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<br /> 78- U015e4
<br />� 4.1-5URVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED . Fdte�F.�WoIG Co�mpany,lincoln,N�br. ��
<br /> i SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED �t � � .� �� J�
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<br />� ;ALICE A': 08ERG� an unremarried widow ,herein called the grantor tivhether oae or more,
<br /> 7 >
<br />_ � THIRTY-EIGHT THOUSAND AND NO 100 DOLLARS ($38 000.00)
<br /> F in eoneiderstion of / ,
<br /> I ;rec,eived trom grantees, does grant, bsrgain, aell convey and confirm �to ''.
<br />? JOHN 4I. MRKY AND MAXYNE M. MRKY� husband and wife "
<br />� a�„
<br />� as joint tenanta with right of aurvivorship, and not as tenant.� in common, the 4allon-ing described real ;
<br /> EfALI, ' , s�
<br />; : ,,
<br />; property in ......................................................•••....... Connty,Nebraska: � . F
<br /> �
<br />� Lot Tecn (10) in Fractional Block ltaenty-three (23) in Baker�s Addition to the City
<br /> of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> 3
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<br />� �� STAMP TAX � x�
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<br /> STATEMENT ATTACHEd �� ,��.�=
<br /> To huve and to hold the above described premiaes together u�ith ull tenements, hereditaments � t � ','�'
<br /> and appnrtenances thereto belonging unto the grantees tsnd tu their assigns, or to the heira and assigns `� �`,fi
<br /> of the survivor of them forever. '
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the granteea and with their assigas and with the heirs t i
<br /> and assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is la�vfully seised of said premisea; that they are free From � ?;
<br /> enoumbranee except easements and restrictive covenants of record �;i �i y?.
<br /> '`;
<br /> that raator has ood ri ht and lawfnl anthorit to conve the same; and that ��
<br /> g g g y y grantor warrants and will
<br /> de£end the title to said premises aga.inst the lawful claims of all persona whomsoever. ;£
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of eitLe_ of the grantees,
<br /> phe entire£ee simple title to the real eatate shall vest in the survi�•ing grantee,
<br /> Dated M�rch 21 19 �$
<br /> L�7�-e, �' � ,.
<br /> ........................................................... ���..._.... ;
<br /> ......................... .....................�'1'�ce'"A�...Ofi'erg...........
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<br /> BTATEOF ..»....»...NEBRASKA............................. County of .......H�:I:..............................«.._.......: ';
<br /> Before me, a notarq pnblie qnalified for said county, personAlly came
<br /> AI,ICE A. OBERG, an unremarried widow
<br /> _ � �,
<br /> y�
<br /> AYr'
<br /> kuown to me to be the;identical person or persons who siRned the foregoing inatrument and aclmowledged �=• " '
<br /> the eXeaation thereof Lo be hie,her or their volnntxry act and deed. �.r ' "
<br />,. . , . 4
<br />' �taees my hand and notarisl seal aa.:..... . ..21...:............... ....., 19...7.�.._...... ,.•':;""�""`
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