_ � ' �
<br />� STATE OF NEBRASgA,'County of .........................„..:.................._..:
<br />' Fxle$ for_ec�rd oa 1�.........^_t........................ a'c2ock ... Bi.
<br /> � ...... ��,
<br />; and re¢orded in the Dee3 Record ................................. Page .................. ..... t .
<br />�, ......... . ....... .•......................................._.......... By ......................................:................67A�Et�fENZ ATTAC:iED
<br />� Itogiater of Deeds Depnty Reg3ster SKA DOCUMENTARY
<br />� STA�RP TAX ;
<br />`��..0015�45 . r�t�� 2 0 �s�� ,
<br /> Kathy A. Ki 11 ion and John Ki 11 ion, wi fe an �
<br /> husband, $1��BY
<br /> __'C��
<br />- ,Lerein called the grantor whether one ot �ore,
<br /> inconsideratioaof--One Do71ar ($] .00) and other valuab7e corrsideration----
<br /> reeeived from grantees, does grant, bargain, riell convey and confirm unto G dy 1 2 S. B i n f i e 1 d
<br /> and Eleanor E. Binfield, husband and wife,
<br /> as joint tenants with right of survivorahip, and not as tenants in common, the following described real
<br /> property in -••.....H a 1.�............................................. County,NeUraska: <:
<br /> The South Half (S�) of Section Thirteen (13) and the South-
<br /> east Quarter (SE4) and Lot One (1 ) in the South Half of the
<br /> Norttreast Quarter (S�NE�) of Section Fifteen (15) , a11 in
<br /> Township Nine (9) North , Range Eleven (ll ), West of tfie 6th _
<br /> P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska, being all the land in East
<br /> Half o€ said Section Fifteen (15) lying South of the South �
<br /> Channel of Platte River, containing in all 517 acres , more
<br /> or less,
<br /> �6
<br /> Y !„".
<br /> To have and to hold the above descrited premises together with s21 tenements, heredita.menta
<br /> and appurtenances Lhereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns
<br /> of the survivor of them forever.
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees aad with their sesigns and with the heirs -."
<br /> and assigns o£the survicor of them that grantor ia la�vfully seised of said premises;that they are free from
<br /> enaambrance
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawfui authority to eonvey the same; and that grantor n•arrants and will
<br /> defend the title to said premises ugainst tl�e lawful claims of all persons �r•Loinsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of tue granteea,
<br /> the entire fee title to this real property shail ��est in the surviving grantee.
<br /> Dated A p r i 1 13 197 3.
<br /> .__................................................................................. �""'Ki'T'T�............_......
<br /> �
<br /> ..........................:......................................................
<br /> �. . .. ........................................
<br /> ' J 'n' 'K'i�'?'R'"o , ', .::
<br /> 3TATE OF .....ILL.Il�l11I.S.................................. Caunty oF ......J�.i.nne.ha g:n..................._.......: `.
<br /> Before me, a notary public qnalified for said county, personally came
<br /> ` Kathy' A. Kil 1 i on and John Ki 11 i on, wi fe and husband,
<br /> . �� `
<br /> 1� �qwa-to me�o be tt�e identical person or persons who signed the foregoing instrument and ac�owledged ,.
<br /> r^t�e�cec�i�r� LhCreo4 ta be his,her or their volnntary act and deed. ; E
<br /> , ��� �'���d,.t�+�" � �. �.
<br /> . . ,
<br /> � .' J•t r�tn�smy hand a.nd notarial seal on . ......... :...... .A71x�.1..........13...........� 19......7..�.�.. ��;:
<br /> gr ,:,,� �,� �. . _ ,yx -
<br /> t n Y � r;. ^ j : : ..... ........ ... . .. Jf,----.. ._ ......_.. .» , Notary Public �;�'
<br /> /,�/'�J . i;
<br /> ���� ( �J J 1��V :.e'., . . .. . . _.�' V . . . ..
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<br /> ,,,�yy,.,:� •�;� .*s. .t�� ; , Mq comm�saion eapiree............. a ..., 19.7:�.�...
<br /> 4 A".�Y +C�{, �}'`m' ' ..- . . .. . . . ............�............
<br /> �.�':-
<br /> '� �'ort�{�'Z+, approved by Nebraska 9tate Bar�saociation F•���w t Oo.,Ltnoda,Ne4r.
<br /> . _ _ J
<br />