h I
<br /> i �_ , � :
<br /> k
<br /> � Toget6er with��ll heatiag.air wnditioning.lighting.end plumbing equipment end Yinturee.including acreenn.awniege.etorm windowe end ,,,� i
<br /> �dades,and wtndow shedes or bliade,uaed on or in eoanection with eaid property,w6etber Che same are now located on mid property or hereafter y��
<br /> 'plaeed thereoa. , . •".
<br /> '� �. ,,.���TO HAVE AND�TO IiOLD THE SAME.together with all and aingutar the tenemente.hereditamenta md appurteeancee thereunEo be.
<br /> , j � longing. or in enywine apQertainiog. forover. nnd warrant tF�e title to the eeme_ Ssid morgagor_be�eby covemnt.5__with eeid
<br /> � `mott$egee that_She �is ,at the delivery 6ereof,che lawful owner_of the premiaes above conveyed and descrSbed. �,
<br /> '"�..��. * �and� is � eefzed oi a good sad indefeaea'ble eetate of inheritence therein,f=ee end Cleer of all encumbrsnces.md that she_w311 "�
<br /> � j'. � '��ivartaat and defe�tha title t6ereto forever egainet the cLime and demande of ell pereone whomaoever. � �. ���
<br /> � .�5.
<br /> '�"� � � � PROVIDED ALWAYS,�nd t6ie inetrument is e�cecuted end delivered w eecure the peyment of the sum of �
<br /> "� ***Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Seventq—one and 45/LOOths��19�s7.771.45 �,
<br /> : j '. with intarest theeeon,togetLer with euch charges and advanoas as mqy be due and payeble to eaid mortgagee under the terma and eonditione
<br /> �.of the p�omineory note of even date heiewith aad eecured hereby.e:ecuted by eetd mortgagor_W said awrtgegee.PeYable aa expressed � , �
<br /> .. .� � ia seld note.a�to eecuee the pertormonee of ell the terme ead condltbne contsined Ehereln.The terms of eaid aote are heceby incorporated �.
<br /> > heeain by this retaenee.
<br /> i
<br /> ;,� . IL in the intmtion sad sg�eement of the partiee hereto thaC L6ie mortgege ehall aleo eecure my future advancee made W esid mortgsgor_ �� �
<br /> '.z
<br /> f. � hy eaid mortgagee,and any md all indebtedneee in nddltion to the amount ebove stated whick.xld mortgagore,or aqy of them,may owe W ..
<br /> seld mortgagee,Mwever evidenoed,whether by nata,book aecount or otherwiae.Thte mortgege aheU remain in full force end ettxt between
<br /> " � the pastiee hereW md their hein,paraoml repreemtativee,aucceeeors and anelgnn, uatil all amouata secuied hereunder, including future .. . �
<br /> ,j ;� �edvaaom.aee paid in tnit wttb incereec. �
<br /> .. �
<br /> �,� �. ��. The mortgagor_hereby�eaeign�ta eaid mortgagee ell renta md income arleiag at aey and all timee from said property and .
<br /> he�sby authorir.a eeld mortgagee or its egent,at ite option,upoa default,W Gke cherge of eaid property end collect ell reata and income
<br /> , .t. �."therefiom'end;.apply°the-�same to.t6e..�paymeai'of interast. PrtncfPal.�ineurance�pr�fumn. ta:ee. anseesmente.��palre or�impewemente� `
<br /> . neceaeary W Iceep edd proporty in tenantable eoadttion,or to other chargee or paymeaW provided for heiein or ta the note hereby eecured.This t � .
<br /> ��9 �renE asaignmant ahall 000tinue in foeee unW Lhe unpaid balance of esid aots!e fully pa3d.The taking of.poeaeeeion haeeunder eheD 1n no imnner . i . ..
<br /> :�: „P�o,wnt,ot;mtaed.eddmo:Cg�gee:Sn thsoollection of s�id aums by.torecloeura or achatwLe. ,. . �
<br /> ,.� � .. T7ie tailusa of the mortgegee to aseert eny of ite righte hereunder at aay time ehaII not be conaWed aa a weiver of Sta right W aneerG the � � . .
<br /> . neme at eny latar Elme,��and W insiet upon end enfozce etrict compliance with all Ehe Cerme sad provieions ot eaid aote and of thia eaortgage.
<br /> _a .
<br /> . .. :If satd motEgagor ::��. eLaII etuse to be paid W esid mortgsgee the entire amonat due it hereunder.snd mder the terme and provieiona �� � �
<br /> �?'` . `�
<br /> ot e�id aote Lereby eea!eed.�ineludinB.fuWie advancee.and any astem�m or rene�le thereof in'n�ce with t6e terme md provL+ione .. . .
<br /> :� . .. . : , .. . . .. � . . .. ..... . r. ,�.
<br /> . therecf,end if seid mo�fgagor_aLall comply witL all the,provlsione ot eaid note and ot thia mort6e8e.then these pceeents ahall be void;
<br /> � otheewise W r�s1n ia ta`Il foxre and aHect,�nd mid mortasgea ehe]1 be entitled w the poeem�ion ot'all of eaid propmty.ead may.,at ita option, { '
<br /> � dedus the wbols of s�id aota end�alt indebt"adnaes r�resantecl thexeby to be�immediate�y due and�PsYeble.and may forecloee sdie mortgage . � . ••�`<—°"�
<br /> �� �� orhks as4y of�3sge1 aetion W pzobect ita rlg6t.Appraieement�vaived. ' ... �� : �� . .
<br /> Tlds mo � ehdt b�b � .-� ��.
<br /> � �87uP�emd�sl�ell emue to CM beneRt of t6e hetrs.�eQecutors.ad'ministratoesr wcceesore and aesigne of che J .� � i; ,
<br /> '`'"*�`` mepectiva p�eifes heeeto:.. . .. � . . � . . � �'� .�
<br /> ,
<br /> , . y
<br /> .. . 4 .. .. . . ..:
<br /> II�T WITNE.48 WHEREOF.seid bf .he�_heisuaW eet hai t.. h�nd_Ehe md • '
<br /> .;
<br /> �y� � ' , .. . {ortga6or_ . . .... d4Y Y�'.firet above . �,-�Q.:,
<br /> weiccoa. . . . . � - . . . �/' �� p . _ � . . ;�_
<br /> x x �i 1.��s ,�'�J�l..fiL.r`�G,��.. a�. +� ��,+
<br /> �p� Snasn E.�"Hutc ison
<br /> 4.�
<br /> � �
<br /> t < ,
<br /> ;� �
<br /> • , .. ...,wb. ..n,�
<br /> �
<br /> , . . .. . .� � ,.. .�, _., _.
<br />