i �" �� �
<br /> •�5 A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—(With Tax Clause) (Revised 1962) The HuBansn Gemrnl Suyply Houae,Lineoin,Ne6r. . � �
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That .1EANNF: E. KOHLS, a sirtgle person, �
<br /> � � � :� H311� . CountY.and��3taW oE. . .. ... � � NCbI'3.5141 ,in rnnsideration of the sum of �,.
<br /> ` '1lventy five thousanfl seven hundred F� no/100 ----------------------------------���s �
<br /> in hand paid,do hereby sELL endl CONVEY unto PAUL J. HOHIS and ELDA R. KOEII.S, husband F� wife, a �;
<br /> Joint tenants and not as tenants in common, �
<br /> � of ;I.2.2`iII1@T County.State of Colorado thefollowingdeacribedpremiseeaiZuated
<br /> � in Hall Councy, and State of Nebraska ,to-wic:
<br /> �
<br /> i � Lot eight (S) in Block thirty-one (31),
<br /> , in Russel Wheeler's addition to the City
<br /> of Grand Isla.nd.
<br /> �
<br /> �i
<br /> �
<br /> �' -
<br /> ^;Sz
<br /> ' The iatention.beSng to convey hereby an absolute title in fee si mple,including all the righta of homestead ead dowen�
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the b'�rt��yes�ve�i���6�J,av��€�d�hg�P� d'"t'i���� ���& unto the eaid :
<br />� mortgagee(s) and to hiv, her or their eirs an assign orever, pro c�l ways, an hese presenta� are upon the expresa �:
<br />��. ��condition that if the said mortgagor(s),his, her or their heira, executors, administrators or at�sibma shal( pay or cause to be - .�;j
<br /> �paid W the said mortga�ee(s),his,hier or their heirs,executors, administrators or assigna,the principal sum of$2$�700.00 -
<br /> payable an follows,to wit: $165.59 on the 17th day of April, 7998, and a li.ke sum on the 17th
<br /> dag oP ea.ch calendar month thereafter, for a total of 300 consecutive month payments, `�_'
<br /> - '.:t
<br /> :}';
<br /> i�':
<br /> said payments to include interest thereon at rate of 6� per annum,
<br /> ]�7�according to the tenor and effect of the mortgagora written promisaory note bearing even date with theee presents -
<br /> and shall.pay all taaes and assessments levied upon said real estate,and all other taxes,levies and n=�a^�ents levied upon this
<br />�� mortgage or the note�which this mortqage�is given to aecure, before the same becomes delinquent,and keep the buildings on .
<br />��- �said�premises insured for the sum of$ 25�700.00 . loss,if any, payable to the said mortgagee,then these preee.nta �
<br />�� � to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force.
<br />. IT IS FURTHER AGREF.D (1) That if the said mortgagor ahal( fail to pay such taxes or procure such insurance,the
<br /> said mortgagee may pay such taxes and procure such insuranc¢; and the aum eo advanced, with intereat at nine per �
<br /> ceat;ahall-be.sepaid hy.eaid�mortgagor,and this mortgage shall atand es security tor the same. (2) That a failure to-pay any �
<br />. . of seid money,either principal or interest, when the same becomea due, or a failure to rnmply with any of the.foregoing . �
<br />.� agreements, ahall cause the whole sum of money herein senired to become due and rnllectible at once at the option of the . � ��
<br /> mortgagee. � � ,
<br /> Signed th;s 17th day of March , t978 . :
<br /> .. .�' . .. . . In presence of .. L.Cf.L.d.'.?..�.. �.....��.._...'---'-•-----..._.._._....._.__ - . ,, :��.
<br /> . ., . v%�IlI1B �S. KO�S �,��.:
<br /> z ... ... _.................................._""........."".............. ......__.............. ....... _...._........"'._........"'._....._.__......"'....""'...._.......""""'_.._....._.._ �` . � . . ..�.:<
<br /> . . _ ._................................................."""""'""'"'""'....................................._... ............._..._'................_..........................""_.................."'_'""'......"'_... . . �.. . ��.�..��.`���
<br /> STATE OF _.�a;. Pi. ....................----..� County of.........B1L��d�Q-'-----.....----•----0 > >
<br /> Befo Z' 1� �qual;sea tor ea�d co���y, per8onailycame Jeanne E. Kohls a single person
<br /> � eb.:,.: 'R-
<br /> ;.Tcqown' tq��*yd,.. _tson or persona who aigned the toregoing inatrument and acknowledged lhe execution
<br /> �Uiereof ' �" �vo tary�aM and deed. � ��
<br /> .. . . .. •.:�tOV11!'8 ,_
<br /> _ Wi d a_yP � seal on.....................'-'-----.....---- -._I'�c1S�tA._a.:l..._.._... 9.,2. .......
<br /> . . �
<br /> . - <;
<br /> r � ;. , � .e��eIDhe.r._11.. 198l1--- - -.._.t.�...-- --. .. .......Notary Pubt;c. -*:�--.-- .,
<br /> �.� _.... .. _ ..-•---...._..
<br /> �`STATE OF ..._.,,.,. •. �� � .... Entered on numerical indez and filed for record �'�
<br /> ��� - }�. 1 �
<br /> f�["�,+•!y. .._,.-..�. �� . �� � � � . �� � m the Regieter of Deeds OSce of aeid County the �.
<br /> --Z-- . . . . � ; ,.`
<br /> `�-°'-,"�-.�...�;�:d4y oi..._. .�. .- .� .19 �-�..at�� . ..... ._. ...o clock and..............................minutes........_...._........M., � . . y�.
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<br />_ tsad reooided i�f,Book........�..._�_..._.._...__...._oL ._.._..... _...:._...._at pege._�_.__..._. . _. '� >.r-„
<br /> _., ._ ,
<br /> . , . . . Reg_ ot DecKls � � � .
<br /> � � --••--••-"-•-•---__..___-----....-'-^--'--..._._...............'---'--- ��
<br /> ' � �..� .� . � � �. - BY........................._....._.__............---------•----�-----.......••-.-••---._.DePutY � i� � .�
<br /> �
<br />. . . ....._-......___�.......�_:-._ ...,_.._.._: .._...:.._.... __._ ..,__..._."_"_'_.__.......__'_.._._. _.._..__'�-__.___.,_._..—_ ._'_._' .-�._._.-y.:__�.-u=_= � .
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