_ � _.
<br /> Q
<br /> ; STATE OF NEBIiASgA, Couuty of ......................................... .
<br /> _.........._
<br /> ' Filed for reeord on .�A,�,�EN-� p,-�CACH��
<br /> ................................. 19........ at........._.................. o'clock
<br /> ; and recorded in the Deed Record ......., Page ..... NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY i
<br /> „ . ............... ........................
<br /> i STAMP TAX
<br /> ' ••• •....................._.......................
<br /> . ............................ By ..............................................
<br /> Regieter of Deeda . ...._.............................
<br /> Deputy Register f Deed�J�[� ]. 3 1�� �
<br /> � �01386
<br /> � � 7$ SURVNORSHIP W�►RRANTY DE .�_B,r
<br /> ,
<br /> " BOBERT M. I�LLY, a single geraon, and DONALD L. KELI,Y and AGNES M. KELLY, Husbaad
<br /> � and Wife,
<br /> � �' , herein called the grantor wheY.�er one or more,
<br /> ��f
<br /> f in consideration of Nine Thousand Three Auadred Seventy-five and No/100 - - - Dpl,ypgg
<br /> j received from grantees, does grant, bargain, aell convey and e�nPirm unto
<br /> ; DARRELL D. LEMRE and FRIEDA M. LEMKE, Husband and Wife,
<br /> �
<br /> i as joint tenants with right of snrvivorship, aad not as tenants in common, the following deseribed real �
<br /> � property in �
<br /> ` ............................����..-....................... County,Nebraska: A tracC of land compriaing a part of •
<br /> j the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW'-4StJ�) of Sectian Thirteen (13), Towaship Elevec
<br /> (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall Countq, Nebraska, more particularly i
<br /> ` described as follows: Beginning at the Northweat coraer of said Southwest Quarter of the
<br /> � Southwest Quarter (SW�SI�); thence Easterly along the North line of said Southwest Quarter of
<br /> 7 the Southwest Quarter (SW;tSW3y), a diatance of Si�c Hundred Fifty Nine and Thirty Two Hundredthe E
<br /> 3 (659.32) feet; theace Southerly parallel to the West line of said Sectioa Thirteea (13), a y
<br /> ��` dtstance of Three Hundred Thirty and ltiwenty Two Hundredths (330.22) feet; thence Westerlq, a i
<br /> distance of Siz Hundred Fifty Nine and Thirty 1Yao Hundredths (659.32) feet, to the West liae
<br /> f of said Section Thirteea (13); theace Northerlq along the West line of said Sectioa Thirteen �
<br /> ) (13), a distance of Three Hundred Thirty and Forty Six Huadredths (330.46) feet to the place �
<br /> � of begianing aad containing 5.000 acres more or less.
<br /> :jj
<br /> :!g
<br /> ! �
<br /> To have and to hold the above descrited premises together with all tenements, bereditaments
<br /> and appurtenances 1;hereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns �
<br /> � of the snrvivor of them forever.
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the granteea and with their assigns aud with the heira
<br /> .! and assigns of the snrvivor of them that grantor is lawfully seised of said prewiaea; that they are free from
<br /> l enoambrance
<br /> �� �� � � �-
<br /> �� that grantor has good right and lawful anthority to convey the same; snd that grantor warrants and will
<br /> � dePend the title to ssid premises �gainst the lawful claims of:ill persons �r-lio�nsoever.
<br />..4 It is the intention of all purties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the granteea,
<br /> s the entire fee title to this real propertp 9ha11 �est in the aurviving grantee.
<br />#
<br /> Dated .laausry 19, 19 76
<br /> . .................................................................................... . ..4.��7Z����E�/��2��.........
<br /> .................................................................................... .........�:..l�tr-:..4�a:....�i',..s��:r.�.:�-.��............... �
<br /> J �
<br /> STATE OF ................_t9�hx'JAs71a......................., County of ............FIa].7.............................._..
<br /> Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, peraonally came
<br /> ROBERT M. KELLY, a single person, and DONAI.D L. KELLY and AGNES M. RELLY, Husbaad
<br /> aad Wife,
<br /> , knowa to me,. ' entical peraon or pereons who signed the foregoiag inetrument and acknowledged "'�
<br /> f the eaeeut ���t , is,her or thair volnniary aet nd deed.
<br /> �•�c'�'�'��,•6��,�.� �.'Z G-....�- ; /
<br /> � ' ' t�s$���`�1uua otar;al Heal an............... . . . ........ 19,�.�r......
<br /> �
<br /> �� � �1UIilE�1SSi$�1 ;o
<br /> - � �
<br /> � EXPi£i6S � .............. ............. •�.n�-'k:,—........ Notary Public
<br /> . .
<br /> , � rt� � . . ....
<br /> " � � ��N�� � �/ �
<br /> : ' ��
<br /> � 19'[� �,5,�� My commission eapires......�.,.jj'�.�.............. . ............. 1�..�....
<br /> r � Form 4. o .ap Z�ebraska $tate Bsr�ssociation g r��� R'dt Cb..Lneoln,Nebr.
<br /> l
<br /> .''�`t�o��'
<br />