__ _ _ _ . : �
<br /> 7s-, O(17 488 MORTCAGE `
<br /> # " TIiI$�INDENTURE. medb t6is_ 16th �y ot , March.' . 18_Z�. ` �
<br /> by'end between
<br /> , � Michael C: �Roenfeidt arid`Joann M. Roenfel7t husband"'and'wife each in his and her o�bn
<br /> ,: s ct ^; Fr ,` .., , , . . . , . . . ., , _ y ,
<br /> -:�f ii�ht aad as spouse of`the other, ;
<br /> j.. ot ,�..�. Ha11 - Coun Neboel�a..ae,mo r 8,md„Grmd Ieland�Tru�Com ... �. . .. . . . � , . " �� �
<br /> , , .... , �Y� .. .. . . rt6� . .. P�Y of Grand Ielend� a corperation ..i � , .
<br /> ,��., organised and�eids4tng under the laws of Nebraeka with iW pdndpal�offiee and pleee of bueinma�at Grand Tslarid.Nebreska�..ed mortgage,e;
<br /> 7 : . .. WITNES3ETHc,:,That said mortgegor�s.�foe.aad'en coaefderatioa of tho eum of . .. .�: . . .�., �,. �� � ..�.
<br /> , � �. _ . ...____` ... . ..., .._ . . . . �.
<br /> ° *****Three Thousand Seven Hundred Fiftv Five and no/1�Q0*�k*�:' ����g' ' - 3.755.00
<br /> � - 1.
<br /> the receipt ot w}uch u heieby'aclmowledged�;�do �_by theae pzeeente mortgage and war�at u�o,anid mortgagee,ita succesaors end assYgas. -
<br /> ,. ��� � forever.all the following deecribed real eetate.aituated in the County of ...�.... .. .HaI1.. .. . . . � . �:
<br /> and Scete of Nebranka,to-wit:
<br /> ,�. r. � 4•,;�....��.
<br /> " ,j The Easterly One-Half (F}q) of Lot Three (3) in Block Fourteen (14), in the ; �
<br /> i
<br /> i Original Town, now City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.-
<br /> ����{ �
<br /> -.�
<br /> ; �
<br /> � (
<br /> � ' f
<br /> i ;.� �
<br /> � � � � � � �
<br /> � � Toget6er with a!I heating,air coaditioeting,lighting,end plumbing equipment and£u�tures,including screens,awninga,storm windows end � ;�
<br /> �daora;end win�low ahaden or blinda,veed oa or ia connection with aeid property,whetker the same are now loeated on eeid property or he�etter
<br /> _ -.:piaced:t6ereon. ,.: . .
<br /> � �TO�HAVE AIVD TO HOLD THE SAME,wgether with all and singular the tenementa,hereditameats and appurtenancee thereunto be.
<br /> longing,�or ia anywiee appeztaining, fozever, aad warraat the title to the same. Said morgagor�—hereby covemnt—with seid �� i ,
<br /> .mortgagee that—t he�,at the delivery hezeof,the lawful owner_s—of the premises above eoaveyed and deecn'bed, � �; , -
<br /> } ' and are eeized of a good ead indefeeaibla eatate of inheritance t6erein.tree and cleer of all encumbrancea,and thet_t.6ey_will '
<br /> I '4 . warrsat and dafend the Utle t6eeeW forever egeinat the claims and demanda of ell persona whomsoever. 4�
<br /> 5 PROVIDED�ALWAYS,and this iastrumeat is azaeuted and delivared to secure tke
<br /> ' paymeat of t5e sum of
<br /> *****Three Thousand Seven Hundred Fiftv Five and no/100 • �,
<br /> I w - nottnrs�e 3.755.00
<br /> � �wit6 inteemt t8ereon,togethar with auch charges and advenoas as may be due aad payable to said moKgagea under�the terms and conditione
<br /> ;r �of the promisaoxy note of even date herewith and aecured hereby,ezecu[ed by said mortgegor c W said mortgagee,peyable an expressed
<br /> _ �', �in eeid mke,aad W eeeure the pm�formmee of ell the terme and conditione contsined therein.The terms of said note are hereby incorporated
<br />- ; � `. . �heeain by thie refereace. .
<br /> , ^ . �.� . . . . .
<br />° �i � . It le the iatenHon md eg�eement of the pertiee hereto that this mortgege ahap alno secuxe my future edvancem m�de to seid mortgegor�_ �
<br /> �
<br /> a �� �by eaid murtgagee,and any and ell indebtednesa in addItioa to the amount above atated whic},said mortgagora,or eny of them,mey owe to . � .
