� .. �
<br /> ' 7�� UU1569 MORTGAGE °'
<br /> �
<br /> � -
<br /> 't " TSIS IrrD:ENTITRE, mrde chis 2Ath • ` ry,y of Ma'k'ch __ ' . la 78 � yy ana'becween � t'
<br /> � �A2la�'J;Y Tti�leen ana A].3ca'.�f �tteken, huaband -and wife, each in his and,her.own , _ x
<br /> � ripht and as snouse of the other, _ _.
<br /> j � of .�..�: Aall .Cq�yCy.Nebranka.�as�moetgaBor 3" .md Grand Islend Truat Company of Grand Island. e.corporatio� . �.. �,�- �;
<br /> ,� organized end e:iating�under tLe lewe of Nebraaka wtith Ite�priacipel office end place of bueinesa at Grand Ielend,Nebraslcn.�as�mortgegee: �;
<br /> WITNE93ETH: That eaid moetBaBor.S-.for and in consideratim of the aum of� .
<br /> ; **Five Thousand ltao Hun dre d T h irtv-four and 40/100Ehs*** ���g 5,234.40 _�.
<br /> ; ' , , .. .
<br /> �Lhe zeeeipt�of which ie�herebyaclmowledged,do—�by theee preaenta mortgage a�d warnnt uaW eaid inortgegee,�ite succeseora end asaigns,
<br /> forever,all t6e following deecribed real eatate.eituated in the County of Hal l � _— .
<br /> and State of Nebranka,to-wit: ..
<br /> 'i
<br /> Lot Eight (8) in ;Block 'hao (2) of Koehler Place, in the City `
<br /> ;
<br /> of Grand Island, Hall �ounty, Nebraska. '
<br /> � � �;
<br /> ;
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<br /> � � �
<br /> i �,;�"�t",:
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<br /> � ; �`:
<br /> 7 '�
<br /> j �pgether svith all heating,air conditioning,lighting,md plumbiag equipment az1d fixtures.including screens,awnings,atorm windowa and ?
<br /> a � re,and window ehadea or blinds,uned on or in connection with said property,whether the same are now lorated on said property or hereefter �
<br /> .� ' :£ ':plseed L6eieoa.: � �
<br /> � i ` ,: TO IiAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME.wgecher witb all end ainguler the teaements.hereditamente and appurtenances thereunW be•
<br /> �� Eonging. oz in��anywiee apput-�.��. forever. end werrant tha title u the same. Said morgagor�—hereby covenant—with said �
<br /> � ` � ������t_��3 arp ,et the delivery hereof,the lawful owner�.—of the premisee above coaveyed and described.
<br /> f niY
<br /> �"� 8ie ��of a good end indefeeeible eatate of inheritance therein, free and clear of ell exuumbranocg.and Ehat t he�' will �.,
<br /> } warrent aad defend the tiUe thereW torever ageinat Lhe cleima snd demmde of all persona whomaoever.
<br /> i �PROVIDED ALWAYS,and tLin inetrument is ezecuted and delivered W aecure the payment of the sum ot
<br /> � ***Five Thousand 1�o Hundred Thirty-four and 40/100ths��*���a 5,��4_40
<br /> with Intermt thereon,together with euch charges and advenoee as may be due and payable to eaid mortgagee under the terms end conditions
<br /> � of Lhe promineory note of even dete herewith and aecured hereby,ezecuted by said mortgegor s to said mortgagee,peYable as ezpcesaed
<br /> in said�aote,aod to eecuse the perfolmance of all the terms and conditiona coataiaed therein.The terma of said note are hereby incorporated - .
<br /> �� � h�ein by t6ia refereace. �
<br /> ? . �IE ie Ehe int�tion and agreemeat of the parties herew that thie mortgege ehalI sleo aecuie any fuEure advancee made to said mortgagor� ..
