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, <br /> .-,, ,.,-,� <br /> ; <br /> . -4 � ? . . , . . <br /> not extend or postpone tl�e due dtste of thc monthly installments referred to in para�raphs 1 and 2 hereof or <br /> change the amount of such instnliments. <br /> 10. Boaower Not Released: Extension of the timc for pn,yment or modificntion of amortization of the sums <br /> ; secured by this, viortgage granted Uy Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, <br /> '- ; in sny manner, tl�e liability of tlie original Borrower und Borro�ver's successors in interest. T,ender shall not be <br /> � required to commence prbceedings against suck successor or refuse to extend time for payment or othercvise modify + <br /> � amortization of the sums secured by this �Iortgage by reasoii ot any demand made by the originnl Borrower and <br /> � . Sorrower's succesaors in interest. ' � <br /> Q 1L Forbe��ce by Leader Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy u <br /> ` # � hereunder, or othenvise afforded by applicable la��•, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right ' ' <br /> 1 or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender <br /> > ;� � shall not be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by thia Mortgage. <br /> � O 12. Reuiedies Cumulative. All remedies �rovideci in tl�is �4ortgage are distinct 9nd cumulative to any other <br /> n <br /> - s � right or remedy under thia \-Iortga�e or afforded f>y la��• or equity , and may bc eaercised concunently, independ- ,r <br /> i entiy or succeasively. <,. <br /> : � � 13. Successors �d Assigns Bound: Joint �d Severai Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreements "` <br /> ; � herein contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respectivc successors and assigns of Lender <br /> ; � /�, and Borrower, subject to the provisions of pt�rugrapli 17 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shaU `� <br /> = be joint and severai. The captions and headings of tLe paragrap6s of this \ Iortgagc are for convenience onty and �, <br /> � are not to be used to interpret or define the provisions hereof. <br /> 14. Notice. Any notice to Borro�cer pro��ided for in tliis \lortgage shall I�c gi�-en by mailin� sueh notice by w <br /> .� certified inail addressed to Borro�ver ut tlie Yroperty :lddress stated belo�c , ezcept. fm• any notice required under ;;. <br /> � paragraph 18 liereof to be given to Bm'ro�ser in tl�e inanner prescriUed by applicab]e Ia�v. Any notice provided �, <br /> for in this �Iortgage shall be deemed to ha�•c been given to Borro��•er �ehen given in thc manner designsted herein. r <br /> ° 15. Uniforni Mortgage; Govemiag Law; Severability. This forni of mortguge coinbines uniform covenants Y <br /> j for nationul use and non-uniform covenants �vitl� limited �•ariations by jurisdiction to constitute u uniform secu- s , <br /> irity instrument covering real property. This �fortgage shall bc governed by the la�v of the jurisdiction in which r. <br /> � the Property is located. In the event thst any provision a• clnuse oi this Mortgage or the Note conEficts with ; <br /> upplicable law, such conHict shall not uffect otl�er provisions of this \Iortga�e or the Note which can be given ; " <br /> ; effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the pro.•isions oC the tilortgage and the Note are declared `� <br /> ` � to be severable. <br /> '; � 16. Boaower's Copy. Borrower shall be Curnished a conformed cop,y of this �4ortgage st the time of execu- � <br /> tion or after recordation hereof. � <br /> � 17. 1Yaasfer of the Proparty; Assump6on. If all or any Purt of the Property or an interest therein is aold " <br /> � or tranaferred by Borrower �vithout Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a) the creation of a lien or encum- � <br /> branee subordinate to this Mortgage, ( b) the creation of :i purchase rnoney security interest for household appli- � ' <br /> ances, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of ]n��� upon the death of a joint tenant or (d) the. grant of r <br /> � any ]easehold interest of three years or less not containing an opiion to purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option, ;� <br /> declare all the sums secured by this Mortgage to Ue iinmediately due anc! payable. Lender shall have waived such r <br /> option to accelerate if, prior to tlie sale or transfer, Lender and the person to whom the Property is to be sold or � <br /> transferred reacli agreement in writing t6at t.lie credit of sucli �>erson is satisfactory to Lender and that the intereat <br /> payable on the sums secured by this Mortgage shall be at such ratc as I.ender shnil request. If Lender has waiveci a <br /> the option to accelerate provi3ed in this paragraph 17 and if Borro�ver's successor in interest has executed a