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<br /> � a corponcion organized and existiag ander the laws of the State of Ncw York,hereby acknowledges that a certairt indenture
<br /> !: Finaacing Statement and Securitq Agreement $/k,8
<br /> � of�nortgage datedM�F�l?..�...........................................................19..7.G..,madc and exccuted by...RBbCXt..�4?cl�a>..._.
<br /> �obert L. Boeka, and Sharqn Boeka,_a/k/a Sharyn E. Boeka, each individually in his and
<br /> * ,her.,own..r�Bt?t..�nd..$.$...aB.R1�.s�...A�..tk►�...a.tt►�r.......................................................................................................
<br /> ...................................................................................._................_..................................................................................................... ;
<br /> filed
<br /> to THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIE'IY OF THE UNITED STATES,e�6�X7G t��X��A..15................t9..�6.,
<br /> ' in the o�ice of the Rccording 06ucr of the County of....$a.�.l...................................Staie of...Nl�br�aka.........................., �
<br /> #76—OOI3I4
<br /> ,,.
<br /> ' in Book......................... at page....................oF the records of said County, is redeemed, paid otf, satisfied and diuharged ;;
<br /> r in fuU, and it hereby releaxs the Mortgage and consents that the same be canceled and distharged of record, by tlse '
<br /> Recording Officer thereunto duly authoriud by these presents. �:
<br /> �
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<br /> ' {
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<br /> ' has hereunto caused its corponte seal to be affixed and thae pcesents to be signed by its duly suthoriud officer
<br /> � this.........X.SYh.....................................................day of........��bzuSr.y._...................................................................., 19•�5...... �.
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<br /> ;4 On this ...l5th...........day of..........Febx'uaTp............. . , 1)..78.,bCIVCC[T1C�a notary�,ublic in and for the
<br /> ,�
<br />;:.s County and Stste,pessonally ap R, �....�imk7.ey............. ..............._.__........_. ..... . _..................................,
<br />`� to me personally known to be a Vice �residrnt of THE GQU[TABLE LIFE ASSURANCE 50CIETY OF THE LTN(TED '
<br />`� STA1'ES,ti�e Corpontion deseribed in and that pcecuted the fy�re��ing instrun�ent havinb authority to execvte such instru-
<br />.�, ment, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is a�ce Pnsident of THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE
<br /> SOCIETY OF THE IJNITED STATES,and that the seal affixed to the instrumrnt is the curporate seal of the Corporation,
<br /> � ; , and�t the'inshument was signed and sealed on behalf of the Cocporation by authority of ics $uard oF Directors; and --
<br /> ;�; tht ViCe�esidenE adcnowledged that he and the Corpotation executed the instrumrnt as his Frm and voluntary act and deed
<br /> i� a d pS tGE�ftee.and•volmta[y act and deed of the Corporation for the uses and purpuses tlurcin expressed. �
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<br /> ;� n x,�' ,���+ ]�(i!�11T�',S,S.,niy hand and aotaria!seal the day and year last abo�e writtrn.
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<br /> -� �.�'' f9(�.�i� .�� Notarp Puh�v �.: . .s�w,n:#o.u3-5828215 .. . .. . .. . �
<br /> -i.�.,.
<br />;i .� . ��', .: � Ro:.;:i�1 rt E..;:,x Co�;::y
<br /> �tt1�n�141foiky Caftuic.v.a F;ted ir, ;..,w 7'r,�k County
<br /> ���;;'r Comm�ssion Ecpires f�G�3J, 1978
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