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<br /> � � �
<br />} �s� l� U1535 . }''"'3 . � �
<br />;
<br />� 12. Th� Mortgagor furYher ageees that should this mortgage and the note secured hereby no[ be eligible for in- �. ' � :'`
<br />; surance under the National Housing Act withen 30 Days from the dace hereof (written statement of any ofticer i ,` ' ` `
<br /> of the Department of Hausing and Urban Development or autharized agrnt of [he Seeretary ot Housing and Urban �' '
<br /> Development dated subsequent to the stated time from the date of this mortgage , declining to insure said , v ': `a � � �
<br /> note and this mort�ge, being ' deemed conctusive proof of - such ineligibility), the Mort�agee or holder of the note , " n
<br /> may, at its option, declare alt sumssecurted hercby immediately due and payable. M ,f a � '`�� � �'�'>�;
<br /> 13. That if the Mortgagor fails to make any payments of money when the same become due, or fails ro conform to and ' �
<br /> comply with ang of tht conditions or agreements contained in this mortgage, or the note which it secures, then the entire princi- �' ' '; r e `' `` � � S
<br /> pal sum and accrued inlerest shall at once become due and payahle . at the etection of the Mortga�eee : and this mortgage may �r ' ` ' r �
<br /> [hereupon be £oreclosed immediately for the whote of seid money, interest, monthly payments, cos[s, ground rents, tnxes and � fi � �G �, `:
<br /> thacost of extending the abstract of title from the date of this loan to the time of commencing such foreclosure suit , and a rea- '' '
<br /> sonable at[orney's fee; all of whichshall be included in the decree of doreclosure : and [he contract embodied in thes mortgagt ^s '
<br /> and tEfe note secured hcreby, shall in all respecis be governed, construed and adjudged by the laws ot Nebraska_ where the � , y'
<br /> same is made. � .
<br /> 'Fhe covenants herein contained shall bind, and the benefits and advantages shall insure to, the respective heirs, execu[ors, €�_
<br /> administrators. successors and assigns of the �+arties hereto. Whencver used. the singular number shali include the plural , the :`' � r,
<br /> pluraY the singular, and thE use of any gender shall be applicable [o all genders.
<br /> The foregoing conditions, all and singular, being performed accordins to thcir natural and legal import , this conveyance �
<br /> shalt 6e vaid and said premises released at the expense of the MortKagor; otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect.
<br /> } '
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Mortgagor(s) ha s hereunto set his hand(s) the day and year first '
<br /> at�ove written. r+
<br /> y
<br /> y ..w
<br /> . . � ��i � '� . .s '+'i
<br /> in presence of: r , "
<br /> . . . . . . � ar u��
<br /> 1 x axi.,
<br /> ����, � �9 ` f
<br /> ( SEAL � � °�`t
<br /> William J . Nowa � .,,�
<br /> � SF.AL j
<br /> t My`
<br /> [ SEALI . � �.6:
<br /> � � � � f SEAL ) �, , ,'ij
<br /> y T :
<br /> . . � , .� , �v �� a
<br /> � � � � � [ SEAL J ' � ,^Es ti
<br /> . . .. �' ' r YJ�lY::
<br /> � �Y
<br /> . . ". �. XGR+��',�
<br /> . . . GPO 941�73! '^� ���`�'
<br /> y. " 'S�
<br /> STATE OF NEARASKA . + " r � r�;`�`�'
<br /> ss: �` ,,. y,�
<br /> COUNTYOF SaI2 ,` , `^ y`. `r�r .'s
<br /> 5 � �
<br /> On �h�Nota/� Pub13c f ��� A. D. 19 �F , before me. � ' +t N *�7�3
<br /> a ' rS' in and for said County, personally came � r�?
<br /> F �
<br /> � � ��. , _, i t"�F
<br /> ` Y;
<br /> William J . Nowalc. , a single person , , personally to me known � . �F
<br /> to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the above and fore- j'g
<br /> going instrument as Mortgagor, and he has �
<br /> exewtion [hereof tobe hia acknowledged the said instrume�t and the � ' •
<br /> voluntary act and deed, for the purposes therein expressed . � ' ` „
<br /> ii' S
<br /> .. � � '. 3 . . �;
<br /> In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and alfixed by O£ficial seal at Grand Island , Nebraska � ' '�
<br /> on [he day and daleJast above written.
<br /> � � ' � R08ERT O. PLACZEK �J� /� �� � � "
<br /> . �� � �ENERAL NOTARY - Stats of PMbr. /f CJ . � � � z;.
<br /> Nly Commisslon Expire� Notary Public � �. � ;
<br /> . . . � NOVEMBER 26. 1978 � - ��;
<br /> Filed for record this day of A . D. 19 t
<br /> at o'dock M . , and entered in Numerical Index , and
<br /> recorded in Book of Mortgages, on � ' '
<br /> Page of f
<br /> ;
<br /> r
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br /> i :,':,.
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