__._�_-- ---------�--�---..._ �
<br /> � �8-" 00�.337 MORTGAGE � �
<br /> This Indenture,Made by and between ._ATCEi_'S._OF._GR�IJD..ISLF1L�IDr..INC....,a Nehraslsa._Coxporation�............. . '-
<br /> 8 VJt107.1y C7WZ12C� St]bS1C13r1iy Of t17� AtCh7.i� CQII�3riy Whether one or morn hereinaftez referrsrl W ae mortgagor { y
<br /> . .__..... ._....:_._...�.........................._... ......__......._.......----�--._... ....
<br /> + and Tf� OVF�.,AND NATICt�II.i, BANIC �' C�i�tVD ISLAND, Grand Islar�d, Nebraslca a
<br /> TheMo e 48,000 00
<br /> rt8 Sorfor and m wne�derahon of(3 1 ..............._...----......_........__......_.......
<br /> �.. �
<br /> ; FORTY EIC�EPI ZHO(JSAND 2�1L�ID NO,(100 'd the
<br /> _..... ...-�-- -----. ._..... ....... ._.... .... .__--�OLI.AR.S.va� bY bank. .
<br /> the receapt whereof ia hereby aclmowledged, has grantcd, bargained, nold and conveyed, end by the preeents, dcee grant,
<br /> � bargain.eell and convey,unto�+aid bank.the follow�nB deecnbed real ro ' Ha11........................_....... ' r ;
<br /> f and 3tate of Nebraeke.to-wit P PartY aituated in the County oF............... ... J:
<br /> '� Lot Three (3), Woodland First Subdivision to the City of Grarx3 Islaryd,
<br /> : � Hall CAunty� Nehraska
<br /> �
<br /> j
<br /> t.l;
<br /> � together with a)i the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title,c]aims and �
<br /> demands whatscever of the mortf;ngar of, in or to said premises or uny part, thereof; and said mortgagor doea hereby cov-
<br /> enant, that the mort�agor is lawfully seized of said premises,that snid premises are free from incumbrance and mortqagor '''
<br /> will warrant and defend the title to snid premises aqainst the claims and demands of all peraons whomsoever. '�F
<br /> 4';
<br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are upon these conditions: c
<br /> 4 , '.: -� � ��_
<br /> � WHEREAS, the mortgaqor hea executed nnd delivered to the Bank........ .a C�"'r�� ...promisaory note � ' �� •:
<br /> � ..........--•--•--........--'---........... ,
<br /> �
<br /> dated March 9, 1978, for $48,000.00 at an interest rate of 9.5$, said mte
<br /> ' to be due and payable on Septenbes 5, 1978, in an amount equal to the entise
<br /> + unpaid principal balance ar�d accrued i.nterest. � �
<br /> �� � � �
<br /> sad has agreed to maintain fire, windstorm and extended coverage insurance an said premises in amounts requized and in t
<br /> ' � .eompanies approved by the bank and with standard mortgage clauses which policies shall be delivered to the bank, and hss �
<br /> �1 . agreed to pay all taxes and asaesaments levied againat said premiaes before the same become delinquent and to maintain esid
<br /> �� � premiaes. .
<br /> Now, therefore, if the mort a r`
<br /> � � � g gor shall comply with a12 of the provisions of said note and the provisiona hernof, then � � '
<br /> ��t6eae presents ahall be null and void. . � ,;
<br /> i��,
<br /> ` 4 � However, if the above note and interest thereon or aey payments called for thereon are not paid when due or if anp r�,
<br /> ! � � . oi the covenants of this instrument are not complied with, the bank, or the holder hereof, at its option may declare the re- ., ���c
<br /> � maining.balance of said indebtednesa due and payable and may maintxin an action at lnw or in equity to recover all amounte
<br /> due and enforce the provisions hereof. In the event of the failure of mortgagor to maintain the premises, or to maintain
<br /> � �ineuraace as is above pmvided for,or to pay Laxes or assessments,the holder hereof may advance ffie aum or sums neceseary �� '
<br /> t�'. to obtain compiisnce and such amounts shall be added to the amount due on tha above mentioned note and bear intereat at � +-�
<br /> �. . . � the highest legal rate. �
<br /> 4�
<br /> p� . . �� IT IS FURTHER AGREED, this mortgage shall constitute notice hereof, that this mortgage is secnrity for not only ,
<br /> . the amount advanced concurrently with the execution hereof but all future advances which may be made at the option of the �
<br /> � . � parties or their sasigns up to the total amount stated in this mortgage, to the same extent as advances originally made here- ?
