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<br /> REAL ESTATE DiOItTGAGE LOAN NO.....$�.Z.,3<.2.r..�._
<br /> �$_ U 01513 �Mn.ufn c��I �En ��� ('�IhEse �r�sExc#s:
<br /> ' x�,ac .....&.s?.?�?�.�.x....F.........X.a.sk....�.ud...�:?a.x.Y...EX.7..��...X.a.x:k...................................................f.i.u.s.b.a.m.d....amd....ic!i.£e...............
<br /> r h¢reinafter referred to as Mortgagors,whether one or more,for and in conaideration of............................................................................ �
<br /> t' ,
<br /> s Forty---xwo...Thou.s.a�,d....£'.�.v.e....H.ax�d.x.�.d.._an.d....Ns�.1..Z.0.Q ------------------------- n
<br /> , .----.._•-- • ............._..... ...... ............. ................ ......._ LLARS
<br /> O
<br /> � in hsnd paid,do hereby bargain,sell and convey to NEBRASKA cTATE SAVINGS AhD LOAN ASSOCIATYON, of Fremont,
<br /> ��t Nebraska,the following described resl estate situgted in........ _IiALL .,,., ___. .Co n y, Ne raska: -
<br /> ( Lot twelve (12) and part of Lot eleven lll), in Blocic�ten� (10), iri��ark'[i�iY�T����`fi'3rd�-Su�ir�iv3s�on, an ;
<br /> addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, described as co�encing on the North–
<br /> `: west corner of Lot 11, Block 10, Parkhill Third Subdivision; running thence Southerly along and
<br /> �, upnn the Westerly boundary line of said Lot 11 a distance of 90.65 feet to the Southwest corner
<br /> i of said Lot 1.1; running thence Easterly along and upon the south boundary line of said Lot 11, 33.9
<br /> f feet; running thence northerly to a point on the north boundary line of said Lot 11 to a point
<br /> ' which is 26 feet from tlie northeast corner of said Lot 11; running thence Westerly al�ng and upon
<br /> ; the North boundary Iine of said Lot 11, to the Northwest corner of said Lot II, the point of
<br /> ` beginning.
<br /> Together w ith all the tenements, hereditaments,and appurtenances thereunto belonging,including attached floor covering,all heat- � ' �
<br /> � inq,plumbinq and li�hting fixturea, and equipment and necessories, window screens, win@ow ahades, storm windowa, Venetian- �
<br /> � blinds,awnings,stokers,hot water heaters, pressure pumps and tanks,air conditioners,and all other mechanical appliancea which ' � �
<br /> are now or may become attsched to and used in the buildings on said real estate; and it is agreed that sll such fixturea and ap- � �
<br /> , pliancea ahall be considered a part of said renl estate. If any such items of equipment, fixtures and appliances should be con- � �
<br /> aidered as personalty, then this mort�uge shall constitute a securiYy agreement with reapect to any property so eoneidered � �� . �
<br /> whether now or hereafter affixed to the above real esYate. �: �
<br /> Said mortgagors represent that �vc are ]nwfully seized of the eaid premises; that they are iree from enenmbrance, and we ��
<br /> � do hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said premisea aqainst the lawful claima of all persons whomaoever. � .
<br /> PROVIAED ALWAYS, and these presents are unon these conditiona: � �
<br /> Mortgagora hsve executed and delivered to mortgage� their note for the above-mentioned amount, payable according to -
<br /> the teztna of naid note. It is understood and this mortgage ahall constitute notice thereof, that this morigage ia aecurity for not '-- � �
<br /> on2y the amo�nt advanced concurrenUy with the execution hereot,but all future advances to be made at the option of the partien -
<br /> or their asaigna,not to exceed an amount equal to llb percent of the amount of the oriqinal note,but in no event ahall said note �
<br /> exeeed the maximum amount permitted by law,and to the same extent as advances originally made hereunder. �
<br /> i It is further agreed,in the event that payments and ta�.es herein provided to be paid by mortgagor,are not paid when due, �
<br /> �j and the premises ut that time or thgreafter, are occupied by a tenant,the mort�[agor herein, hereby aells and assigns and trane- �
<br /> � Sera to the Nebraska State Savings and Loan Association,mortgagee herein,all rents and income of all kinds ariaing out of said
<br /> property and authorize said Nebraska State Savings and Loan Association to collect same and aue theretor in ita own nnme, - �
<br /> ' aad after paying costs of collection to apply the remainder on the debts secured by this mortgage. ����� .
<br /> .�,.� . Mortgagors Eurther agree to pay all taxes levied upon this mortgage and the debt aecured hereby; and to pay all taxea � ��
<br /> ,T � and aaaeaaments upoa said zeal eatate at or before the time the same may become delinquent; also,to maintaia fire,and extended i �. � .
