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<br /> 21. Future Adv�icea Upon requeat of Borrower, Lender, at Lender's option, prior to release of this
<br /> Mortgage, may make Future Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon, , ahall
<br /> i be aecurcd by this Mortgege whea-evideneed by, promissory notes stating that said notea are secured hereby r
<br /> escept that the, interest rate on the eatire unpaid balance and the term of ,the original loan, to the eatent
<br /> �. . . . . . .�: , �; r �
<br /> permitted, by law, . may be adjusted-as -the partiea hereto may agree. At no tune shsll the principai amount � �
<br /> of the indebtedness securec3 by this Mortgage, not including sums advanced in accordance herewith to pro- r, � , � � ,;
<br /> tect the .aecurity of this Moitgage, eaceed the original amount of the Note plus LJS $..��:..9QQ..QQ, .__....... c �{ ' '^�`' '
<br /> PROVIIIED HOWEVER that � . ' , " '
<br /> , , prepayments of principal, as provided far in paragraph 22 that follows are �,
<br />:g returned to -Bonower or are made absolute non-withdrawable principal :prepayments prior to advancing Y � i " ;
<br />:a sums as permitted ,within this paragraph. F �
<br /> r_ . . - . . . . . . . . . . . .,, . . . �� � .; Fy ..
<br /> 22. Saviags Fuad. Boaower may make prepayments of principal on any inatallment due - date or €,1 " ' ' ;i
<br /> immediately preceding said date to be effective on the due date following and prepayment ahall be applied � , `� �;
<br /> to . inataIlments .Iast to become due under this mortgage. LTpon request of the undersigned or either of �� , , r
<br /> them, pmvided a default does not eaist and they are the owners of the mortgaged property,. the lender s' �
<br />� -. agrees to furnish to the undersigned l0U°Jo of such principal prepayments, unless advancement is prohibiteci � �_ � ' ` +
<br /> by the regulations of chartering and supervisory authorities then in effect. All auch advancements shail be r �^ � ,w
<br />;� secured by tI�is mortgage in the same manner and eSect as if no prepayments had been made. k'� `��„
<br /> r� .
<br /> Z3. Belease. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall discharge this ;-. � �s , ,k�'��z",
<br />� Mortgage, without charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay all costs of recordation, if any. � , ', grf r �
<br /> � � , r:
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<br /> � � IN. WITNE.93 WFZE6EOF, the Borrower has executed this Mortgage. � {�" � ''wa
<br /> . � ,y. �u yM,
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<br /> �s R. Brooks Borrower \v "�t �"�`;
<br /> ----•. ........................:............-•---• ' � ��
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<br /> -r.1/-L.�A.��t...ol. - ---. .. . .
<br /> . e�esa L. Brooks —Bormwer - ' ' '' � ' A ��
<br /> � . ;. � r . , trd�'
<br /> � � Property Address� ...._.:-----].7.7.2._YasL..Raad.,._.Gramd . .Islaad,..Ne�ra&ka---• .-----......_..• -•-•----•--••................ .�-. °. � ; � ;: `�
<br /> ...
<br /> - �, ; � t" ,
<br /> � STATE OF NEBSA3KA --'......"-_-'Y �------•••---•--' 9..7..�._, before me, the undersi ed a . Nota � �.�>. ' �� :� ' t�t�
<br /> . _ � 1'Y r� . ,>i t
<br /> _ _ RA� 1 ._. . .. . . . .. r �
<br /> "' • < . . .. ,.., .. . , : .
<br /> On this - •--•%Cl....__.. da of - - -_- . ount ss • . . �
<br /> Publ�c u► and for said CountY, Personal -came ..._�lutes__R....Bsook&..ansl..TexesAl__I.�...HXSN�I�sr..------•---.... � , r , y�,',
<br /> ... ................ ......:.............husban.�.__asa.d..vz��a--� �-•-- ------.._..------.. .-----......--- - -_..-•-------....---••----------....---•-------.......----...••- s ' ,�;
<br /> personally known to me to be the identical persons whose names are al6xed to the above and foregoing �'' ,s:
<br /> instrument, as mortgagors, and each acknowledged said instn�ment to be his or her voluntary act,and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal at ___.....Grand_.2slaad,_ Nebsa.ska___.. the date last above written. ; , ;
<br /> _ f , :
<br /> MYCommission expi . �� ........_...�,t"ur°�.�.c�_... ,,�... __ ................_...._ +
<br /> �_ +tl�i�Ai�, - -a�myN.w.w Notary Public ,
<br /> � IE �t '' CONNIE 8. BALES '
<br /> """"..:...............""_•""'...._.......""" ' �YCOw110.�9s.Qi7 .iL1 -. ._.. � . ' . .�. `
<br /> SZ'ATE OF ..-•---...._- •--------._....---••- -• ; :
<br /> " ��
<br /> Connty .:..... ................ .•-•-•--_..__..----._...-----• �
<br /> Entered on numerical index and filed for record in the Register of Deeds Office of said County the -
<br /> •------•••--••---- day of -•---•.....................-----..._..., 19.----•--� at _..-•----.._........ o'clock and .---....------ minutes ....-•--••-_M., ,
<br /> and recorded in Book ..-•...................•-- of Mortgages at page .---------••----...._., as Instruxnent No. ....._..------•--.... , ;3,
<br /> ........................ ..•--..__._.:. .,
<br /> �----.._...-•--.........•-•---• -�•---...--•••-•----•••-
<br /> Reg, of Deeds
<br /> . By ..............••-------..._.....•---•.........._.._ ......._....._
<br /> •---•--Deputy - ,z
<br /> ,
<br /> When recorded to be returned to the "`c�': ;
<br /> , �:`�� , , . . . . . �� ..:i.i
<br /> � si...t �ee...: - �v,�
<br /> ' iu,n��c �wa..s:
<br /> w
<br /> O 135 No� Cotner, �vd., Linaolh . P:O. Box 5204„ Ltncoln, Ne. 68505 475-0521 . �r" * i�
<br /> �F .
<br /> � �G1'`210150. 42rid St.. Omaha-.. � , � . P.O., Box -6273. � Omaba: Ne. 68106 .. �. . . . . . . . 55q•gppp . . Rs��rt :_ � � �'�
<br /> ' -a 18i1`West Znd SL., Grand `lsland ' '1811'WesY2nd SL, Grand Istand. Ne. 68801 384-4433
<br /> . . .
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