_ _ _ � �
<br /> 7$;�OO�.541 CONSIDERATION -- $T 34,000.00
<br />�. 4.1—SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED F•leoa Fr WoiF Company,Lincoln,N.br. .
<br /> Mary Louise Uuginger, a single person ; Josephine Walsh, a single person; �
<br />� Gertrude� R. U'ehner, ;a/k/a Gertrude Dehner, a single person; Anna E_ Dehner,
<br /> a single: person; Frances A. Dehner, a/k/a Frances Dehner, a single person ;
<br /> � Cathe,rin'e A. Dehner, widow of Simon R. Dehner and a single person,
<br /> , herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> .
<br /> "�ineoneiderationof-pne Dollar ($1 .00} and other valuable consideration------
<br /> "'.received from graatees, doea grant, bargain, sell convey and eonfirm unto G ay 1 e S. B 7 t1 f i e 1 d
<br /> �'-�and Eleanor E. Binfield, husband and wife,
<br /> as joint tensnts with right oE eurvivorship, and not as tenants in common, the f.ollowing deacribed real
<br /> P P �9 H d 1 1 ... Connty,Nebraska: � `''.
<br /> ro e in .............................................................
<br /> The South Half (S�) of Section Thirteen (13) and the Southeast i'
<br /> Quarter (SE,) and Lot One (1 ) in the South Half of the North-
<br /> east ,Quarter (S�NE4) of Section Fifteen (15) , all in Township -
<br /> : Nine (9) North , Range Eleven (11 ) , West of the 6th P.M. , Hall _
<br /> County, Nebraska, being all the land in East Half of said Section
<br /> Fifteen (15) lying South of the South Channel of Platte River,
<br /> containing in a11 517 acres , more or less.
<br /> _ €
<br /> Y
<br /> r a ',i
<br /> _ .. �:k'�� .
<br /> To have and to hold the above tle�cribed premises together with all tenementa, hereditsments r
<br /> and appnrteasnces t,herato belonging unto the �rantees snd to theis assigns, or to the heirs and sasigns
<br /> of the survivor of them forever.
<br /> And grantor does hereby eovenant with the granteea and with their sasigns and with the heirs
<br /> and sesigcis of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfuIlp seised of said premisea;that tliey are free From
<br /> encnmbraace +
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful anthority to convey the same; and that grantor warrante and will
<br /> defend the title to said premiaes agsinst the lawful claims of all persona whomacever. i
<br /> It ie the intention o4 all partiea hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees,
<br /> the entire•fee aimple title to the real estate shall veat in tl�e surviving grantee.
<br /> ated Apri l 1� � i9 73. � ` . =.
<br /> ���.��.. .�fi-. . . .� .... .'(�Q. fl�(� ....� ._.. . . ... i
<br /> . ��.. .. . ... �
<br /> rances A. �ehner � �/�Mary�ouise Dug 'nge
<br /> ���.�..�.::.....�:�-.. . ......... �..
<br /> .- .. ..........................
<br /> Cath�eri�rie A. Dehner��������� ��� �� ��So ephin�Ml,als
<br /> S.TAA4E?TA�.:.... .........:....................................... ......... ...... . ... .�.L...`... . . ...�L./..h. .�G�v : _
<br /> Gertrude R. Dehner '
<br /> � td'�;� 2� i�76
<br /> ' .....�TAT.EME(�1Z A7TACHEO /,} . »».. ... � /�_ Q .
<br /> ,, ......... .................... .............................. L5r:Y1lv�:............0�::«::�!5..�!L:er:�r.....:.... -
<br />$1�'.� Anna E. Dehner
<br /> ��YZt��.LLLI.N.O.IS................. County of ._......�..Q.9.dA...................»....».._.......
<br /> Before me, a notary pnblie quslified for eaid county, personally came M a ry L O U 7 5 e 0 u g i n g e t^,
<br /> a single person; ' ' ; Gertrude R. Dehner,
<br /> a/k/a .6ertrude Dehner, a single person; Anna E_ Dehner, a single person; �
<br /> Frances��A:''}Dehn'e'r, a/k/a- Frances Deliner, a single person; and Catherine
<br /> A Oe;hner,, wid.ow ofi Simon R. Dehner, and a single person, w��-
<br /> < ,.� 4�'�,j f ja ,y'�t ;. •. _ ,
<br />, knosv'n!to me"to b@ the identical person or persone who aigaed the foregoing instrument and ac�owledged
<br /> J � �`
<br /> .��`,�°e}+pfo�tld�y,�fhezeoi,to be hie,her or,their voluntary sot and deed. �"'
<br /> �;� , :y' , , y�� � �
<br /> . � �'� < .. �
<br /> �`'` bt��Pi�'Y's�uu'�BadiS�i'° ',`sdal oa_. . AEC . .............�.�.............. , 19.....7.,�...... . �,,w� a
<br /> ...... ' .
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