<br /> � by�aaid mortgagae.end aaY ead etl indebtedneea in addition to the amount above etated whicf.said mortgagors.or any of them,may owe to � � �
<br /> � - aaid mortgagee,however evidenced,whether by note,book account os otherwise-This mortgage ahsll remain in fvll foree end effect betwcen
<br /> �the.partien hexeto end Lheir heius.personal represeAtativee. aucceseors and esaigna,until all emounts aecu�d hereunder. including future
<br /> � edvmcee.are paid.in fiil:with mte'eat. �
<br /> � The mortgagor s hereby asaiga_W said mortgagee ell reats and income arining et any and all times from said property and .
<br /> � Lereby auChorSze eaid�mortgagee or its egeat,at ita option, upon default,to take char8e o!said pro�ty and colleet all renta and income
<br /> .i � �1�efra'ai'and��gPP�Y���..�e��'�B��PaYment��of intereeL. Pdncipsl�. ineurance premiums��taaea. aneeesmente. ieFaira�or�improvementa� . . .
<br /> aeceenary W keep eaid pmperty in tenenEable condition,or to other chargea or paymen W provided for hereia or in the note hereby secured.This
<br /> ��� ; . �ient anei�m�t eheU.continue ia force until the unpaid bnlmce of eaid uote in fully petd.The talring of poaeeeaion hereunder ahall in no menner
<br /> � '�� s.�,s,.,,�.en��atard�.moet6e8'oe���n�����e Pliencew�ith allrtheterme and� rovisioae,. .�.... . , :..��. . .-.,� .�� . . �� . � '�.
<br /> � � The feilute of the.mortgagee W aneert any of ita righW hceunder at an time ehell aot be conntrued es a svaiver of ite right to assert the
<br /> p of eaid note and of this mortgage.
<br /> ( � �IE eaid moT'tgegor B" ehall dnae W be paid W eaid mortgagea the entire amouat due it hereuader,and�.und�the terms and provisiona � ;
<br /> .,:; .�� ��.. �of�qeid note haaby neonred.including fatvre advancee.and any eatensions or renewais thereof ia�aeoordance with the terms and Proviaions � .�� �
<br /> � - � r the;eof,sad iE;eeid m�tgagor_8._ehell ca�ply with all tha proviaiona of aaid note end of this mortgage,then Wme presenta ehaU be void: � f
<br /> 3 . , .. � .. - .
<br /> y�. ._..,; i �wie�W ze�aia la i�fp�and eged;and caid mortgegea shell ba entitled to�the posseeeion of all of eaid pmpettY.and may:at ita option, �:'. '
<br /> • ' 'deelats the wliob of s�id�:note snd�all ind�tad�ss rePreeenteci thereby W be im:aedlatelY�dae and payable.aad may torecloae this mortgeSe T� q
<br /> . . . . . "��c-;,.
<br /> � �teke aqy other logal ection to pratect itsriight.Appraieement��.weived..�. �. ��. . , � ._. . . . +,";
<br /> � r.
<br /> �. 'Thie�moctg�ge eha11 ba bmdinB',pPaa and�ehell enure.to the beae8t of.the heirs.e:ecuwre.administratoro.eueceseoxe ead eaeiBne of the . � ..
<br /> s4 �,'; . raspecY3vepar:ties°herew« ; :.-. ;- . .. ,. ' .. '. - , � ..
<br /> �r' �I3 WLT�7E8$,WHEREOF�aeid lko�ago�—ha—b°xunt°°eL—�--- Y .;. ��'
<br /> g ve th�eir ��`hands��_�she day and eer first above '
<br /> �`� .vriften _ _""' �+
<br /> s � , �: ., _
<br /> . : . /� /�
<br /> & � . . . _ . , � .., �. �� - � �L.e�i� 6Ii7� �� - ' ,.:4�"�;. ,�„�,`.
<br /> ,! r �, `6"".�:�L'�C. en a�;'�
<br /> `•r Arfce M. Rieken
<br /> ..p . �.�.i. -
<br /> 4 .� .a,�r�,.d�.. , . _� .. ., .. ... . . . ... .. � � . .. . . .. . � � �
<br />