<br /> .
<br /> ,78- � � �. � iJ
<br /> � ` L The"mottsasoe oo�mants aad agees a� faltowa: � , .
<br /> �
<br /> : _ �,� , >.,
<br /> ;' s He Mrill promptly pay tLe indebtednw �videaced by eaid promiYory note at tLe times aiad in the
<br /> , , , .
<br /> , ' . , s maooei tlaereia pravided
<br /> . b.. Ha will pa7 all tazas, awe�eub, water ratea, and other govcrameaal or'maaicipal charses, Snea� dr '
<br /> i impoeitioar; for wl�ich'proviaion has aot beea made hereinb�fore, and will prompdy deliver she oicial receipts
<br /> tl�erefor to tbe eaid mortgagee.
<br /> c. Ae will pay euch espeneee and feee ae may be incurred in d�e protection and maintenance, of eaid
<br /> propertp, including the feea of any attoraey employed by che mortgagee For ihe co1lectioa of aay or all oE
<br /> the indebtedneee hereby secured, or for forecloeare by mortgagee'e eale, or court proceedinga, or in any other '
<br /> litigation or proceeding affecting said preminee. Attorneys' feea reasonably incurred in aay other way shall be
<br /> paid by the mortgagon
<br /> d. For betur eecurity of the indebtedneee hereby eecured, upon the request of the mortgagee, itn enr
<br /> ceeeors or aesigue, he ehall e�cecute and deliver a eupplemental mortgage or mortgagee covering any additio:ae,
<br /> , ; improvemente, or bettermanta made to th� property hereinabove deecribed and all property acquired by ,
<br /> it after the date hereof ( all in form eatiaCactory to mortgagee ) . Furthermore, ahould mortgagor fail .W cure
<br /> ' ' any defanit in the payment o( a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property deacribed by thie imtrumeat, ,
<br /> mortgagor henby agrew to perrnit mortqagee to cure euch default, but mortgagee ie not obliRated to do eo ;
<br /> ` � aad ench advancea ehall become part of the indebtedneee aecnred by this instrument, eubject to the eame
<br /> terme and conditione.
<br /> e. The righte created by this conveyance ehall remain in full force end effect during any postponement
<br /> } or exteneion of the time of payment of the indebtednees evidenced by said promissory note or any part thereof
<br /> j
<br /> secured hereby.
<br /> ' ? ). He will continuously maintain hazard ineuraace, of euch type or typea and in suc}� amounta ae LLe
<br /> � mortgagee may [rom time to time require on the improvements now or hereafter on said property, aad
<br /> - i will pay promptly when dne aay prtmiums t6erefo:. All inenrmoe ehall be carried ia comp�nies acxptable
<br /> i to mort6agee and the policia and renewals thereof slaall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto
<br /> ` { loa� payable clanses in favoz of and in form acceptable to the mortgagea In event of lase, mortgrgor will give
<br /> % immediate notiee in writiag to mortgagee, aad mortgagee may malce proof ca[ lo�s if not made prompdy by
<br /> � mortga6or. and each insurance company coacemed ia hezeby authoriud and directed to make paymmc for soch
<br /> € los� dircetly to mortaagee inetead of w mortgagor and mortgagee jointly. and the insarance proceeds, or aay
<br /> � part thereof, may be applied by mortgagee at iu option either to the reduction of t6e indebtedneee hereby
<br /> . � secured os W the reetontion or repair of the property damrged or destroyed. In event of foreclwnre of thi� , .
<br /> mortgage, or other transfer of title to eaid property in e:tinguiehment of the indebudnees eecured hereby. all t
<br /> ,( right, �t2e, aad 'astereet of t6e mortgagor in and w any insurance policiea t6en ia force ehall paes to ihe
<br /> ' purchaeer or mortgagee or, at the option of tTtie mortgagee, may be eurrendered i�r• a rLf^.and. •
<br /> � g. He will keep all buildinge and other improvements on eaid property in good repair and conditioa ;
<br /> • will permi4 commit, or eu8er no waete, unpairmeny deterioration of said property or any part thereof; i
<br /> ' � ia the ev�nt of failure of the mortgagor to keep the buildinge on said premises and thoee erected on esid ;
<br /> I i premieee, or improvemente ihereon, in good repair, the mortqagee may make euch repaira as in iU diecretion it `•
<br /> , j may deem neceaeary for the proper preaervation thereoF, and the full amount of each and every euch paymmt �
<br /> j ehaA be' immediafely due and payable and ahall be eecured by the lien of thie mortgage. ' :
<br /> � h. FIt will not voluntarily_create or peru�it to be creat�d againet the property aubject to thie mortgage ;
<br /> i . any lien or liene . inferior or euperior to th� lien of thie mortgage without the written conaent of the moro-
<br /> � gagee: and Curther, he wilt keep and maiatain the same free from the claim of a�l pereons enpplying labor or
<br /> - ; materiala for conatruction of any and al! buildinga or improvementa now being ecected or to be erected on
<br /> f eaid pnmieea. _
<br /> � i. He will aot rent or aeeign any part ot the rent of eaid mortgaged property or demolieh, or remov�,
<br /> ` j - or aabetaatially alter any building withont the wriuen consent of the mortgagee.
<br /> 'a j. AlI awardn of dam'agee in connection with any condemnation for public use of or injury to any of the
<br /> � ' pmperty anbjectto thie mortguge are hereby aesigaed and shall be paid to mortgagee, who may apply the
<br /> ' i r eame to payment of the inetallmeate laet dne under, said note, and mortgagee is hereby anthorized, in t6e
<br /> •;g name of ihe mortgagor, to execute and deliver valid acquittancen thereof and to appeal from any euch award.
<br /> ; k. ;The, mortgagee ehall have the right w inepect the mortgaged premisee at any reaeonable t'vne.
<br /> f . . { , , . .. .- � , . . . . . , . . . . . - . . . � . .
<br /> ;'.� . . . r , . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . - � . , . . . . . . . .
<br /> ,� ;� De.fiult ic� any of the coven�anu or conditio� of thid inatrument or of the note or loan agreement necured � �
<br /> I�ereby,,aLall,.terminate the;mo;tgagot'a.righ[.to poeeeseion, uae, and �njoyment of the pro�erty, at the optioa of th� �
<br /> `� si�`ortgagee or his aeeigns (it beiag agreed that the moirtg�gor ehaII liave euch 'riaht until default) . Upon any euch
<br /> ') �eEwuYt, t6e mortgagee ehall become the owner of all of the renta and profiu accruing after default aa eecurity
<br /> � fo5� tFie indebtedness eecored hereby, with the right td;enter:'npon aaid property for the purpoee of collceting auch
<br /> , 1 �nta and pro&ts. This inetrument ei�all operate ae a� �eeignment of-�ny rentala on eaid property to that extenL
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