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� .. <br /> ,� _ . . <br /> Z8-, ,�013�3 Y , <br /> AGk2�VT FOR P�1ZFX.TIVE <br /> (X7VEC�,NrS. RESTRSGTIdNS, AAID CODIDITTONS FOR <br /> :� •`FAC�IOOD �S SUHDIVISIdN", I,OCATID IN <br /> FIAI+i. CUpNi'Y, NEBRASKA <br /> WF�RFAS. E]iner J. Hall and Ruth J. Hall, husband and wife, are the <br /> aNners of a11 of tYye lots in "Eaglewood Acres St�bdivision", a subdivision <br /> located on a tract of land ccmprising a part of the SoutYnv�st Quarter of <br /> � the Southeast Quarter (SS�SF;) of Section 27iirteen (13), ToFmship Eleven <br /> (11) North. Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. in Ha7.1 County. Nebras7ca. <br /> �;� tract cont����nq 16.611 acres more or less, and m�re �J3T"ticularly <br /> described in the plat of said subdivision and; <br /> Wl�FtEAS, it is the desire of said awners to improve the said Eagle�,�od <br /> Acres Subdivison by encouraging the sale of lots and the construction of � <br /> irodern and desirable d�lling houses and to insure the use of the praperty <br /> for attractive residential purposes only; to prevent nuisances; to prevent <br /> the i�aairnient of the attractiveness of the property; to maintai.n the desired <br /> tone of the ooa�m�nity, and thereby secure to each cxvner the full benefit and <br /> enjoyment of his hane, with no greater restriction upon the free and iu�dis- <br /> t�bed use of his site tY�an is necessary to insure the same advantages to the <br /> otl�ier site c�imers: <br /> N(7W. TF�EtEBY, in consideration thereof, and in oonsideration of tl�e <br /> mutual benefits to be derived by t.kae awners of said subdivision and any <br /> subsequent rn,mha�� or purchasers, theis heirs, administr�tors, executors, <br /> and assigns. Elmer J. Hall and Ruth J. Hall, hereby stipulate and agree <br /> that eacYi of the lots in said subdivision shall be sold, transferred, and <br /> ' ; hereafter conveyed only subject to the follo�wing coven�nts, restrictions, <br /> and conditions rLmning with the larxi as follows: ; <br /> ' 1. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any 1ot <br /> < mr shall anyttvng be done thereon which may be, or may beoo¢�, an aiuioyance <br /> :� or nuisance to the neighborhoocl. No a,,;,.,als, livestock, or poultry of an s <br /> Y <br /> kind shall be raised or kept on any lot in the subdivision other than house- <br /> f hold pets, which shall be limi.ted to two (2) per household; a11 pets shall <br /> be on leash wzder responsible supexvision wYien outside the owner's lot. No <br /> such pet will be lcept, bred or maintained for any c�nrnscial purpose. <br /> 2. No structure shall be erected, altered, placed or pexmitted to rana;n <br /> on any lat other than one detached dwelling designed for use by rbot m�re than <br /> two families. Each dwelling shall have at least a two car attached garage. <br /> .' No owner shall be peanitted to construct or erect a detackied garage or secor�dary <br /> ; buildinq of any nature except one utility building to store equigr�ent incidental <br /> to the residential use of the lot. In no event shall the utility building be <br /> larger than 300 square feet. <br /> 3. No dwelling shall be built on any lot in this subdivision with less <br /> then Eleven Hundred (1,100) square feet of ground area psbclosed in the structure <br /> exclusive of open porches and attached garages, nor less t1�an Eight Hundred <br /> Fifty (850) square feet of ground area in the case of a story and one-half ar <br /> .i two-stozy stnx:ture. <br /> 4. All cang�rs, boats, and other recreational vehicles not in daily use <br />''� will be p3rked in the side yard or rear yard. <br /> 5. Dwellings constructed in another addition or subdivision or other <br /> ';; location shall not be moved to any lot in Fagleaaood Acres Subdivision until <br />,y the design th�xeof has been appraved by Seventy-five Percent (75$) of the <br /> ,T <br /> lot owners in said subdivision. <br />:,� 6. No tra:i.ler, irobile trnie, baseqnent, tent, garage, barn, sY�ack, aut- <br /> :� building or any other structure of a ta�g�orary character skiall be used in <br /> ,,:� , said subdivision as a dwelling or residence at any tim�, whether ta�orary ;C <br /> # or � <br /> �>` � <br /> :�i <br /> n:� <br /> � Page -1- <br />�p <br /> e.,; <br /> is? <br />�, <br />�, <br />