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<br /> ORDINANCE N0. 6272 , ���'� '
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<br /> ` Aa ordinance creating Sanitary Seurer District No. 435 in the City of Grand Island, ��,��;"4�� Re
<br /> . .. ' . . . � . . . �t�Yl�h "��
<br /> Nebraska; de£ining the boundaries of the distzict; providing for the laying of a sanitary ,�''�z���,�^+��
<br /> �+ .�.��r;?�.�"�ts?
<br /> { ` � � � . . .�� r r�.-h s„(s
<br /> sewer main in said district; provid_ng or p2ans and speci£ications and securing bids; ���a���Sq����w
<br /> a�,
<br /> providing for plans and specifications and securing bids; providing £or [he assessment of fy��3�������
<br /> specisl taxes for constructing suck sewer and col?ectioa [hereof; and F � �y�� ;���
<br /> providing or the �x � ��
<br /> ef£ective date thereof. S � xkj .r�
<br /> o- s s v�-',-'��a
<br /> a �e� :
<br /> SECTION I. Sanitary Sewer District No. 435 of the City o£ Grand Island, :Iebzaska, is . � ����'�'�'
<br /> � � � - � '�,r t�s'.�r,,�.�;
<br /> hereby created £or the laying o: aa e:ght inch, or 20.32 cen[i�eters, vitri£ied clay pipe, y� �a �r,� �
<br /> or polyvinalchloride plascic pipe, and appurtenances thereto. �"� .�,�' �_��M
<br /> � . �*� rt���'�
<br /> SECTIOY 2. The boundaries of such sanitary sewer dzstrict shall be as £ollows: ,:� � �.�s� �'��a
<br /> . . . . . ''` a��,.1����'��i'ri
<br /> Segianing on the west lire of Shady Bend Road be±ng 40 £eet, or 12.192 r.:eters, �' k}�h��n'��'�*�u°
<br /> west of the section line in Shady 9end Road, and 340 £eet, oz 103.632 meters, ��1�� c ��:
<br /> north of the section line in See�ling :4i1e Road; thence running south on �'�,^�� S F�Y'"�.'
<br /> the west Iine of Shady Bend 8oad and its south prolongation for a discance A� � t ��.�`�
<br /> of 373 feet, or 117.69 meters, to the south line of Seedling .Sile Road, bein� ��r�,*;�r t7�.,���;
<br /> � � thencetrunni.n� westmoneasli:leuth of the secCion line in Seedlinq Mile� Road; � ''��.,M r'���?�� �,,
<br /> P para11e1 to and 33 feet, o_ 0.058 meters, t�r f�k �z �
<br /> south of the section line in Seedling Mile Road foz a distance of 306.52 w� � ^���
<br /> feet, or 93.243 meters, more or iess, to the soutti proloagation of che coest 3 ;� F r,��.
<br /> line of Von 0?ilen Second SubdivFsion; thenee -�:nning north on the south � ��'��
<br /> prolongation o f the west iae o_ Von Oh1en Second Subdivision for a discance g?�'"'"� �'' '
<br /> o f 3 7 3 f e e t, o r 1 1 3.6 9 r..e t e r s, t o t h e n or t S w e s c c o r n e r o f Von O h len Seccr.d � ��''�
<br /> Subdivision; ther.ce running easc on the north liae of Von Onlen Second Sub- �?'������" `°"
<br /> division for a distazce of 306.33 feec, or 93.369 mecers, co the northeast �'F
<br /> corner of Von 0?�len Second Subdivi:i o n, S e i n R t h e p o i n t o E be�inning, as s hown sR� ��""°',�`��,� �
<br /> on the olat marked �xhibit "A" atcached hereto aad incorporated herein by K �p {,�,,�� s�
<br /> reference. ' "rr �t �,.���r�
<br /> � a f`��sr`�'�
<br /> S E C TZ0.7 3. Said improvements sha12 be made in accordance with elans and speci£ications Gr' �trt�r�� ,
<br /> *c'�.rt°�"}a k�,2'���
<br /> prepared by the Engineer for the City who shall estimate the cost thereo�, and submit the � y� '�"r�s�` ^�
<br /> .. , . . s 1^: h ��,
<br /> same to the City Council, and epon aoproval of the sar.�e, bids far the construction of such < ' �'^+i�"��
<br /> �-,
<br /> sanitary sewer shall be taken and contracts entered into in the manner provided by law. ��u
<br /> . ����
<br /> S£CTION 4. The cost o£ construction oF such '_mprovements sha11 be assessed against � '�.-��
<br /> 'i��,t;
<br /> the property within the district abuttiag upon the street or other right-o�-way within which ;, ++t�.� `�`��
<br /> � � r t r +�r, : �.5��'.
<br /> such sanitary sewer main w_1.. be constructed w_thin suc4 sewerage dis.rict to the extent of Y,,, * � F�,,
<br /> : ,s���,',
<br /> c benefits to such property by zeason o_` such improvement, and a special tax sha?I be levied p4���
<br /> � Y �F�:"Fi
<br /> at one time to pay for such cost of constzuction as soon as can be ascertained, as proviZed ` ���,unr
<br /> bp law; and, provided £urther, such special tax and assessments sha11 constitute a sinkiag '"�� r` t>�,
<br /> £und £or the payment of any bonds with interest fssued for the purpose o� paying the cost o� � '"�'� ""
<br /> _ �
<br /> such sewer in such district; such spec±al assessmenzs shall be paid and collected ia a fuad � y��r
<br /> + �� � ��
<br /> to be designated and kr.own as the Sewer and Water Extension Fund, and out oF wh:ch alI c:arrants � �yU{,�
<br /> isaued £or the purpose of paying the cost o£ such saaitary sewer shall be paid. �� r�
<br /> u �Sc�
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