<br /> under. Further notice is hereby given that the tenor of each Mortgage Note including the interest zate, payment,�maturity, ?
<br /> � . penalties, and other terms shall concurrently upon execution become a part of this mortgage. . .
<br /> : � � � IT TS FURTHER AGREED,that the said Mortgagor shall and will pay all taaea levied upon this mortgage or the debt �
<br /> , y � necured thereby, together with any other taxea or assessments which may be levied under the Laws of Nehraska,against tbe �
<br /> i esid Mortgagee or the leqal holder of the said principal note(s)on account of this indebtedness. . .
<br /> � �. � . , IT IS�FUEtTHER AGREED,if at any time, while the mortgage is in elfect and Lhe note for which this mortgage�ia �
<br /> �� . � given as aeauritp, or any part thereof, remains unpaid,the undersigned Mortqagors selt, convey or contract to sell the real .
<br /> � � eatate herein described,or any part thereof,or the Mortgagors do not have or cease to have title to said reai eatate or any � .
<br /> psrt thereof,then and in sny such events, the Mortgagee may,at its option,declare the unpaid principal balance,and interest,
<br /> �� . �of�the note aecured hernby immediately due and payable.In the evrnt that these premises are not now,or should hereafter,not � .
<br /> be occupied by mortgagor then this instrument shall constitute an�assignment of rentals and service o£a copy thereof upon the
<br /> �.,� . occapant:.ehai]be sufficient to require all payment for rnntal or use of the premises after date of such service Yo made to �� � �� � . . �
<br /> �mortgagee.
<br /> �•
<br /> , • Signed this........••--9�••--�---..dey of........ ........_M3ZCh lg. 78
<br /> .......-�---.......---•---....---•
<br /> � In preeence of A� -- .-.._.-.--"=p.... �- ty�
<br /> ....
<br /> .... ..
<br /> ; .
<br /> , $ ..................--_........ ................................... ....BI'.r.. ...11.l.........._......_�----... .............----..__........
<br /> ��`a�q���'����� - -' - ' -
<br /> .. .._. ........... .r.., c .:. , .
<br /> .... �.
<br /> ' STATE OF:.__..._. :. .--'........... ...................... oun Y o...... . -- --_....:..:...................--c �:
<br /> �Beiore.me,-a notary public qualitied £or said county,personally came . ��
<br /> rv+ knoan to me Lo be the identical person or persc+ns who signed the forngoing instrument and acknowledged Che execution Lhere- � � �
<br /> iof to:be hie,.her or their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> .�. . � . . . . .
<br /> .,.-( .. . .:��'Witneaa mY hand and notazial seal on............ ._... ........... �G__...Lr.... ........ .. ..._._...... �, 1 _...---.... . . . ..r`
<br /> `qi Mq commiasion expires:. �.._. .......................... .... •---.... ......�..:.-_-...............^--- . . . .
<br /> +F7J .. . _. ..... . _ ._ . - .. . - � .:.:_:.. otary Public. . , ��� �A
<br /> �,r �� ;
<br /> �, $TATE OF._..... � ...:..._ � ................................r.. Z Entered on numerical index and filed for rewrd � � ,.'�.
<br /> '�' aa. � , :,
<br /> "�� CO�� �_� �• -�•�•••�••����----��••� J � in ihe Register of Deeds Of�ce of said County the � . �i e
<br /> �° .i . �. ........... _........day of ..:. � . . 19 � at ............:..:....dclock and... ....... ..... ... ..minutes ....................M., . .. �'z�y�..
<br /> . _
<br /> � � and reeorded in-.Book......: ....:..:_ �� ........_ of �..:_:.... -..�..---.........:........at page....._ ...................... ....._.......... ... . yP�'.� :
<br /> �� . . �� . . t:;'�. :,�' '
<br /> ,ri . . � . . . . . .. �� . . � .._....Reg. of Deede .'.<.6 r�.. ..��.
<br /> ....................................... ........ ... ... ..
<br /> � . . . . . , . . � // � -, ..,�....:- . ,:
<br /> � � . . .. � � . � . . . . . . By......---...v......... .............:............... ........_....Deputy .
<br /> ; ....._
<br /> `^"t .. . . . . . . . . .
<br /> S
<br /> � �
<br />