r -
<br /> � � $TATE OF NEBRASgA, County of ................
<br /> ....................................:
<br /> ` Filed for record on ................................. 19........at................_........... o'clock ....._..........SIA�T6114ENT AITACHED
<br /> +. and recorded in the Deed Record ................................. Page ............................. NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY � '
<br /> i STAMP TAX
<br /> ' ; .... ..................... ................................................ By .......................
<br /> ................._......... ...................................... �
<br /> � Iiegister of Deeds Deputy Register o naea8 p�q� 13 1978
<br /> 78-- UOY 383
<br /> � '.
<br /> j BOBERT M. KELLY, a single peraon, and DONALD L. RELLY and AGNES•M. KELLY Husband
<br /> a and Wife, '
<br /> .-1
<br /> ! � , herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in consideration of Nine Thouasnd Three Huadred Seveaty-five and rto/200 - - DOLI.ARS
<br /> received from grantees, doea grant, bargnin, aeL' convey and eonfirm unto
<br /> DARRELL D. LEMKE and FRIEDA M. LEIIICE, Husband and Wife,
<br /> �
<br /> _r as joint tenante with right of snrvivorehip, and not as tenants in common, the folloccing described real
<br /> i
<br /> `}� property in ................�,1i....................................._. County,Nebraska: A tract of land comprising a
<br /> part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW'�SW'�) of Section Thirteen (13), ,`
<br /> ( Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, '
<br /> more particularly described as followsc Beginning at the Southweat coraer of said Section
<br /> Thirteen (13); thence Northerly along the West line o£ said Section Thirteen (13), a distance
<br /> of Three Huadred Thirty and Forty Five Hundredths (330.45) feet; thence Easterly a distance -
<br /> ', of Sia Huadred Fifty Nine and Thirty 1�o Hundredths (659.32) feet, to a point Three Hundred a�-
<br /> � Thisty and Ttaenty Three (330.23) feet North of the South liae of said Section Thirteen (13);
<br /> theace Southerly psrallel to the West line of said Section Thirteen (13), a distance of Three ��
<br /> � Huadred Thirty and Twenty Thsee Hundredths (330.23) feet, to the south liae of said Section
<br /> :� Thirteen (13j; thence Westerly along the South line of said Section Thirteen (13), a diataace
<br /> of S:�a Hundred Fifty Nine and Thirty Two Hundredths (659.32) feet to the place of beginniag �'
<br /> and contaiaiag 5,000 acres more or less_
<br /> To have and to hold the above deacrihed premises together with all tenements, hereditaments
<br /> and appnrtenancea Lhereto belonging nnto the granteea and to their asaigns, or to the heirs and assigna
<br /> oP the survivor of them forever.
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assigns and with the heire
<br /> and assigns of the survivor o£them that grantor is lawfuliy seised of said premises;that they are free from
<br /> � enenmbrance
<br /> i:i
<br /> +
<br /> � that grantor has good rigitt and lawful suthority to convey the ynme; and that grantor warrants and will
<br /> defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons wLomsoever.
<br /> � It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death o£ either of the grantees,
<br /> the entire fee title to this rea] property qhall �•est in the survir•ing grantee.
<br />'!t Dated Jaausry 19, 19 76
<br /> � .................................................................................... ��...��.......................
<br /> t „ .
<br /> � .................................................................................... .._......�:�z:tCxt:... �%Z......,��:"', . ...............
<br /> ,( .. I
<br /> � STATE OF .. ..................x'I�b�fl�blkRl..•••........ Couat oF .H.Et�I...................
<br /> � . " _ . . 'o Y ......................... ......: . .
<br />;,�
<br /> Before me,a notary public qualified for said county, peraonally came
<br />'-l� ' ROBERT M. RELLY, a single peraon, and DOPIALD L. KELLY and AGNES M. KELLY, Husband
<br />.f . and Wife,
<br />.� ME9�E N�pE.
<br /> �
<br /> t .. •.�,BAL �. •'�`v
<br /> u� : ��E,� S f�.�!�J'� � . .
<br /> �owa to be �lacai,,,�pe n or persons who signed the foregoing instrnanent and acknowledged �`c
<br /> - the execnti '� ereo�'li�j�s,hsr their volnniary a and deed.
<br /> �� W mp�d�iyand:{pt% eeal on .._.. (` ..... ..�.�...... ., 19...�..� �
<br /> : �`rE�f 1�f£��`��ec ......... ._.. ........_ Notarp Public
<br /> . ...._..... ..... .
<br /> ar `
<br /> Y� My commieeion ezpires . ..................:..�..............., isl..'.G......
<br />� Form 42 To be npproved by Nebrasku State Bar dsaooiation F'��^'��W���•��a,Nebn
<br />�g
<br />:ri������� . � , � � � .
<br />