<br /> .i' . . ' . ;�. .0
<br /> ��i - coverage insurance on said premises in the amount of$.............�f.z.S.�.Q..,.ST�.................in such company as mortgagee may dlrect, � ��
<br /> � witb an acceptable mortgage elause attached for the benefit of mortgagee or the legal holder of said note.and deliver aaid pol- � . �
<br /> ,�.t icies to mortgagee. If mortgagors fail to pay the taxes at said time or fsil to comply with thie provieion with reference to in- � ��
<br /> aurance,mortgaBee may pay said taxes or may obtain such insurance, and mortgagors agree to repay the same with intereat � �
<br /> �j � thereon at 11 per cent, and thia mortgage shall secure such repayment with intereat.If the said note and intereat thereon,and �
<br /> �all inaurance and taxes paid by mortgagee or assiRns, shal] be fully paid, this mortgage shall be null and void, otherwiae to be �
<br /> snd remain in full force and effect. The neglect or refusal to pay any of the monthly installments on the eame, agreeably to the � � �
<br /> Conatitution and By-Laws of mortgagee, or accordinq to the terms of said note,or in case of waste or in ceae of breseh by mort- . - .. .��
<br /> ��z. gagor of any covenant in this mortgage, mortgagee may declare all amounta aecured hereby at once due and payable and may � � � �
<br /> �k . toreclose the mortgage therefor. . �
<br /> . In the event the mortgagors herein convey the above described premiaes, the Asaocistion, at itn option, may declare the � �. �
<br /> �� � . entire balance of the above menlioned note due and paysble. Acceptance of paymenta hereunder from such purchaser, without
<br /> written notice So the home office of the Association shall not be considered as a waiver of thie right. . � . �
<br /> In case of defauli of payment of any installment of principal or interest, or in payment of the taxee or ineurance or in- � �
<br /> tereat on the same, the mortgagee ahall be entitled to the immediate posaeasion of said premisea and to the receipt of a11 rente � � � � �
<br /> '` therefrom,and in case of foreclosure it is atipulated that upon request of the plaintiff a receiver ahall be appointed for eaid prem- � � � . . �
<br /> �� �iaea to take posaession thereof and to coilect the rents and rof�i�ts�ther�eoa ` � .
<br /> i� �� i�O6�Cif.f./.���[.�
<br /> ,� Dated this... ........... .. .........day of.---..... .........----A. D. 19.�0.....-_
<br /> ' { 4��1��...��.._���..•------..... L ��./�.l��G�........-•••----•••-•
<br /> owell F. York ptary E en Xork '
<br /> , .
<br /> ' 'I --•----�................. ----..........-•-.........•-•---......_..----•---.....------......-----.........---•
<br /> ..... ... ....-•--
<br /> j S ,�� E��OF NESRASICA ) STATE OF NEBRASKA j ' � �
<br /> � ���?�� GOUNTY J ss. j as.
<br /> , . •�–... .. COUNTY . �
<br /> ...fb. ... ,, ��z2�.�,�, ..�� ...........................
<br />' { �� On�-thia � ��.__.�....... ....... ...da oi ..... .......... ... 19 .........,before Filed for record on th�a � � � �
<br /> .........................'-
<br /> ' � mq':the underai ed a Note Public dul commissioned and � �
<br /> ' Bn. ri Y 4ualified for said dey of........................ . .. A.D. 19.....---, . . �
<br /> � Locsell �. York and Mary F.11en York ���������
<br /> � CotmtY�Pereonally came. ....................�......._........ at ---�---......................... o'clock ........M. and
<br /> ... Ii�ixsi�aah�--aa.d....Wi.f.e.......... . ->..--.. �
<br /> `{ � to-aie known�to be'the identical peraon oz persona whose name is or names are recorded in Book ....................._............. of �
<br /> y � anbacribed to the foregoing�.-instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof 8
<br /> .� 'to bejhia,hez or their voluntary act and deed. � � Re �ster of Deeda�����������,, t� ��, � � ��
<br /> Y�.- '. Wltao�s htq hand and otficial Seal the day a year ove writtea � • •-�• - � '.��: -,
<br /> .......... ...8:... .. t �
<br /> �� � ; ��.
<br /> . . � By_................................ �� �� �
<br /> . -'-......
<br />�., . �: . ��.._�......__............... ........._ �.........� Deputy '..................._ . � .
<br /> k'`
<br /> ,-..
<br /> �..c^.v . �.
<br /> `� ���� otary Publie
<br />:... � d�a'�il�t�, � Fee—j.......-"...................... .
<br /> Y ...�;.. .. . . , � . . . / . . . . Indexed_.......... Regiater.. .. ,
<br /> j ,' .. M9 co _ ission.expiree:.ihe ........:.....!_.�...........day oi..........._...._......... .._. Grantor............ Compared..
<br /> , - � 19._�C� . � . . Crantee............ Paged..........
<br /> . U �
<br />