r--- � �
<br />: STATE OF NEBRASS�, County of ....................................................: .
<br /> Filed for record on .........._. ...., 19........at '
<br /> ................ .................._......... o clock .._..................... M. . ..
<br /> and recurded in the Deed Record ................................. Page ............................. STAMP TAX i_
<br />� ,;;-
<br />� ..:. ......... .......... ........ ........_........................... By ........._........... .� .Q. '
<br /> .......................... ..............f�t� ..'�i ..��l�� � .
<br />� Regieter of Deeds Deputy Register f Deeda
<br />� �$-` (�01519 SURViVORSHIP WARRANTY DE ' � BY��� _
<br /> _ , hesein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in consideration o! FIFTY-TTdO Tf?OUSAND F'IVE HUNDREU AIJL NO/100 ($52,500.U0) DOLLARS '
<br /> received from grantees, does grant, bargain, aell convey and confirm nnto
<br /> JERRY .T,. SINiO?•7DS e1ND JUtihTITe1 t•f. SIMOP7DS '�'.
<br /> as joint tenanta with right of enrvivorship, and not as tenanta in common, the following desuribed real �
<br /> property in Hall _ Connty,Nebraska: Part oE the Norr.hwest quarter o£
<br /> ................... .................................. �
<br /> Section Twenty Tcvo (22) Township Eleven (11) Nortr Range Dline (9) 4/est of the 6th P.M., �
<br /> Ha1Z County, Nebraska, nore nsrticular2y described as fol.lows: Commencing at the.
<br /> Southwnat Corner of the Intersection of Phoenix Street =aith Sycamore Street in Grand -+�
<br /> IsTand, FIall County, Nebraska, thence runninb 4lester2y along and upon the South Bound-
<br /> ar.y of Yhoenix Street One Au:idred Twenty Pive �eee. (Z25') to the Boundary of the A21ey x,:a,
<br /> West o� said Intersection; thence running Southerly along and upon the Easterly Hound- � '
<br /> ary o£ the All�y aforesaid One Hundred �;.ght reet (103'), thence runnin� Eesterly para- •` 5~=
<br /> ? + .;
<br /> 1Te1 to the NortherZy Line of a£oresaid a. distance of One Hundred Twenty Five Feet , '
<br /> (125') to tne SJesterly BOu�dslY'y of Sycamore Street; thence 2Vorth along and vpon ttie " ��';
<br /> Westerly Bound�ry Line of Sycamore Street 108 Feet to the Point of Beginning. �
<br /> �:.
<br /> �
<br /> � � � � � � �
<br /> t, #
<br /> To have and to hold the above descrited premiaes together with all tenements, hereditaments U ��,,;
<br /> snd appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their sesigns, or to the heirs and assigne ? ";
<br /> of the survivor of them forecer.
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees snd with their aseigas and with the heirs � , � 4
<br /> and aseigne of the survivor of Lhem that grantor is lawfully seised of said premisea;that they are free from ;
<br /> 4 - h};
<br /> eneambranee except easements and restrictions of record, �
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful suthority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and wili
<br /> defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> It ia the intention of sil pnrtiea hereto that in the event of the death of either of the granteea,
<br /> the entire £ee title to this real propertv 9ha11 �est in the aurviving grantee.
<br /> Dated March 4 19 7P ;� ' -,
<br /> ,
<br /> ����Z%` c .
<br /> ........................................................................ ._. ....�. .y....... . ...........
<br /> ;
<br /> .... ._ ../............. �.
<br /> %�i7� ohn Prei � Jr_
<br /> ��"�,� .. . . C,... .........
<br /> ;:
<br /> ..... ..................N......_....
<br /> ........................................ • - -....................
<br /> ariTyn[Preisendorf
<br /> Hal l c:• �'
<br /> STATEOF ..........�ik�iAS1SA..._...._......................... County of ............._...........................».......... ....:
<br /> Before me,a notary publia qualified for id county, pereonally came
<br /> John Preisen8orf. Jr. and Marily��reisendorf, Hvsband and ?Jife, each
<br /> in his and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> � ,
<br /> ��-
<br /> `]arown to me to be the,_identical person or persoas who eigned the foregoing instrnment and aclmowledged _ -�;c-":'
<br /> >the.ezeention thereof to be his,her or their voluntary act and deed "
<br /> : \
<br /> i ,� 'nl aeal on �,r�. ... �l�`.. .L .l�,..., 19.�r.�.......... � y ��
<br /> . . �....
<br /> .., i �: . _� . . � f � �,-
<br /> � QENERAI:NdTAIi'V �_�� ....�� �""'��r `�`"... .............. Nota Pnblic },�.',
<br /> 3TA1E,OF MEBRIISI�A ..•.:..._.•�..... ..• ry ``
<br /> • . . , , � � *.� - , .
<br /> �;COIMIIIYo11 E1p.h�Y�. 1� My commission ezpires ....--��`-7� -. �cS........_........, 19.�.�'........ -•+•.�.� �
<br /> ' Forni"42.To be Auvroved,bp :'ebraska State Bar�ssaciation F���war oo..unoaw x.e�.
<br />,.� .,�. ,. .,........ .... . ... :._ ..... .,....,._ .,._. _ . .,,.... �
<br />