writ- ; <br /> ten sssumption agreement accepted in �vriting by 7.ender, Lender shali release Borrower from all abligations under i <br />� this Mortgage and the Note. ,. <br /> If Lender eacercises sucl� option to accelerate, Lender shall enail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance �� <br /> witl� paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice shali provide a period of not less tl�an 30 days from the date the notice is S' <br />� insiled within whicli Borrower muy pay the suins declared due. If Borro�ver fails to pay such sums prior to the <br />�. exliiration of such period, Lender may, «�ithaut further notice or demand on Borrower, invoke any remedies per- ; <br />�` : . mitted by paragrsph 18 hereof. <br /> E- '��� NON-UNIFONSrI COVENA�Tfi. BOl'L'OWQI• All(1 LCIICIC�1' t�Ll'tllE,'T COVI'11Ailt 8I1CI a�ree as follow� : <br />� 18. Acaeleza4on; Remedies. E�cept as pro�•ided in psraqrn� �h 17 hcreof, upon Barrower's breach of any <br />�. � covenant oc agreement of Borro�ver in this �fort�agc, includinq tiro covenants to pay �rl�en duc any sums secured <br /> '§ by this :�4ortgage, Lender prior to accelerntimi sliall mail noticc to Borrow•cr as pro�•ided in paragraph 14 hereof <br />` � specifying: ( 1 ) the breach ; (2 ) the nction required to curc �uch breaeh ; 13 ) a datc, not less than thirtp days <br />� .� from the date the notice is mailed to 13orrowci•, b�• ���I �icl� :ucl� brcaicli iuust be cured ; and ( 41 that fsilurc to cure <br /> ( such breach on or before the date specified in the notice muy result in acccleration of thc sums secured by this <br /> bfortgage and sale ot the Property. If the breacl� is not cured on or befom the date specified in the notice, Lender <br /> at Lender's option may decla�c all of thc swns secured by tliis Jfortgagc to be immediatcly due and pnyable <br />� # without further demand and �nay foreclose this VIortgage by judicial proceeding. Lender shnil he entitled to coAect <br /> Y'��� � � j in such proceeding all expenses of foreclosure, including, but not limited to, costs of documentary evidence, . . <br /> "f abstracta and title reports. <br /> ';` "� 19. Boaowe:'s Right to Reiastate. NotK•ithetanding I.ender's ucceleration of the sums secured by thia <br /> . � MorEgage, Borrower shall have tl�e right to have any proceedings begun by T.endcr co enforce chis vlortgage dis- <br /> conEinued at any time prior to entry of s judgment enfotcing this �lortgage if : Ia ) Borrower pays Lender all <br /> � sume which would be then due under this 1lortga�c, thc !�Tote and notes securing Future Ad�ances, if any, had no <br /> acceleration occurred ; (b ) Borrower cures ull Ureache� of ssny other covenants or a�reements of Borrower con- <br /> . , y tained in this Mortgage; (c) Borrower pays all reasonablc e�penses incurreci b�• i.ender in cnforcing the covenants <br /> sad agreements of Borrower contained in thi, \IortgaRe and iu enforcing I.en�lcr's re�nedies us provided in para- <br /> ; , J : graph 18 hemof, including, but not limited to, reasonablc attorne�•'� fees ; and idl Borro�ver takes such action as <br />� ; -} Lender msy reasonably require to assure that the lien of tliis \Iortgagc. Lender's interest in the Property and <br />� µ ' Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured b,v thL� �4ortgage �Uall continue unimpaired. Upon such pnyment <br />� � and ctire by Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligations �ecured lierebt• <hall remain in full force and effect as if ,,,,Y,. <br />��F�`� no aacele;ation had occurred. <br /> Z0. Aesigam�nt of Hsnt� Appointmeat oi 8eeeiver, Lender ia Possession. As additionul secnrity here- <br />�" ,� under Borrower hereb assi s to'Lendef the rents of the Pro en �ro�'ideti that Borro«•er shall, r�or to ncceler- <br /> Y � P 3'• I P � <br />�� � ' �ation under paragraph 18 hereof or sbsndonment of the Property, havc the riglit to collect and retain such rents <br /> < , '. 'asytheq, become,due and payab2c. ' <br />�„�� Upon acceleration:under �aragraph 18';I�ernof or; sbandonment of the Yroperty, Lender, in Person. by agent <br />�`'�" - orby 'judic"�sllysppointied receiver shatl be entitled "to` enter upon , take �wsse�sion of rsnd tnanage the Property <br />�''� '"` snd to-oollect the-rents of:-the Property, iacluding those past due: AA renta coliecteci by Txnder or t.he receiver <br />�� shalLbe•applied,ffrst to paymeatof the costs of management of thc Property und collection of rents, including, but <br /> r , j not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on mceiver's bond� and reasonuble attorney's fecy, and then to thc sums <br /> r„ , � secured by thie Mortgage. Lender hnd thc . receicer sliall be liable to aceount onlp for ihose rents actually received. <br /> �` ,. . ..... .. ... . . . . . . ... . . . . _.: :.. . . . . , „ . . . . . . _ � <br />