_ _ _ _ r— �
<br />� O STATE OF NF.BRASSA, County of ............... ......... �
<br /> - Filed for record on ................................. 19........ at............................ o'clock ..............-sTATE�'tENT ATfACHED ?.
<br /> and reoorded in the Deed Record ................................. Page ...._........................ NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY � ,,.,.' ..,,.',�
<br /> � STAPAP TAX r., };
<br /> i ......... .................................................... By .......__...................................... .
<br /> ...... ............................
<br /> Register of Deede Deputy Regiater f Daed���? ], � 1��8
<br />� ... �r
<br />� �s,� U 013 8 5 ���-
<br />�
<br /> SURVIVORSHIP W�►RRANTY DE �a.r�s ev
<br />} ROBERT M. KELLY, a single person, aad DONALD L. KELLY aad AGNES M.KELLY, Husbaad and
<br />� Wife, �,;�
<br /> i
<br />? ,herein called the grantor whether one or more, j`
<br /> �.
<br /> 6'
<br /> in conaideratioa of Nine Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-five and No/100 - - - DOLLARS
<br />� received from grantees, does grant, bnrgain, sell convey and confirxu unto
<br />' nsuRFr:L D. LElIICE and FRIEDA M. LEDIICE, Husbaad and Wife,
<br /> � ;
<br /> as joint tenants with right of aurvivorship, and not as tenants ia common, the following described real
<br /> property in .......................Hall............................... County,Nebraska: A tract of land comprising a part of ^� `
<br /> the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest quarter (SW'ySl�) of Section Thirteen (13), Township '
<br /> Elevea (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall Couaty, Nebraska, more par- '�Y
<br /> ticularly described as follows: Beginniag at a point on the Weat line of said Section Thirteen �
<br /> (13), said point being Si�c Hnndred Sixty and Ninety Oae Hundredths (660.91) feet North of
<br /> the Southweat corner of said Section Thirteen (13); thence Northerly along the West line of saidw` >�i`
<br /> Sectioa Thirteea (13), a distance of Three Hundred Thirty and Forty Five Hundredths (330.45) �
<br /> feet; thence Easterly a diatance of Six Hundred Fifty Nine and Thirty 1�o Hundredths (659.32) ,-(
<br /> feet; thence Sontherlp parallel to the West line of said Section Thirteen (13), a diatance of
<br /> Three Hundred Thirty aad TWentq Three Hundredths (330.23) feet to a
<br /> and. Forty Five Hundredths (660.45) feet north of the south line of g8ia Sect on Thirteen�(3),
<br /> thence Westezly, a distance of Six Hundred Fifty Nine and Thirty Two Hundredtha (659.32)
<br /> feet to the place of begianiag and contaiaing 5.000 acres more or lesa.
<br /> s i.
<br /> To have and to hold the above deacrited premiees together with all tenements, hereditamenta
<br /> and appurtenances Lhereto belonging nnLo the grantees and to their assigas, or to the heirs and assigna v�
<br /> oY the anrvivor of them £orever.
<br /> And graator does herebp covenant with the grantees and with their assigas and with the heirs '
<br /> and sesigns of the eurvivor of them that grantor is lawfully seised of esid premisea; that they are free from �
<br /> enonmbrance
<br /> �:
<br /> that gtantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrnnts and will
<br /> de4end the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons wlimnsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all pnrties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the gra.nteea,
<br /> the entire fee titie to this real proprrt,v qhall vest in the eurviving grantee.
<br /> Dated January 19, 19 76
<br /> ................................................................
<br /> .................... c
<br /> ................................................................. --�c-'���i������._........
<br />. . . .............. ......._.......'�cs..;,r.:....tr'�:....i.'�Y.�:,.�.��.._......... , . � . . .
<br /> ST�TE OF ............�...JA.�bJCAalca......................... County oF ................�al.l..................................: , . ....,
<br /> Before me, a notary pnblic qualified for said county, personally came
<br /> ROBERT H- KELL7C, a single person and DONALD L.KELLY and AGNES M. KELLY, Huaband and Wife,
<br /> -.� �� r��E��,
<br /> . -
<br /> ��wh` �.Q'�,�ie�P,•a�tical Person or pereons who eigned the foregoing inatrument snd acknowledged "�
<br /> ���f�b�`hi�,,her or their voluntary t and deed.
<br /> �. ' ,. . 1 I
<br /> , 6 � i�e���y.`hand�ed otarial seal on ........_ . ... ....._ ..�............. 19..��. ,y ��
<br /> �, � .c,
<br /> ,.� 1RlRE :; _ �r
<br /> i 6/ ' ...:...... . ..... ......... Notary Pnblic �»�` r,
<br /> �rgjf�QF �E4�'�`c��' My commission espires. ......................<............. , 1�:..G... �.,�' r.� .�
<br /> 'Form 42 To e roved by Nebraska 8tate Bar�seociation •War a,.,rroma xeni.
<br />_ �
<br />