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<br /> 62%s—SECOND REAL ESTATE MQRTGAGE�-Wftb Tax Clausm The 8utimen 6eneral 9upvlr Hoase, Lincoin, Nubr. � �
<br />¢ 7'HftT z orWE, Wesley Harder and Shirley Harder � �
<br /> ir 1
<br />#
<br />� � o� Hd�� Cvttnty and State of Nebraska ,in cons£deration of tke sum of
<br />{ � � `
<br /> F One Hundred Thousand and Nof100 ----------------------------------------------DOz.z..�fzS � :
<br />� :n hand paid,do hereby SELL and CONYEY :rnro Grand Isl and Production Credit Association �
<br />� , (mortgagee), �"
<br /> F of Hdl l County,and Stote of Nebraska , the jo!loz�iny dvrcribed preniiscs 1 ,
<br /> i s:tuar¢a:o: Hal l covreey, and Sraee of Nebraska eo-wir: �
<br /> i 7he Narthwest Qaarter of Section Eighteerr, and the Southwest Quarter of Sectiort Six � x�
<br />; all in Township Twelve, Range Eleven (NW; 18-12-11 and StJ4 6-12-11) .
<br />{ The mortgage debt as shown stands as collateral security for certain ;.',
<br /> j note or notes described 1n a collateral agreement of even date signed ��: '
<br />' by the mortgagor. The mortgage debt may be accelerated at the option ;G '"'
<br />' of the mortgagee upon the default or non-payment of notes, renewals ar ��,
<br />� extensions provided for in said collateral agreement, and the mortgagee �� �
<br /> may in such event proceed to exercise any rights it may have hereunder � �^
<br /> E the same as a default in any other obligation or covenant contained a�'--, ,`
<br /> in this mortgage. �: ��i
<br /> �.
<br /> � , '
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<br /> Tlte intention being to co»vey hereby an aLsolute title {n fee simple includinJ all Jhe rights of h000testead and dmwer. yf "�.�{�
<br /> TO KAVE �lVD TO HOLD the prrmises abave described, undh all the ap�iurtennnces thereunto helvnging unlo � ��;
<br /> �:
<br /> the said mortgagee or mortga�¢¢s and to his, her or thedr heirs and assigns,forez�er, provided alzvays, and these pres- � ,�`,.
<br /> ents are upon!h¢express conditson that if!he said mortgagor or mortgagors, h'u, her or their heirs, executors, admin- �; 3
<br /> utrators or assigns sha[I pay or caiise to be paid to the said rnortgagee or mostgagees and to his, her or their heirs, ex- t, ' ;a
<br /> ecrctors,administrators or a,ssigns,the sum of �
<br /> One Hundred Thousand and No/100 ----------($100,Q00.00)------Dollars, payable as follows, to-wit: �' �
<br /> � �u�
<br /> on or before November 15, 1983. �
<br /> ;:.
<br /> �r
<br /> urith interest thereox at =--per cext per annum, payable ------- annuaJly, accordi„g to the tenor axd e$ect o�
<br /> the ------ ¢romusory note with interest roupons attathed of said Mortgagors, bearing even date with these p�es-
<br /> e�ts,and shall¢ay all taxes axd any interest on,or onatxring instal6ments of prencipal, due on any prior snortga�e and
<br /> assessoaeftts levied upon said real estate and all other taxes, [evies and assessneents levied :�pon this mortgage or the
<br /> note-which thfs �ntortgag¢ is given fo secure, before the same betomes delinquent and keep the buildings oa said
<br /> ¢resnfses iaisttred for the sum$ ----- ,loss, if any, payable to siah first mo�tgagees or this onortgagee, os bat{t, (
<br /> thest these Qresefsts be void, otherzvise to be and ran=ain itt full force. `
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED (r) That if the said mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes asid such intesest on, :
<br /> or maturing installments of pyincipal, due on any prior mostgage asid procure sucl: insuraxce, then this rnortgagee s��ay '
<br /> ¢ay suth taxes and s�rch'interest on,or maturixg inslallments of ¢rincipal, due on saich ¢rior mo>tgage and procure �i ;
<br /> such i»surance;a�d the sum so advanced with interert at nine per cent sha!!be paid by said mortgagor,and this mort- � s
<br /> gage shall sta>td as sccf�rity for she same. (z) Thaf a failnrc to pay any of said ss�one3•, citkcr principal or intcrest on '
<br /> `thit or crty prior mortgage,whesi!he same becomes due or a failu�e to cvmply wsth any of the foregoing agreements, ''
<br /> shei[ cae�se the mhole sum of money herein secused to beco�:e due and collectable at once at the aptean of ehe nwrt-
<br /> gagee. ; :
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED That said mortgagee, pending foreclosure of this mortgage and after decree and � -�a;
<br /> pendirig-ssay thes+ron or aPPeal,therefrom and¢exding sale of'yre»tases mortgoged, may pay ss�ch saxes axd matusi»g -w'f
<br /> inttrest or »iaturing ifutallments of ¢rixcipal, on-¢rior mortga�es, ¢rocrsre such insurance and such su„u skall be `
<br /> added to ilsa otno+ent due on dec�ee and upon confirmation of sale by tl�e court ord¢red taken out of proceeds of sale;
<br /> ; or 4f'yedgemtd'dr�ring stay, appeol os sate,;such amou�tts shal�be to!lected!he sarne as thoragli it zucre a part of sYech '�'�
<br /> decrse. , ;
<br /> �Stgned th+s 15t ' �y o�:� `-:March ` , l9 78. i� +�;,
<br /> In Psesence o} j! r
<br /> : :� __...... _r....... . ......:t ...---.�. �,,�i...�-� �`'/�a...� }� -
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<br /> Shirley arder � '
<br /> �.�_=_— - -- �
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<br />.... , �.
<br />