_ r -�
<br /> 78- �.�O 1%�4 NI ORTGAG E
<br /> ; THIS'INDENTURE. m�ds this 13th ��, of March , 19 78. by end between �
<br /> ` Cecil L. Batt and Shellev R. Batt, husband and wife each in hia and her own right and as
<br /> spouse of the other,
<br /> � of_'�all C��ty,Nebraeka,ae mo�tgegor 8, and Grand Ialand 1'rust Company of Grand Isisad, a corporation �� � � � �
<br /> organized end exiating u�er the lawe of Nebraeka with ita prinapal office end pince of buainesa at Grand Island,Nebraska,es mortgagee; . �
<br /> � WITNES3ETFI: T6at said mortgagor_�—,for and in wneideratioa of the sum of . ��
<br /> { FoLr ThoLsand Four Hundred Seventv Eir�ht and 12/100 - "'= "`-""�^ 4�-47$-2-2.
<br /> . �4.�i[s�A 4a t�.0.�^-c.y�.�� . ). �
<br /> Che receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,do�_by theae preaents mortgage aad warrant untdsafd mor'�6gbe ita aucci{leors an�eseigna, -
<br /> r
<br /> � forever,all Che following dmcribed real eetaue,eitueted in the County of Hal l � � � ' � � �
<br /> and State of Nebraska,to-wit: � � �
<br /> Lot Sixty-Five (65) and Lot Sixty-Siac (66), in Hawthorne Place, an addition to the
<br /> City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, located on Part of the Northwest
<br /> Quarter (NW�4) of Section Twenty-Two (22), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine
<br /> (9j, West of the Sixth P.M.
<br /> � ,�'
<br /> ; TogeGher with all heating,air conditioning,Gghting,and plumbing equipment and fiztures,including screens,awninge,storm windows and �
<br /> �s� . doora,ax�d window ahades or blinds,used on or in connectioa with eaid property,whether the eeme are now locsted on said property or hereafter . .
<br /> : j � placed thereon. .
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with all and aingular the tenementa,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be- � �
<br /> longittg, or in aaywise eppertaining, forever, and wsrrent the title to the same. Said morgagor_S—hereby covenant—with said i �� . �
<br /> mortgagee that�_hd� are ,st the delivery 6ereof,the lawful owner S of the premiaea above conveyed end described, � ``
<br /> �d aTe �ized of a good end indefeasible estste of inheritance theiein,h�ee end dear of all encumbrances,and that t hd'_will - � .
<br /> warrant and defend the tiUe thereto forever ageinet the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever. � � � .
<br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS,end t6ie 1nsWment ie eseeuted and delivered to aecure t6e peyment of the sum of � � � ��
<br /> Four Thousand Four Hundred Seventv Ei�ht and 12/100 - - -po���� 4,478.12 �
<br /> with intereet t6ereon,togeC6er with such chergr�end advancee as may be due and payable W said mortgagee under the terms and conditions � � . �
<br /> of the promiseory note of even date herewith and secured hereby,executed by said mortgegor�to said mortgagce,payable as expressed � �
<br /> in eaid note,md W eeeuze Ehe performance of all the terms and conditiona contained therein.The terme of said note are hereby inwrporated � �
<br /> hereia by thia reference. � � � � �
<br /> �� It is t6e inteation ead agreement of the partiee hereto thet thie mortgage ehall also aecu:e eny futvre advances made to said mortgsgor�_ �. � � -
<br /> by eaid mortgsgee,and any and ell indebtedness in addition to the amount above stated which said mortgagors,or any of them,maY owe to -
<br /> eaid mortgagee,however evideaced,whether by aote,book acwunt or otherwiae.This mortgage shall remain in full force and effect between . � �
<br /> the partiee hereW and their heits,peraonal representativea,succeseors aad assigns,until all amounts secuied hereunder, induding fuWre � � � � � ' �
<br /> advences,are paid ia fuL'with interest. . � �. �
<br /> ; The moctgegor�_heceby esaign_to said mortgegce all tents and income erising at any and all times from said property and ��
<br /> � bereby authorize aeid mortgagee or ite ageat,at its option,upoa default, to teke charge of seid property and cotlect all rents end ineome � � � -
<br /> ��j �� �therefrom md�apply the eeme to the paymeat of intereet. Principel. ineurance premivens. tazes. aeeessmenta. repairs or improvementa � ; . .
<br /> necensary to keep esid property in tenantable condiGon,or to other eharges or peyments provided for herein or in the note hereby secured.This �
<br /> ` rent asaigeunent ahall continue in toice until the unpeid balence of aaid aote is fuqy paid.The teking of poesesaion hereunder shall in no manner � �
<br /> G � �prevent orretard asid mo . . .
<br />'_ �
<br /> rtgagee in the collection of eaid eumn by toreclosure or otherwise.
<br /> The tailure of the mortgagee W assert any of ita righte hereunder at any time ahall not be construed es a waiver of its right to assert the
<br /> ::�� same et any later time,and to inaiot apon end enforce strict wmpliance with ell the terms and provisions of seid note and of this mortgage. �
<br /> If said martgegor g ahall cauee to be peid W seid mortgagee the entire emount due it heceunder,and under the terma and proviaions �
<br /> af�aeid mte hexaby eecuxed,including tuWre advaaces,and aqy eztenaions or rnmwels thereof in accorde�e with the terms and provisions � �.. -
<br /> 3 t6ereof,and if eetd mortgagor_�abaII comply with all t6e proviaiom o(said note and of thia mortgage,Lhen t6ese presents�hell be void: � �
<br /> ; other�viee to remsin in fnll force and effect,and eaid mortgagee ahatl be eatitled W L6e poaemaion of all of said property,and mny,at ite opiion. �
<br />'� I .�derJare�the whole of eaid aote sad sll�indebcedneee represented thereLy to be immediately due and payable,and mey forecloee this mortgage - � ��.�� ��
<br /> t� or�teke aqy other legel action to protect ita;ight.Appraiaement waived. . r_ _ �-� �
<br /> s This mortgege ahall be biading npon ead ahell enure.W the benefit of the heirs.ezecuWro,admiaietraCors.suceeseors and asai "�:�� � ; .�
<br /> � reepective psrtiee.hereW. � .- gns of che
<br /> � r
<br /> � ' ' IN WITNE93 WHEREOF,seid Mortgegor s �S ve �.be�a� � their hend s the day and year first above ,�� 9 � '
<br /> r�+ writteri- . . .., ^j,����� �
<br /> � � ��l ��� z � '�`�s
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<br /> Shelley� . att
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