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<br /> '52-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—(With Tax Clauae) (Reviaed 1962) 'i7,e FIuBm.n Cwn.nt gnpply Hnuu,Lioonin,N.bt. `�� � �
<br /> �
<br /> ��. . �. . . . � ..
<br /> � A Corporation, '
<br /> ` of HALL CountY.and 3tace of NEBRASKA ,in consideration of the amn d r , $'.
<br /> ( Dpr.r.esna � w;
<br /> E m�na P,�,;a, do hereby 3ELL and COI�IVEY unto STAN DANEKAS and FLORENICE DANEKAS� o-;' t,
<br /> �{ Husband and Wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, �
<br /> ,i �. Cherry �Ou„ty. gdate of Nebraska tt,o fouowing dexr;bea yremisee sitvated
<br /> � ia Hall County, and 3tate ot Nebraska .�-�t� �
<br /> i� . . �
<br /> A portion of the Northwest Quarter (NWo) of Section Five (5) , Township
<br /> t Nine (9) , North Range Nine {9) , West of the 6th P.M. , more particularly �,
<br /> described as follows: Commencing at a point 57.1 feet west of the cente
<br /> i of said Section 5, thence West on the South line of said NW� of Section !
<br /> � 5, Township 9, North Range 9, 1050 feet, thence North 1000 feet, thence ,
<br /> � East I.O50 feet to the public road, thence South to the point of beginni �
<br /> containing 25 acres, more or less. � i
<br /> 1f `
<br /> ' ii
<br /> � `� •
<br /> � n
<br /> � �
<br /> ! � l
<br /> ! � �
<br /> f i, ht.
<br /> • The intention being to convey hereby an nbso�ute title in fee simple,including all the rights of homeatead and dowea �� �A r �
<br /> ,�� . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the yremises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunW belonging, unto the said :�
<br /> } � mortgaqee(s) and to his, her or thcir heirs and asaigna forever, provided elways, and these preaents are upoa tlae ezprea� �i� ��;:�
<br /> � �. condition that if the said mortgagor(s), his,her or their heirs, executors, adminiatrators or assi�as ehall pay or cavse to be �� 4, �.yq,
<br /> paid W the said mortgagee(s),his, her or their heirs, executors, administratora or aesigns,the priacipal sum of$ � � . .,,s',;,��::
<br /> 4� payable as followa,to wit: � f y� c".
<br /> i oco ... cl �e M a�a j,, l, 1 9 8 8. � g� �� �•.
<br /> '�3 S� � � � x;}:
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<br /> I �� i .�,a;
<br /> � �( ' ``
<br /> � '�a
<br /> 1 # s`,
<br /> � � t
<br /> t with interest according to the tenor and effect of the mortgagors written promissory note bearing even date with these preeeats �
<br /> F snd ehall pay all taxes and awsessments levsed upon said real estate,and ell other taxes,leviee and aseeasmeate levied upon this � �'
<br /> � �. .mortgage or the note�which this mortgage ia given to secure, beforn the same becomea delinqueat,and keep the buildinga on � . F
<br /> � � - said premises insured for the sum of$ . , losa,if nny,payable to the eaid mortgagee, then theae preeents �
<br /> �to be void, otherwiae to be and remain in full torce.
<br /> ,� IT IS FUATHER AGREED (1) That if the said mortgagor shall fail to pay such tazes or procure such insurence, the
<br /> .���, said mortgagee may pay such taxee and procure such inaurance; and the aum so advaneed,wiih interent ac nine par :
<br /> �cent,shall be repaid by said mort�agor,and this mortgage shall stand as security for the eeme. (2)That a failure W pay aqy 1
<br /> �of eoid money, either principal or intereat, when the seme becomes due, or a failure to rnmply with any of the foregoioa � _
<br /> �� � agzeements,ahall cause the whole sum of money herein secured W become due and collxtible at once at the opfion of the � �
<br /> ,��� . � .�rt�g�� �� 3 . .
<br /> s�ea r�� • / �aa,.ar M a r�{� . �s 7 S `s,'
<br /> , . ..- --. _.......--•---••••.... .........._..._ �
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<br /> TTEST:-��J� _/, INC. ,�P,� CORPORATIOIV, �---••-���
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<br /> ._--.............Secretary-�---.•-....----........-......... ........._........... BY.:. . ._.�_. - ..�.-�..~_::_.__.._...._...__..._ � } ,;;
<br /> re i�
<br /> � � , � �
<br /> ' � 3TATE OF_:_....�i��AS�........._...................� Countv of. . . . ...-,,�............:
<br /> 3
<br /> �Before�me, a notsry public qualiSed for said county, pera nally came �����,,.� � ��� PL'e32 e�t �
<br /> �'of-Nebras7sa State Sportsmen's Association, In'cT. 7' a;
<br /> � lmowa to m � who aigned the fosegoing fnetrumeat�azad aclmowledged the e:ecutiaa
<br /> � , tl�reot to his. .�y�a�,a a .and the voluntasy act and deed oy said cor ora-f ,
<br /> r ��� ' ng : her to�affixed byisa��..��it iE
<br /> F &=.�' - ���I�A ..G�-� •
<br /> � �3! 9... ... .. .. .. . . _......Notery Publia � _ t
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<br /> .,�.,,�. . -"�-- .. � Entezed on numerical�indez and ffied for remrd ' � :.
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<br /> ,` ,..r..:;._...-....-daY of......_�»___ 19 at .._._..._._.:__........o'clock aad.•••-__-_-••-_.._._...minutes.. '
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