r -
<br /> STATE OF NEBI2ASKA, County of ........................................................:
<br /> Filed for record and entered in Numericsl Indez
<br /> '; on ............................................................ at................ o'clock ................ M.,
<br /> ' and recorded in Deed Record ............................. Page ............................
<br /> ,+ ..... ........................... ...».......... By ............................................................
<br /> ....... ...... ,
<br /> � -- Connty Clerk or Deputy Couaty Clerk or �
<br /> ;� Regiater of Deeds Deputq Register of Deede
<br /> � �$-' 0 01�t�0 QUITCLAIM DEED STAMP TAX
<br /> '' h4.",Fi � i978
<br /> � ��_eY?"�--
<br /> � SANDRA S. HEUPEL,
<br /> ' , hereia called the gtantor whether one or more,
<br /> .�
<br /> 4 in consideration ofdi solution of marriage and Property Settlement Agreement,
<br /> � dated , 1978,
<br /> received from gran ee, oes qurtc aim, grant, bargain, sell, convey and con4irm unto
<br /> hereia called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property in
<br /> .Hall ,,,,,,.,,,,, Countp, Nebraska: A tract o£ land comprising a part of the `
<br /> .........................................
<br /> Northeast Quarter o£ the Southeast Quarter (NE}SE�) of Section 1, Township 12, North� "
<br /> Range 12, West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as �
<br /> � follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Southeast Quarter, said point
<br /> being 99.64 Feet South of the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence Southerly
<br /> along the East line o£ said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 643.06 Feet; thence deflecting
<br /> right 66�35' and running Southwesterly, a distance of 149.95 Feet, to a point of curvature,
<br /> also being a paint on the Northeasterly right of way line of Fiighway No. 11; thence running
<br /> Northwesterly along said right of way line and on the arc of a curve whose radius is
<br /> 2,939.79 Feet, (the long chord of which de£lects right 86�29'47" from the last described
<br /> course), a long chord distance of 503.39 Feet; thence deflecting right 82�07'23" from the
<br /> long chord of the last described curve and runni.ng Northeasterly, a distance of 444.38
<br /> Feet to the place of beginning and containing 3.556 acres, more or less,
<br /> To hare and to hold tfie above described premises together with all tenements, hereditaments
<br /> and appurtenancea thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and asaigns forever.
<br /> Dated February 2 ) 19 78.
<br /> f
<br /> , �
<br /> .....................•-••........................................................... .. . . .... .. ..... .4,�:. ..�•-•..,f��L:.C.�¢�
<br /> an ra . eup�'
<br /> ........................•........................................................... .........................................._.........._..........................._....
<br /> STATE OF NEBS.ASKA, County of...........xa 11
<br /> Before me, a notary public qualified for eaid county, personally came
<br /> Sandra S. Heupel
<br /> i .
<br /> known to me ta be the identical pereon or peraons who aigned the
<br /> torego9ng inetrument and aclmowledged the ezecntioa thereof to be his, ���
<br /> her or their volnntary act and deed.
<br /> „-, VPitnens my hand an ota ' o ..............Februar_y ,z,7' , 1978 �
<br /> .. ...............
<br /> ............_..
<br /> � - �_ .:- �GEHERAL NOTARY-Stateef Ne6rastcn � � . . .
<br /> , T C. AND£ftSaPa ...... .... .. . .. .................... .................. Notary Pnbliu
<br /> _ '' ^.yco,,�,. �i,. � �.. a�ai I
<br /> , ,' [.-_. .____ '= `• � My oommiseion ez ires ..-f,�,�i. a.2......................, 19.1.f.�/
<br /> p _ 5..... .
<br />; ` Form 1.2 Approved by Nebrsaica StfltC BST AHSOCI8t30ri g��q�t Wdf p+.,LnaJn.Ns6�.
<br /> x_,>
<br />,
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