<br /> j � �asid mortgagee,however evideaced,whether by note,book accouat or otherwine.Thie mortgage shnll remain iu tull fone end eHect between � � �
<br /> the partiee heeeW and 4heir hmre.pereoml representetives.aucce�sors end easigns.until all amounta secu�ed hereuader. including future .. . .
<br /> � ::s� advancee.are.pdd in full with inteceat. . . .
<br /> The mortgagor_�hex�by eaeign_to said mortgagee ell renW end income arining et any and all timee Irom eaid pmperty and -
<br /> - hereby suthorize eetd mortgagee or its agent,atite optioa,upon defeult,to take charge of said property and collect ell renta and income �
<br /> �'theief�a�and>.apply��t6e��seme to�the`psymeat�of mtereec. Prindpnl. ineuranee ptomiuma. tazea. asememmte.�repaiea or impravenenta-�. . -
<br />.•.{ . �neteeaary W keep eaid peopeKy in teaentable condition,or to other chargee or paymenW provided for herein or in the note hereby secured.This � �
<br /> 'J �rent meignmmt.ehell continue ia[orce until the unpaid belmce of eaid note ie fully paid.The Eaking of posaeasion hereund�shall in no maziner . �� .
<br /> � nr.:ti_Pravent or,ratscd.:ssid moetgagee.la:the.odledioo.of aeid.suma�.by.forecloeure.or otherwiae. ..; �. . ..�. .. , ,...... .;..... .. ,�...
<br /> The feiluro�f the mortgagee W��assert eny of ite righW hereuader at eny time ehall aot be eonstrued ae e�vaiva of ita right to essert the
<br /> � ' name at aRy later time.and to imiet upon and enforce atrict complianee with all the tsrmn and provinions of said�te and of thia mortgsge.
<br /> if xid mpirtgegor .�8 aLall'etl6se to be paid tq aaid mortgegee tlte entice amouttt due it he�under,and under the terms and provu'mns � � �
<br /> � �of esid nota ho�sby eecured,including fuWre advaacm,�and�aey�tenaione or eonewsln thereof in aeeordette with the tezms and pmvieions �� � -
<br />`` ' t6areof.end tf'said mortgegor_8_ehall com . . . �� � . . . �
<br /> : ' �� . P�Y wiW ell the pmviebae of eeid�aote end of thie mortSa6e..then theae preaents ahell be void: � .
<br /> •, oELm�vise to ramein in fiill foroe end eHecE.aad eaid mortgagee ehell ba eaWUed to the poseeeeioa of all of xid ProPutY.aad maY�;sE i W option.
<br /> ., ' dedare t6s"wtiois of said`aota and all�indebt�daeee repreeented thereby to be immediately due and payable.ead mny�fomloae thie mortgage � � �. . .�..
<br /> `.. ' ' Peotec6 � PP . . ... . ,
<br />� or take��any otl�er,legd aetlon to ... Its:.., t.A reieement'weived..'. , . . . . . . ,.�., �. ^��G
<br /> �' ,Z�ie mozE�ga.ehall be�biatling�itpon a�i ahall mure to the beae8t o!t6e 6�re,e:ecvWn,adminletratora,eucceeeore aad aeeigns of the �
<br /> �espect3ve p�rkiee:hereto� � ,<:, . �
<br /> � ' IN WIT�TE88 YVHERFAF�esifl�Y[ �oeEgagor S ba Ye'hee�unW aee' th�_ir haod s_the day and year fiiet above
<br /> .wrStt�f: x� . .r. � . �. : � . . . .�
<br /> a� . _.�. . . . .
<br />� �'(�� . . f> "yZ....r./ .. � . .
<br />��'r
<br />( � 4.• S r� � . .
<br /> Gri .��. . . . �� .
<br /> �
<br /> Y j ...........�w ...,. . .,.,._.,..r.,.... _....�.. . �«,m..< ,Yrt_,_.....:R . ' . .. ...,._ ..... , .. .. , . . .. . . .. .. . . . .
<br /> � . ., . r...�a.�.: . , .,�:.:� . -,:.. �.... ...... .. . � .
<br /> �, . ,..,. .,........ . ...... ....._ow �_.._. .. . ,�... .. . � . .. . .
<br /> F. . �. .., _ . . _,. _. �. ,.
<br />