` r ". �
<br />; ST�TE OF NEBIt�At3KA, County of ........................................................: ,
<br />' Filed for reeord and entered in Nnmerical Indez
<br /> .................. at o'cloek M., ��EBRASKA DOCUMENTARY � ''
<br /> oa .......................................... ................ .._............. STAM^ TAX
<br />; and recorded in Deed Rscord ............................... Page.....:..._.................... ''
<br />; :....................._.................................... $y ...................._.................---................... rnAt� 2? ��?�
<br /> Connty Clerk or Deputy Connty Clerk or
<br />� Regiater af Deeda Depnty Regieter of Deeds a���OQ BY�� �
<br />�
<br /> NieT� C. MCDermott and Vicki A. McDermott, husband and wife, and Larry Yost and
<br /> f Sharon K. Yost, husband and wife
<br /> i
<br /> , herein called the grantor whether ona or�-�re�
<br />' ia consideratioa of �enty Nine Thousand Nine Hundred and 00/100------($29,900.00)Dollars
<br /> recetved from grantee, dces grant, bargaln, sell, convey and confirm unto William J. Nowak,
<br /> a single man
<br /> +,,i:
<br /> herein called the grantee whether one or more, the folIowing deacribed real property ia
<br /> �. ,
<br /> ;_;
<br /> ........................#I.��....................................... County, Nebraska: :
<br /> The Easterly Seventy-One (71) feet of the Northerly Sixty-Six (66) feet
<br /> of the following described tract of ground, to-wit: Fractional Lots 1
<br /> and 2 in Fractional Block 2 in Russel Wheeler's Addition, and of their
<br /> complements, to-wit: Fractional Lots 1 and 2 in Fractional Block 125
<br /> in Union Pacific Railway Company's Second Addition, both being Additions ;"
<br /> to the City of CYand Island, Nebraska, and being a Rectangular tract o£
<br /> ground having an Easterly frontage of 66 feet on Locust Street, in said �` �:'t
<br /> City, a depth of 71 feet, and bounded on the North by Eighth Street, i,n ;`,;. ;
<br /> said City, in Hall County, Nebraska. �'��
<br /> �;
<br /> � � �:�. F Y`)�
<br /> ti�:
<br /> To have and ta hold the above deacribed premises together with all tenemeata, hereditameats J �':
<br /> and sppurtenances thereto belonging nnto the grantee and to grantee's heiss and assigns forever.
<br /> And the grantor does heraby covenant with the grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigna "
<br /> that grantor is lawfully seised of said premiaes; that they are free from encumbrance except easements
<br /> and restrictions of record
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful suthority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants sad will ''
<br /> s�
<br /> defend the title to said premisea against the lawful claims of all pereona whomsoever.
<br /> �Dated March 17 19 78
<br /> • ��� ...'....../..C< .�
<br /> � • � o _
<br /> `►��,••••••••• .......... ... ..................................... x... l
<br /> v � . �'...�`�""�'.....� 2.�s.�;�a-"���
<br /> � `�,�o�.% h�- h'«�
<br /> - ....,,`�:C L��............ •sxR..`z��;,.,.:.�..,i9..:...�,.��:.........
<br /> STATE OF NEBFtAS�A,County of.........lf�.�G�. _
<br /> . ................................:
<br /> , i
<br /> Before me, a notary public qualified for said connty, personally came
<br /> Niels C. McDermott and Vicki A. McDermott, husband and wi£e, and Larry Yost and
<br /> Sharon K. Yost, husband and wife, each in their own right as spouse of the other
<br /> '=� luiown to me to be the identical
<br /> pezson or persons who signed the
<br /> foregoing instrnment and acknowledged the esecution thereof to be his,
<br /> '"' her or their volnntary act aad deed. ` �_"�
<br /> , °.�' `_
<br /> ' - ' Witness my hand snd o iai seal on ......��.�.�....,���.,��.�.d=•••• � .,} + '�
<br /> �* ..
<br /> r�. ` � ,
<br /> '�'" -*�- CHARLES.E:DeLARM �
<br /> . ........ . . ...� . .. . Notary Pnblic �y,��x
<br /> .,_. Genero!tVotsrl'�atr of Nebr. . . . .......
<br /> �My Commission E�W:.as ' ,<„r. , `�� °
<br /> �".:..�, APd117.14Ia. My commissioa e:pirea ...i��?�......f.�.J....., 19 .�� -'" � . '
<br /> Form-2.2 Approved by'Nebraska $tate Bar Assocfatlon rasoo k war ao..s.tnaaa x•b:.
<br /> �
<br />