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<br />� �; 1038—SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED (Revised 7981) 'e6e EIaum�n 6enuat 8uyyi�Fioa�e,Lineoln,Nebr. � �� . � . �
<br /> I
<br />` � KA DOCUMENTAf�Y ;�
<br /> Glenn Schwarz and Verna Schwarz, HusbF..nd and 4iife, �Q.'� P:1�aR 2�J iS78 �i)
<br /> �P����� $�_�� BY � i I
<br /> �
<br /> � ,herein called the grantor whether one or more, ��
<br /> inconsiderationof QIIQ Do11as aNp1.00 and ot}�er valuable consideration. t�€
<br /> � received from.�rantees, doea grant, bar�ain, sell convep and confirm uuto � `�
<br /> � Lowell F, York and :�tary Ellen York, Husband and Wi£e ��
<br /> �� �f
<br /> i as joint tenants with right of survivorship,uud not as tenants in common,the following described reaI properEy in fi
<br /> F� i
<br /> Hall Connty, Nebraska : Lot Tsrelve (12) and part of Lot Eleven (1 )ii
<br /> �� Block Ten (10), in Parkhill Third Subdivision, an Addition to the city of Grand Island, ,�
<br /> � Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the PJorthwest Corner `
<br /> � of Lot Eleven (11), Block Ten (10), Parkhill 3�1 Subdivision; Running tnence Southerly �,
<br /> � along and upon the 1Jesterly boundary line of said Lot 11 a distance of 90.65 Feet to the '�
<br /> Southwest Corner o£ said Lot 11; runni.ng t'aence Easterly along and upon the South bound ��
<br /> � line o£ said Lot L2, 33.9 Feet; running thence Northerly to a point on the Morth boundary ';
<br /> li.no of said Lot 11 to a poini which is 26 £eet £rom the Vortheast Borner of said Lot 11; �'
<br /> running thence Westzrly along and upon t,�e North boundary line of said Lot 11 to the Nor �1 }
<br /> �i west Corner of said Lot 11, the point of beginning. �
<br /> I:
<br /> i �` �
<br /> � To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenementa, hereditaments and appnr- �
<br /> � tena.nces thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heits and assigns of the anrvivor of �)
<br /> e� tliem forever. � '
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assi�nns and with the heira and assigas 'E
<br /> o£the survivor of them that grautor is lxtivfully seised of said premises;that they are free from encumbrance exc p�`
<br /> easements and restrictions of record. r'
<br /> �' F�
<br /> � that grantor has good right and la�vTul xuthority to con��ey the same; and that grantor �varranta and �cill defend ��
<br /> the title to said premises against the lawfiil elxims of all persons�vhomsoever. j
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the granteea, the entire �`3
<br /> fee simple title to the real estate e�hall vest in the surviving grantee. ;r
<br /> Dated �ch 1, 19 7$ �j
<br /> ' .................................................. �.......... _. , .c:^. .. .... -.....
<br /> --�_,.�.-..���'�,.-�� �i
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<br /> ........ Gler1�1.S�h��li'Z..._... �r�....... �
<br /> .................................................. _
<br /> ��� C�� �
<br /> .................................................. ...1'�1v�a!��C........ ........._... �;
<br /> ���� ;
<br /> - .. ........._.-Verrra•�eh•wars.............:.......•• �'r
<br /> .........................................y...._ I
<br /> � STATE OF...DT�bs:aska....•••....,Count of..8a.]..1.. ............ '`
<br /> �
<br /> ...: !;
<br /> Before me,a nota ublic ualified for said count ��
<br /> ry p q y,personally came �,
<br /> t i �
<br /> Glenn Schwarz and Verna Schwarz, Husband and Wife, each in his and her own name �;
<br /> and right and as spouse of each other. �;
<br /> lmo�vn to me to be the identical person or persous who signecl the foregoing instrument and ackno�vledged the {i
<br /> execution thereof to be his,her or their voluntary aet and deed. ji
<br />�. Witneea my hand and notarial seal on. .... �.J.......... . ......... .......19.?8.... �t
<br /> �: :
<br /> - � ... ...........Notary Public �i
<br /> .. . .. . . .
<br /> ...
<br /> ' �1��4��r '�
<br /> '�a'�� My ommission eapir �3 � � '
<br /> �Mrdrri�►��R/M� .............................19.._�.
<br /> i�
<br /> r:STATE OF.::........................... �� -
<br /> . se. � 4
<br /> {Connty ...:... . ...�. ............... �� � : `�'.`'
<br />� �
<br />� •:.Entered on'nnmencal sndea and fited for record ia the Regiater of Deeds Office of said County the j � `
<br />�� . ., . �
<br /> .dap of..... . ..,19_...._,at..._.......o'clock and...........minutes �� " `
<br /> ...........M., � c, �x
<br /> ...of....... .....at .. �i y „
<br /> aad recorded in$ook._.,..:.......... ........ psge........_...._. i ;.':_.;i,� , .
<br /> .
<br /> � ...............................g.................( I:
<br /> Re oP Deeda t ��
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<br /> . : Bq ......................... .. ............DepuLy; i:
<br /> ._ .. _._ __..._ _._. . _...� .. .___., _...,�__::._.. _ .,,,,�____—___� ---. :. - - _ .-- - - � �
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